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Varsity Tutors can help you study for the GRE with one of several in-depth Las Vegas GRE prep options available. The GRE is a comprehensive standardized test that is usually taken by individuals who are getting ready to apply to graduate school programs. For example, you may decide to take the GRE if you're getting ready to graduate from a school like the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Doing well on the GRE could help you get into more competitive graduate programs.

Still, doing well on the GRE is something that is easier said than done. The exam is comprehensive and tests on a variety of different academic subjects. If you think that you would benefit from getting an expert's guidance during the test preparation process, then consider reaching out to Varsity Tutors today to get started with an exam prep option that fits your needs. In the sections below, you'll find more information on the format and content of the GRE as well as the specific ways that Varsity Tutors can help you prepare for it.

What's tested on the GRE?

The GRE was created with the purpose of helping graduate school programs to assess how prepared their applicants are for success at the graduate level of study. With this goal in mind, the exam is split into three different sections. These sections focus on the skills of Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning. You'll need to devote time toward preparing for each of these sections if you want to feel confident and prepared on the day of your GRE exam.

On the Analytical Writing section, you'll be asked to respond to two tasks. First, you'll need to analyze an argument and second, you'll need to analyze an issue. These tasks will be carried out in the written form rather than responding to multiple-choice questions. You'll be given a total of 60 minutes to respond to both tasks and your work will be graded on a scale of 0 to 6. The score you receive will be based on things like the quality of your writing and the strength of the analysis you create within your responses.

Next, you'll take the GRE's Verbal Reasoning section. This part of the exam has two different sections that each contain 20 questions. You'll be given an additional 60 minutes to work through the Verbal Reasoning sections and will be graded on a 130 to 170 point scale. This part of the exam features questions based on reading comprehension and other related skills. For example, you may need to do things like analyzing partial texts to reach conclusions, identifying the weaknesses and strengths of written passages, and interpreting meaning based on context.

Finally, the last portion of the GRE focuses on Quantitative Reasoning. This test section assesses the test-takers math skills as well as their ability to use logic and problem-solving skills to answer questions while using quantitative methods. The content of the Quantitative Reasoning section focuses on core math subjects like data analysis, geometry, and algebra. There are also two sections of Quantitative Reasoning on the GRE, and these feature twenty questions each. The scoring scale is also 130 to 170 points and you'll have one hour and ten minutes to complete your work.

As a final point on the content and structure of the GRE, you should also be aware that the exam features an Experimental Section that does not count towards your final score. This is usually embedded within the Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning sections so you won't know which part of the exam is experimental and which counts towards your final score. That's why it's important to take the entire GRE seriously on the day of your exam.

How can Varsity Tutors help you prepare for the GRE?

Las Vegas GRE preparation can help you get more out of your study sessions in the lead up to your GRE exam. You can choose from taking a Las Vegas GRE prep course or working with a private tutor. There are unique benefits that are associated with both of these options so you may be drawn to one or the other depending on your learning style and test goals. Keep reading for a more detailed look at both of these Las Vegas GRE prep options.

First, you may be interested in working with a Las Vegas GRE tutor. This is a great test preparation supplement because it gives you the chance to work directly with your instructor for a series of one-on-one lessons. Since tutoring is an individualized learning opportunity, your educator can work with you to create a study plan that is specifically targeted with your growth in mind. You'll be able to spend more time on the GRE content that you're struggling with and can move quickly through topics that you already understand.

Tutoring is also a flexible learning opportunity. When you contact us to find a tutor, we'll make every effort to connect you with instructors who can work around your existing schedule. This means that we can find you an instructor to work with individually without having to make too many sacrifices in the other important parts of your life. Consider reaching out to us today if you're interested in working with a GRE tutor.

Or, you may be more interested in taking a Las Vegas GRE prep class. This could be the correct GRE supplement for you if you've previously enjoyed the traditional classroom learning experience. Your course will take place on a live virtual learning platform and will be taught by an experienced GRE instructor. You'll also learn alongside a group of peers who you can interact with throughout your course sessions. If you're having trouble with one of the GRE topics covered in your course, you can even sign up to work with your instructor individually to get extra assistance. Courses are also flexible and come in two and four-week formats. New courses start weekly so you can check in with us to find the right one for your needs.

How can you get started with the learning plan of your choice?

If you'd like to begin a Las Vegas GRE prep plan, then you can easily do so by contacting Varsity Tutors directly. We can help you pick out the GRE supplement that is the right fit for your needs and can then get you started with it quickly. We'd love to help you get more out of your test preparation process and hope to start working with you soon.

Contact us today to connect with a top Las Vegas GRE instructor