Award-Winning SSAT Courses & Classes in Pittsburgh, PA

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Varsity Tutors can assist with your student's enrollment in an online Pittsburgh SSAT preparation course. The SSAT is an exam that is given to students that seek admission to an independent or private school the following school year for grades four through twelve. The test will cover the primary subjects of reading, mathematical, and verbal skills in which the results are used by the institution to compare and assess applicants. It is essential that your student, no matter what age or educational level, is thoroughly prepared on test day. Online Pittsburgh SSAT courses provide students with an in-depth review of testing materials which could be beneficial to their final score.

For a general review of the SSAT, the Middle and Upper Level has a total of six sections: Writing Sample, Quantitative 1 and 2, Reading, Verbal, and Experimental. The Elementary Level has a total of five sections; the Quantitative section only appears once. Another difference between the Elementary and the Middle and Upper Levels is how the SSAT is scored. Elementary Level students are encouraged to guess whereas Middle and Upper-Level students will receive a penalty for the wrong answer. For all levels of the SSAT, the Writing and Experimental sections are not scored. When students are working through their Quantitative prospective sections of the exam, calculators or any similar tools are not allowed. Students are expected to use specific skills that relate to the question to find the correct answer to the problem.

What materials are covered in an online Pittsburgh SSAT course?

The Pittsburgh SSAT prep course will cover the materials, including topics and concepts, that are included on the test. Not only will your student's instructor provide a thorough and detailed review of testing content, but they will also offer practice with test-taking skills, tips, and address how students can become the most comfortable before and throughout the SSAT. Because the instructors are considered experts in regards to online learning and education, your student will be able to ask their instructor for further independent assistance outside of the course. The Pittsburgh SSAT course will help your student with multiple resources that enhance their preparation. Now let's review the testing levels and materials that are on the SSAT.

The Elementary Level of the SSAT is for children who are going to begin the fourth and fifth grades the following year. Starting with the Verbal section, this portion of the exam will entail topics and subjects about the ability to identify the nuances of word meanings including the understanding of language and word relationships. Moving to the Writing section, your student has to write a short story that relates to a picture. Within this section, your student will have to demonstrate their current knowledge of specific skills that relate to various elements of English. Common language-related concepts that are tested include spelling, grammar, punctuation, and essay organization. When your student arrives at the Reading section, they will encounter questions that focus on reading comprehension. Several topics and concepts that the test will measure within the Reading section are the identification of main ideas in writing, information recognition, and the identification of literal and non-literal functions of particular words. Finally, the Quantitative section, which includes elementary-level mathematical skills, refers to fractions, multiplication, addition, number order, subtraction, division, and shapes.

The Middle Level has the same testing section titles as the Elementary and Upper Levels, but the test contents are for students in fifth through seventh grades. The Quantitative section of the Middle Level of the SSAT is to test skills that relate to mathematics. A few of the subjects your student will be tested on include geometry, elementary algebra, and arithmetic. Once your student enters the Reading section, they will have to reflect their skills to interpret narrative and argumentative written passages. Topics, main ideas, and concepts that are on the exam will include finding details, identifying main ideas, tone, and attitude. As your student navigates through the test, they will arrive at the Verbal Section. The understanding of language, nuances in word meanings, and word relationships are all topics that your student will see on the SSAT. The least section for the Middle Level asks your student to create a written story from one of two prompts and will challenge skills that directly relate to writing and grammar.

The Upper Level of the SSAT testing categories is directed towards students who are beginning and are currently attending high school. The grade levels that make up the Upper Level are eight through eleven. Starting with the Quantitative Sections, each part of the section will measure your student's mathematical comprehension and various skills. Line equations, word problems, fractions, and graphing capabilities are concepts and topics that your student will encounter. When the Reading section appears, multiple subjects such as science, humanities, the interpretation of literary fiction, and social studies will be included in the testing material. Upper-Level students are also required to provide a writing sample which forces them to use their English skills to provide a written response to one of two prompts. Some of the concepts to know are essay organization, the ability to support a written statement with examples, and persuasive writing techniques. The final section for Upper-Level SSAT students is Verbal which will measure the understanding of synonyms and analogies within texts.

Are there benefits to the Pittsburgh SSAT class?

Yes. There are multiple benefits to enrolling your student in a Pittsburgh SSAT class. The convenience of the online accessibility eliminates travel time, allows students to participate in class from virtually anywhere, and provides more preparation resources. New classes begin every week. A beneficial quality that makes the Pittsburgh SSAT class accessible is the opportunity to select the duration of your student's classes. Parents are asked to choose from 2-week or 4-week class sessions.

How can I get more information about a Pittsburgh online class?

When you visit Varsity Tutors online, you will connect with an educational consultant that can provide more information about an online Pittsburgh SSAT class and the enrollment process. Various class times, including weekends, are available and will fit into your student's busy schedule. Don't hesitate; call Varsity Tutors today.

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