Award-Winning ISEE Test Prep in Oklahoma City, OK

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If you're seeking entrance to an independent or private school for your student, Varsity Tutors can connect you with ISEE prep help in Oklahoma City. Many independent and private schools in the U.S. require students to take the Independent School Entrance Examination to be considered for admission. Since admissions offices consider your student's score on this test, it is important to their education future that they do their best. We can connect you with an Oklahoma City ISEE prep course or a tutor that can help your student reach for their goals and help them prepare for this important test.

What Can Oklahoma City ISEE Prep Review with My Student?

We can connect you with Oklahoma City ISEE preparation that can cover all topics and skills your student will need to perform well on the test. There are four versions of the ISEE: Primary, Lower, Middle, and Upper Level. Students entering 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade take the Primary Level ISEE. Students entering 5th or 6th grade are given the Lower Level ISEE. For entrance into 7th or 8th grade, students take the Middle Level, and for entrance into 9th grade or above, students take the Upper-Level ISEE. Let us give you a little information on what skills each level assesses for.

The Primary Level has 3 versions: Primary 2, 3, and 4. If your student is entering 2nd grade, they will take Primary 2, the 3rd grade they will take Primary 3, and 4th grade they will take Primary 4. There are three sections of the Primary Level ISEE.

The Reading section is multiple-choice questions that assess your student's reading comprehension and grade-appropriate vocabulary.

The Math section is made up of multiple-choice questions that assess your student's mathematical abilities, including basic math operations at a grade-appropriate level.

The Writing Sample requires your student to write a response that tells a story about a picture they are shown. The sample is not scored but is provided to the schools to give them a glimpse of your student's writing ability, personality, and creativity.

The Level 2 version is the only one that has the Auditory Comprehension section. This section is only 6 questions with which your student has 7 minutes to answer. Students listen to passages and answer questions based on their content. There are fiction and nonfiction topics in this section.

The Lower Level ISEE has 5 sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Math Achievement, and Essay. Each section is used to assess different skills needed to be successful in an independent school.

The Verbal Reasoning section is 40 multiple-choice questions, and your student is given 20 minutes to answer them all. Your student will need to know how to use context clues to complete a sentence and vocabulary commonly found in elementary and middle school word lists.

The Quantitative Reasoning section is administered in 35 minutes and consists of 37 questions. Your student will need to know the concepts of numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, identifying characteristics of geometric objects, and finding the probability of a simple event.

The Reading Comprehension section is also administered in 35 minutes, and your student must answer 36 questions. They will need to know how to find and use information from passages to answer questions, how to find the main idea, and how to locate important information in a written passage.

Your student has 40 minutes to answer 47 questions in the Math Achievement section. This section focuses on simple operations, estimation, working with decimals, percentages, and fractions. It also focuses on patterns, basic 2- and 3-dimensional figures, and symmetry.

Finally, the Essay section is allotted 30 minutes to complete. Your student will be provided a prompt on a topic of interest to students at the elementary school level. This gives students the chance to tell a prospective school more about themselves.

The Middle and Upper Levels of the ISEE include the same sections as the Lower Level and are administered in the same amount of time. The only differences between the Lower, Middle, and Upper Levels are the difficulty of the questions. The amount of knowledge and skill that are assessed in each level increases as the student progresses in their education.

How Can My Student Get Help Reaching for Their Goals with Oklahoma City ISEE Prep?

There are many ways that your student can get help reaching for their goals with Oklahoma City ISEE prep. We can connect you with an Oklahoma City prep class that can help your student through live online classes. When you enroll your student in a class, they will participate in online classes with peers and an expert instructor. Students can improve their information retention and skills by learning in a collaborative setting. Your student can also learn new techniques and skills for learning from interacting with their peers and from asking questions in class. If your student requires additional assistance, they can schedule one-on-one time with their instructor. These prep classes are specifically designed to assist your student as they prepare to take the ISEE.

You may prefer to connect with a professional Oklahoma City ISEE tutor to help your student. Students can receive individualized attention and get a personalized learning experience. A tutor can help your student prepare online using our Live Learning Platform. By working in a one-on-one setting, your student can ask as many questions as they need to better their understanding of a topic or concept. A professional tutor can learn your student's individual goals, needs, and personality. They can create a learning plan for your student that focuses on their needs. They can also allow more time to focus on challenging concepts for your child, and less time on the concepts they easily comprehend.

Whether you choose to connect with one or both of these online options, you and your student can have the flexibility to learn from anywhere and choose the option that best fits your schedules.

How Do I Get Started with Oklahoma City ISEE Prep for My Student?

Varsity Tutors is the place for you if you want to connect with professional tutors or enroll your student in prep classes in Oklahoma City that can help your student try to improve their performance on the ISEE. Your student's education is very important to you, so contact us today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Oklahoma City ISEE instructor