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All HSPT Verbal Resources
The High School Placement Test is a nationally recognized placement test required of eighth graders through eleventh graders who are considering attending a private high school. Consisting of almost 300 multiple-choice questions that must be completed in a two-and-a-half hour time frame, the HSPT can seem overwhelming to some. The test is divided into five main areas of study, including reading, language, quantitative, mathematics, and verbal. The verbal skills section of the HSPT is very challenging, and is comprised of 60 questions to be completed within a 16-minute time frame. It is important that your child dedicate some time to preparing for the test in order to perform at their highest level. Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offer a free online content-specific study experience that will help prepare your child for the verbal skills section of the test. One of the Learning Tools offered are online HSPT Verbal Flashcards. The flashcards are designed to provide a flexible learning experience for your child, giving them control over how much time they spend on each study session. Your child also has the ability to create an account to track their scores and create their own practice tests based on their Flashcards study experience.
The Flashcards tool offers a comprehensive HSPT Verbal review. The flashcards are divided into five main categories, including analogies, synonyms, antonyms, logic, and verbal skills. Within each of the five categories, more specific content can be found under each category’s subtopics. For instance, within the synonyms category, there are three subtopics, including synonyms in adjectives and adverbs, synonyms in nouns, and synonyms in verbs.
Your child will find HSPT Verbal sample questions on each flashcard. These sample questions simulate the actual test and are in multiple-choice format. Once your child has selected an answer to the multiple-choice question, the flashcard is flipped and the correct answer is revealed. The correct answer is followed by a detailed explanation as to why the answer is correct. To provide additional value, the HSPT Flashcards are programmed to automatically shuffle the multiple-choice answers each time your child reviews each set. Changing the order of the answers provides a more challenging and effective High School Placement Test Verbal review by avoiding the chance of useless memorization.
Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools designed for HSPT Verbal review include Learn by Concept, Practice Tests, and a Question of the Day. The Practice Tests are timed tests that provide scoring results upon completion. Practice Tests and Learn by Concept are similar to the online Flashcards, as they offer targeted review, whereas Full-Length Tests cover a broader range of content in exam-mimicking experience. The Question of the Day enables your child to do a little HSPT Verbal review each day. As your child reviews for the HSPT, using all of the Learning Tools together will provide your child with focused and comprehensive test preparation materials, allowing them to approach the test day with confidence and enthusiasm.
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