Award-Winning USMLE Courses & Classes in Jacksonville, FL

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Individuals seeking a Jacksonville USMLE course can find exactly that with assistance provided by Varsity Tutors. The USMLE, also known as the United States Medical Licensing Exam, is a test typically taken by those wishing to become medically licensed professionals in the United States. Odds are, you're looking to take this test while completing your coursework at the University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville or another local place of study. Instead of trying to prepare for the USMLE on your own, consider the guidance of a Jacksonville USMLE course.

What topics might a Jacksonville USMLE class cover?

The USMLE is a three-step process. Step 1 of the test is a 280-question multiple-choice portion, which is divided into 60-minute blocks. This test session takes an entire day. Most individuals take Step 1 at the end of their second year of medical school. Step 2 of the USMLE includes the Clinical Knowledge and the Clinical Skills sections. For the Clinical Knowledge section, students are asked 316 multiple-choice questions over the course of eight 60-minute blocks. This is also a one-day test session. The Clinical Skills portion of Step 2 deals with patient cases. Test takers are presented with 12 patient cases and given 15 minutes per patient encounter, plus 10 minutes to record each patient note. The Clinical Skills section is administered at six test centers in the United States: Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and two different facilities in Philadelphia. The Clinical Skills portion is composed of three subcomponents: spoken English proficiency, integrated clinical encounter, and communication and interpersonal skills. Most students take Step 2 in their fourth year of medical school. Step 3 is a two-day process, typically taken during the first or second year of postgraduate training. On the first day of Step 3, students are given a test with approximately 233 multiple-choice test questions, which are divided into six 60-minute blocks. Each portion contains about 40 questions. On the second day, students work through approximately 180 multiple-choice test questions, which are divided into six 45-minute blocks, and each contain about 30 questions. There are also 13 computer-based case simulations, which take 10 or 20 minutes of real time. If these portions of the USMLE sound overwhelming to you, don't worry. Instead, contact Varsity Tutors for help enrolling in a Jacksonville USMLE class.

How can I benefit from a Jacksonville USMLE prep course?

Preparing for the USMLE doesn't have to be difficult. Participating in a prep course allows you to focus your study time on your USMLE materials. Instead of trying to go it alone and encountering distractions or confusion, you can work through a course and enjoy interactive, online lessons. The instructor leading your course is skilled when it comes to the USMLE. Not only do they understand the test materials, but they also have a firm grasp of how to educate students at all stages of the USMLE test-taking process. Feel comfortable and confident in your Jacksonville USMLE course.

Thanks to the live, online platform, you can ask questions of your USMLE instructor in real time and benefit from direct replies that are quick and relevant to your current course curriculum. Not only can you enjoy these perks, but so can your peers. Students can interact with one another during course sessions for a communicative and collaborative learning environment. If you are the type of person who learns best when working with others, a USMLE course is for you.

The USMLE is a comprehensive test with several sections. If you find yourself struggling with some of the areas of this exam, think about enrolling in a USMLE course. When doing so, you may receive a deeper understanding of the gastrointestinal system, the respiratory system, the musculoskeletal system, and so on. Each course is designed to help students grow their confidence in their test-taking skills.

How can I enroll in a Jacksonville USMLE class?

Starting your USMLE class is a breeze. We offer online classes that meet on your watch. If you're currently enrolled in medical school, you're likely busy. Sign up for a class that meets during your free time, whether that's during the mornings, afternoons, evenings, or weekends.

Another perk of the online platform is that you don't have to worry about wasting time commuting. Instead, you can simply open up your laptop, connect to the internet, and learn from wherever you are. No matter what stage you're at in the process of studying for the USMLE, reach out to Varsity Tutors to get started with a Jacksonville USMLE course today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Jacksonville USMLE instructor