Award-Winning CPA Courses & Classes in Dayton, OH

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If you are in search of a Dayton CPA Exam prep course, Varsity Tutors can help. We can help aspiring public accountants enroll in CPA Exam classes that are taught by experienced instructors who know the format and contents of the exam well. Whether you have been studying accounting at Wright State University or another establishment in the area, we know you have been working hard. This exam will require you to have a firm grasp of all the concepts you have learned so far. Entering a convenient online course can provide you with a comprehensive review of the material you will find on the CPA exam. You can head into exam day feeling more confident in your abilities.

What are some things that a Dayton CPA Exam course can review?

The Uniform Certified Public Accountant Exam, or CPA, is a comprehensive exam that covers many topics. There are four main sections and multiple subsections. The sections include Auditing and Attestation, Business Environment & Concepts, Financial Accounting & Reporting, and Regulation. Each section will cover many concepts that you will need to know to successfully practice accounting as a professional. Each section has a four-hour time limit and varying amounts of questions. You will find multiple-choice questions as well as task-based simulations to complete. The Business Environment & Concepts section has three written communication questions, as well.

In addition to reviewing the contents of the exam, your instructor can also teach test-taking tips and strategies for the CPA Exam. The CPA Exam is large and will require you to answer questions promptly. Your instructor can help you develop time management skills so that you can adequately answer questions within the time limits of each section. The four hours for each section seems like a lot of time, but it can fly by if you're not used to keeping a steady pace during testing. Your instructor can also teach you tips to increase your speed if you find that you are falling behind on practice exams.

What are some benefits of enrolling in a Dayton CPA Exam class?

There are many benefits to studying for the CPA Exam with the help of a class. You get a comprehensive review of the material found on the exam. Your expert CPA instructor can hold discussions about forming conclusions and reporting or operations management. Your instructor may also break the class into smaller groups so you can participate in group activities. Working in groups allows you to learn things from the perspective of your peers while sharing your point of view with others. You'll get the chance to work with other aspiring CPAs who share the same passion for the subject as you do. Also, during a class, you can ask your questions and get feedback from your instructor and peers immediately.

You don't have to worry about finding the time to travel to a class because they're held online. This means that you don't have to waste time commuting to a physical location. You simply log into the Live Learning Platform from wherever you have a stable internet connection. You can use your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer to attend. You can hear, see, and interact with your peers and instructor as if they were right next to you. Also, you can use the whiteboard and video chat in the Live Learning Platform to enhance your learning experience. If at any point you find that you are struggling with topics like corporate governance or select transactions, you can request to meet one-on-one outside of the classroom with your instructor to get further clarification.

Your experienced instructor can use teaching aids including practice exams that mimic the real exam. Taking a practice exam allows you to get a feel for the content, format, and timing of the test. Your instructor may also choose to play educational games relating to the material or use other tools to keep you and your classmates engaged in the information.

How can I get started with Dayton CPA Exam preparation?

Feel free to reach out to Varsity Tutors today to enroll in a CPA Exam course. Because courses are held entirely online and offered at multiple times and on various days, you can fit a class into even the busiest schedule. If you can only take a class on a weekend or weeknight, that's fine because classes are held seven days a week. Plus, new class sections start each month, and you can choose either a two- or four-week session. Call today to get started. Educational consultants are waiting to help you.

Contact us today to connect with a top Dayton CPA instructor