Award-Winning CPA Test Prep in Los Angeles, CA

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Varsity Tutors can set aspiring public accountants up with an online Los Angeles CPA Exam prep class or private tutor that can help you progress toward your license. The CPA Exam is administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). If you're facing this test, it can be useful to review all of the information that the exam will cover, particularly if you haven't thought about some of them in a while. Whether you'd rather sign up for an online class or study with a private mentor, you can enjoy a more thorough review of the exam than you might get on your own.

What kind of topics will be covered during the Los Angeles CPA Exam prep?

The Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam serves as an assessment of the skills you will need to have in order to work as a public accountant. Known as one of the "Three E's" necessary for obtaining a CPA license, you will need to complete this exam within an 18-month window to practice. In all, there are four sections, each of which has a four-hour time limit. The sections are Auditing and Attestation; Business Environment and Concepts; Financial Reporting and Reporting; and Regulation. There is a combination of question formats on this test: multiple-choice questions, essay response, and task-based simulations. Thorough preparation can help you build your confidence for the exam, as well as review the information you learned while studying accounting at institutions like the University of California - Los Angeles, Loyola Marymount University, or other area schools.

You can engage in a test review that is convenient and effective. Whether you opt to enroll in a class or work with a private mentor, you can go over economic concepts, risk assessment and planning, and information technology, among many others. During the Los Angeles CPA Exam prep, you can explore beyond the content on the test. Your instructor can help you become more familiar with the examination software functions, as you will need to be able to use it on the day of the test. In addition, they can utilize the Uniform CPA Exam Tutorial and Sample Tests to assess your abilities and help you understand where you need to focus.

What are the advantages of the different types of Los Angeles CPA Exam prep?

There are two types of CPA Exam prep that we can set you up with: online classes and one-on-one instruction. While most students find that one method appeals to their learning preferences over another, some opt to participate in a combination of both. Each offers a variety of unique benefits; however, regardless of your decision, you can rely on a trusted instructor who can provide accurate information. Let's take a deeper look at the difference between each learning opportunity.

Perhaps you enjoy learning with others who share the same goal as you. You can enroll in an online Los Angeles CPA Exam prep course, which is conducted entirely through our Live Learning Platform. Simply log into the virtual classroom to engage with your instructor and peers using video chat and an online whiteboard. You can interact with your peers and teacher in the same way you would in a physical location. Courses allow you to study collaboratively, whether you are taking a course in the Financial Accounting and Reporting test or you've enrolled in a course focusing on the Auditing and Attestation test. If you need clarification on any issue, you can request some one-on-one time between sessions to work through the challenges you face.

On the other hand, some students thrive under the personalized attention of a private mentor. We can connect you with an expert Los Angeles CPA Exam tutor who understands how to appeal to your learning needs. Private tutoring follows a customized lesson plan that encompasses the topics of the exam which you find the most challenging. Your mentor can take your learning personality, interests, testing goals, strengths, and areas of opportunity to develop lessons that can support your study efforts. In a distraction-free environment, your instructor can incorporate activities and materials that can keep you engaged as you study.

How can I get set up with Los Angeles CPA Exam preparation?

Varsity Tutors can help you sign up for excellent Los Angeles CPA Exam prep that can fit readily into your schedule, whether you're juggling work, school, or anything else. Online classes and tutoring can allow busy students to go after their professional goals. Contact our educational consultants to get set up with the test review option that can take your studies to the next level.

Contact us today to connect with a top Los Angeles CPA instructor