Award-Winning CFA Courses & Classes in Ann Arbor, MI

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If you are looking for an Ann Arbor CFA prep course, Varsity Tutors can help. Whether you attended the University of Michigan or another institution, our CFA exam course can help anyone in the Ann Arbor area. We can help you to move toward your goal of becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst by helping you gain a more complete understanding of the material. Whether you are newly qualified to take the exam or you have considerable experience in the field already, a CFA prep course can help you refresh your knowledge before the exams.

What are some of the topics that will be covered in an Ann Arbor CFA course?

The CFA exam and its accompanying credential were designed to recognize professionals who have an advanced understanding of investment analysis and portfolio management skills. In order to qualify to sit for the first CFA exam, you need to have a bachelor's degree and four years of experience in a position that focuses on investments. Then, to sit for the second and third levels, you need to have passed the previous exam.

In order to become a CFA, you need to pass three exams. The questions on each exam vary based upon the level, but all three are based upon the same content areas. Some of the topics covered on the exam include quantitative methods, portfolio management, economics, derivative investments, and fixed incomes. The content of the exams changes every exam cycle but it is always based upon the same fundamental concepts.

Each level of the CFA exam is divided into two three-hour sessions. The structure of each level of the CFA exam is different. The first exam, Level One, consists of two three-hour sessions, each consisting of 120 multiple choice questions. The Level Two CFA exam includes sets of questions relating to vignettes, or case statements. The morning session includes 10 vignettes, and the afternoon session includes 11. The morning session of the Level Three CFA exam includes essay questions, and the afternoon session includes 11 vignettes questions.

When the exams are scored, test-takers are provided with a result of "pass" or "did not pass" instead of a numerical score.

What are the benefits of enrolling in an Ann Arbor CFA class?

The instructors for CFA exam courses are experts on the exam. This allows them to be able to talk you through the more complex elements of the exam. They can also speak from their own personal experience from taking the exams as they help you mentally prepare for the day of the exam.

Enrolling in an online course provides you with accountability, since you are studying alongside others. It also allows students to collaborate. Each student brings his or her own unique experience with the financial industry, which may help you to gain a better understanding of a concept you were previously struggling with. If you are confused about a topic, you can discuss it with your classmates and instructor to get clarification. If you are struggling with a particular topic, you can even request additional one on one help from your instructor.

An Ann Arbor CFA course is taken entirely online. This allows busy professionals to ensure that they can prepare for the exam without having to be in a classroom. The courses are conducted using the Live Learning Platform, which allows you to see and hear everything that your teachers and fellow students are saying and doing through video chat and a virtual whiteboard. The online nature of the course also means that it can be taken from anywhere that you have an internet connection.

Another key benefit that an instructor can provide is helping you learn how to pace yourself throughout the exam. They can teach you how to manage test-related anxiety and how to maintain focus for the entirety of the exam.

How do I enroll in an Ann Arbor CFA class?

Contact Varsity Tutors if you are interested in registering for a CFA prep course. Ann Arbor CFA courses are offered at a variety of times, and there are new sections starting each month. Whether you prefer to take a class in the morning, around lunchtime, or in the evening, you are sure to find a class that works with your schedule. Reach out to the educational consultants at Varsity Tutors to learn more about how an Ann Arbor CFA prep course can help you as you get closer to test day. We are looking forward to helping you move toward your goals.

Contact us today to connect with a top Ann Arbor CFA instructor