Award-Winning CPA Courses & Classes in Indianapolis, IN

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Varsity Tutors is ready to enroll you in an Indianapolis CPA exam course. Whether you've attended Marian University Indianapolis, Butler University, or another school nearby, aspiring certified public accountants can take a course to review the material they have learned in their business classes. The course is led by an expert instructor who is familiar with the format and content of the CPA exam. When you sign up to take a CPA exam course, you'll get plenty of practice as well as a boost of confidence you need to perform at your best.

What kinds of topics will the Indianapolis CPA exam course cover?

The Certified Public Accountant exam, or the CPA exam, is one part of the "Three Es" that future CPAs go through on the path to get their license. 55 jurisdictions in the United States and its territories require the CPA exam for licensure. The exam has four sections, and each section lasts for four hours. Over the course of 18 months, CPAs must take all four sections and pass them with at least a score of 75 or higher. The four sections are Business Environment and Concepts, Auditing and Attestation, Regulation, and Financial Accounting and Reporting.

Besides helping you review the content of the CPA exam, your class instructor can go over the format of the test. Each of the four sections varies in the amount of multiple-choice questions--from 62 to 76. The only section with a written communication component is Business Environment and Concepts, and it has three prompts. Your instructor can give you some test-taking strategies that can help you save time and work more efficiently. For example, they can show you techniques to eliminate the wrong answers in multiple choice questions right away. They can also teach you how to read the questions so you can work accurately and efficiently while you're taking the CPA exam.

Why should I enroll in an Indianapolis CPA exam class?

Reviewing for an exam on your own can be hard, but when you take our Indianapolis CPA exam class, you can see how the benefits pay off. An expert CPA exam instructor can give you a comprehensive review of the material you need to know. Your instructor can lead you and the other students through a discussion about the different concepts you'll need to know. For instance, if you don't understand financial statements as well as you should, your academic mentor can start a discussion on this topic. Your class might be broken up into smaller groups to do projects in class, such as how federal taxation of individuals works or to cover regulatory concerns.

An Indianapolis CPA exam class can give you the opportunity to work together with other students, and you'll see how much more you'll learn when you collaborate with others. You can discover more effective ways to study and review the material. When you're participating in group activities, you'll get feedback from not only your classmates but from your class instructor as well. You and the other students can learn from each other by asking questions about topics that you don't understand.

If you think you can't fit anything else into your busy schedule, finding a time to take a CPA prep course is easy. The flexibility of these courses gives you plenty of options to choose one that will fit into your busy life. One big time saver is not having to commute to a physical classroom. You'll attend the course through an online classroom. All you need is a safe and secure internet connection to use our Live Learning Platform. You can take the course from wherever you feel most comfortable whether that's your house, a coffee shop, or another public place of your choice. You'll be able to interact with the other students and your instructor using a video chat and a virtual whiteboard. If you still find yourself not understanding things like federal taxation of entities, you can ask your instructor for one-on-one help outside of class.

How do I sign up for the Indianapolis CPA exam prep course?

If you're interested in enrolling in an Indianapolis CPA exam course, contact the educational consultants at Varsity Tutors. They're ready to answer any questions you may have. With our online courses, you can choose from a two-week session or a four-week session. You can attend the course in the evening, during the day, or even on the weekend. New class sessions start monthly, so don't wait any longer to get started. Contact Varsity Tutors to get registered as soon as possible.

Contact us today to connect with a top Indianapolis CPA instructor