Award-Winning CFA Courses & Classes in Dallas Fort Worth, TX

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If you are planning to take the CFA, Varsity Tutors can provide you with a Dallas Fort Worth CFA course that you can complete online. The CFA or Chartered Financial Analyst is a credential given by the CFA Institute and demonstrates a person's strong understanding of advanced investment analysis and real-world portfolio management skills. The CFA test is known to be a very difficult exam yet there are still many aspiring candidates like students from the University of Texas - Dallas and the University of North Texas who take the test since passing it can be very rewarding to one's investment career. Through the Dallas Fort Worth CFA prep course, we can help you have a more convenient test prep experience and a comprehensive review from expert CFA instructors.

What are some of the topics a Dallas Fort Worth CFA class can cover?

The CFA is made up of three levels. You need to pass each Level in order to sit for the next. The Levels will test your know-how on topics such as ethics and professional standards, asset classes investment tools, and portfolio management and wealth planning. The CFA Institute offers all the three test Levels annually in June with an additional test date each year in December for the CFA Level I exam.

Level I is made up of 240 multiple-choice questions divided into two test sessions - morning and afternoon. You need to have a bachelor's degree and four years of full-time work experience to be eligible for the test. Level II has 120 multiple-choice questions which are also divided into a morning and afternoon test session. There are 18 vignettes with 6 questions each and 3 vignettes with 4 questions each. Level III is a mix of multiple-choice questions and essay questions. Like Level 1 and II, this part of the CFA is also divided into a morning and afternoon session.

In your Dallas Fort Worth CFA class, your instructor can give detailed discussions on the types of questions and topics covered in each level. The content, learning focus, and question format of the exam increases in complexity with each level. You can learn different test-taking strategies from your instructor and how to best approach this type of test.

What are the advantages of enrolling in a Dallas Fort Worth CFA?

The CFA course with Varsity Tutors offers many advantages that may not be present when doing self-study. For one, it is offered as an online course so this means you can have a very convenient way to prepare for the exam. You do not need to worry about how many hours you need to set aside for traveling to and from a physical school or review center. Also, since it is online, we are able to offer a wide range of course times. You can choose to study in the morning before you need to go to work or you can enroll in an evening course if you prefer to focus on your studies after your daytime commitments are done.

If you are worried about how you can ask questions to your instructors, you will be happy to know that the course is not only online but also live. You'll be in a virtual classroom with your instructor and other students and you will be able to ask questions and receive feedback instantly as if you were in a regular, physical classroom. If you are struggling with certain topics covered in the CFA, your instructor can help you out in the live class. All the instructors handling the courses are highly qualified and have many years of experience in preparing candidates for the CFA test so you can be sure you are in good hands throughout your test prep. If you would like to get extra help in making sense of topics that may be quite confusing, you also have the option to reserve a one-on-one session with your instructor. This personalized attention is another advantage of the course that may not be available in other courses or if you are studying on your own.

How can I enroll in a Dallas Fort Worth CFA?

Preparing for the CFA is a serious undertaking. You will need to devote many hours to studying for this exam which can be strenuous and frustrating especially if you don't know how to proceed with your review or what material to cover. Call Varsity Tutors today and sign up for a Dallas Fort Worth CFA course to start your review the right way.

Contact us today to connect with a top Dallas Fort Worth CFA instructor