Gerard Manley Hopkins
Lesson plans and teaching resources

Gerard Manley Hopkins
This page on the Victorian Web provides links to biography, background information, analysis of themes and images, and more.

Gerard Manley Hopkins
Poems online.

"God's Grandeur"
Downloadable audio file (1:36); click on the title for the text of the poem.

Background, analysis, and suggestions for responding to the poem.

Among the teaching resources here, don't miss the video. Pictures and audio help students visualize the poem.

"Pied Beauty"
Text of the poem, directions, and models for students to write a poem of their own based on the original.

"Pied Beauty" — Notes
A teacher's analysis and notes on the poem.

"Pied Beauty"
In this video Poetry Out Loud contestant Carolyn Rose Garcia recites the poem.

Gerard Manley Hopkins: "The Windhover"
Text of the poem with vocabulary support, writing ideas, discussion questions, and teaching tips.

"The Windhover"
Downloadable audio file (1:53).

Study Questions on Gerard Manley Hopkins
This page includes questions for writing and discussion for the following: "God's Grandeur," "The Starlight Night," "As Kingfishers Catch Fire," "Spring," "The Windhover," "Pied Beauty," "Hurrahing in Harvest," "Binsey Poplars," "Duns Scotus's Oxford," "Felix Randal," "Spring and Fall," "Carrion Comfort," "No Worst, There is None," "I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day," "That Nature Is a Heraclitean Fire and of the Comfort of the Resurrection," and "Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord."

Nearer, My God, to Thee: When poets get intimate with a higher power
Text of a sonnet by Donne ("If poisonous minerals, and if that tree …") and a sonnet by Gerard Manley Hopkins ("Thou art indeed just, Lord, if I contend…"). The page includes commentary and audio files of poet Robert Pinsky reading both.

"No worst, there is none. Pitched past pitch of grief."
Downloadable audio file of the poem with some introductory commentary (1:45). Click on the title for the text.

"Spring and Fall"
Downloadable audio file of the poem (1:15). Click on the title for the text.

Web Concordance: Gerard Manley Hopkins
Search for specific words in Poems, First Edition .