Award-Winning USMLE Test Prep in Philadelphia, PA

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Let Varsity Tutors help you study for the United States Medical Licensing Exams by connecting you with engaging Philly USMLE prep programs. If you're an aspiring doctor currently enrolled in medical school, you'll need to pass the USMLE before you can actually practice medicine. This assessment is a comprehensive, multi-exam assessment that's used to determine whether you're able to hold a medical license or not. Many students find the USMLE to be one of the most challenging assessments they've prepared for, and because of that, it's often a major source of stress and anxiety for a lot of medical students. Even pupils enrolled in institutes like Drexel University College of Medicine, the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, and Temple University School of Medicine have struggled with the USMLE. One way you can reduce this stress and prepare for your exams more efficiently is by enrolling in a Philadelphia USMLE prep class or working with a private tutor.

What concepts will be covered during Philadelphia USMLE prep?

There are two different prep programs offered for the USMLE, and choosing the right one depends on your personal learning preferences and your goals and expectations. The two programs offered are private tutoring and enrolling in a virtual USMLE prep class. Regardless of which learning style you choose, you'll be given the opportunity to review everything that's covered on the tests.

Because of how comprehensive the USMLE is, the assessment is broken up into three different sections known as Steps, and Steps 2 and 3 are further divided into two subsections. In total, it will take you five days to complete all three Steps of the USMLE. When combined, the exams assess your knowledge and understanding of all scientific and medical concepts covered in medical school. Things like Behavioral Health, the Nervous System and Special Senses, and the General Principles of Foundational Science are but a few topics you'll encounter in the prep programs and on the actual USMLE.

Step 1 is a 280-multiple choice assessment that looks at your knowledge of basic science. Here, you'll be expected to answer questions by drawing upon your scientific knowledge and applying that knowledge practically in a medical setting. Step 2 consists of two sections, Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills. Both contain clinical-related problems, but the Clinical Skills portion requires you to attend to 12 patient cases, where you'll be expected to record medical notes and solve problems effectively. Many students struggle with this part of the USMLE because you're only given 15 minutes to correspond with each patient, and you only have 10 minutes-per-patient to record your notes. Fortunately, a Philadelphia USMLE prep program can help you mentally prepare for this section of the test, as well as give you important time management skills so that you're able to complete the assignment in the allotted time.

Finally, there's Step 3. This two-part essay requires you to apply your medical knowledge practically, in a hospital setting. It's important that you perform well in this section because Step 3 is often used to assess how well you can practice medicine in an unsupervised environment.

What are the benefits of the different types of Philadelphia USMLE prep?

Are you someone who enjoys working privately with an instructor that can dedicate their time solely to you? If so, we can set you up with a private tutor who can build a USMLE study program with your strengths, weaknesses, and preferred learning styles in mind. This is also perfect for students who want to hone in on specific elements, like the Male and Female Reproductive Systems or Epidemiology while glossing over concepts they've already mastered.

The USMLE prep class puts you inside a virtual classroom, where you follow the curriculum taught by a professional instructor. Lessons will be conducted over the Live Learning Platform with video chat and virtual whiteboards. This learning medium promotes teamwork and collaboration, which means you'll be given an opportunity to share ideas and solve problems with peers as you all learn important concepts. And if you happen to fall behind on a specific part of the lesson, you can even schedule personal time with the instructor for additional help.

How can I get set up with Philadelphia USMLE preparation?

Tired of the same textbooks and generic study guides? Contact Varsity Tutors and ask for more information about the Philadelphia USMLE prep programs. An educational consultant can answer any questions you have and help you determine which is the right program for you.

Contact us today to connect with a top Philadelphia USMLE instructor