1st Grade Science : Design a device using light to communicate over a distance

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Example Questions

Example Question #11 : Communication With Light And Sound

Jeanette was asked to design a device using light that would help keep people safe. Which successful, existing object should she research and model her design after?

Possible Answers:


Traffic light

Stop sign

Correct answer:

Traffic light


Jeanette should use the traffic light as a model for her design. It is a successful device that uses lights to keep people safe and could be a good way for her to come up with ideas for her design.

Example Question #11 : Communication With Light And Sound

Fireflies use their lighted bellies to communicate with other insects. Shelby has to create a device using light to communicate. Which object would be best to start with?

Possible Answers:

A radio

A flashlight

A mirror

Correct answer:

A flashlight


The best object to start with if designing a device that uses light for communication would be the flashlight. The flashlight can be seen long distances, turned on and off, and can be flashed to send messages. A radio is excellent for communicating with sound but not light, and a mirror reflects light, but it doesn't make it's own light if you needed to communicate at night.

Example Question #1 : Design A Device Using Light To Communicate Over A Distance

A new restaurant, "Yummy Tacos", is opening and wants to attract new customers. They have asked you to design a device that will say the restaurant's name over a distance using light. Which answer choice has the best design plan?

Possible Answers:

A giant taco statue with a light shining on it

A bright sign that lights up from the inside and says "Yummy Tacos" in big, bold letters

Light-colored posters hung up around town, telling people about the new restaurant

Correct answer:

A bright sign that lights up from the inside and says "Yummy Tacos" in big, bold letters


The best design plant would be "A bright sign that lights up from the inside and says "Yummy Tacos" in big, bold letters" because it would meet the design requirements. It would attract customers, be easy to see, uses light, and can be seen from a distance. Stores and restaurants use light to attract customers with their street signs, open signs, and colorful decorative lights.

Example Question #2 : Design A Device Using Light To Communicate Over A Distance

How could you improve the design of the lights in this photo to help the plane land safely?

Jet, Landing, Plane, Sunset, Light

Possible Answers:

More lights, brighter lights, and put them on both sides

Dimmer lights, shorter poles, and fewer lights

Lights on both sides that are rainbow colors

Correct answer:

More lights, brighter lights, and put them on both sides


The lights on the runway are intended to communicate where the safe place is for the plane to land. If it were to be improved, there could be more lights, brighter lights, and they could be added to both sides. Planes landing at night rely on these lights to get passengers to the ground safely. Part of the design process is making improvements on existing devices.

Example Question #1 : Design A Device Using Light To Communicate Over A Distance

What is an example of an everyday light source that sends a message?

Possible Answers:

Elevator buttons lighting up when you press them

All of the answer choices are correct

Crosswalk screens lighting up when it is safe to cross

Correct answer:

All of the answer choices are correct


Both crosswalk screens and elevator buttons use light to send us a message. We can tell if the elevator is going up or down based on the lights, if the button for our floor has been pressed, or if the elevator is stuck based on the lights. A crosswalk will show us a hand or a walking figure when we need to stop or if it is safe to cross. It will also count down, so we know how long we have.

Example Question #3 : Design A Device Using Light To Communicate Over A Distance

A lighthouse was designed to help sailors at sea. It tells them where the land is so they can keep their boats away from the rocks and shore.

Lighthouse, Light, Sea, Beacon, Coast

What is a similar device that has been designed using light to communicate over a distance?

Possible Answers:

A flashlight waved at night to help someone land a plane

A lightbulb in a bedroom lamp

A candle to help you read a book when the power goes out

Correct answer:

A flashlight waved at night to help someone land a plane


Waving a flashlight at night is a similar device to the lighthouse shining out to sea at night. Planes land in the dark and need to see the runway edges so they can line the plane up. Workers who wave the flashlights help keep the passengers and crew safe by letting the plane know where to land.

Example Question #17 : Communication With Light And Sound

A light wave can be used to send messages.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



This is a true statement. Light is used to communicate and send messages every day. Everyday crosswalk signs, lighthouses, traffic lights, and so many more help to send messages to people all around. Light is made of waves, and we can use these waves to keep people safe and pass information.

Example Question #1 : Design A Device Using Light To Communicate Over A Distance

How could your teacher use a device like the traffic light in the classroom to help you with your work?

Traffic Lights, Road Sign, Red, Yellow

Possible Answers:

There is no way a teacher could use lights in the classroom as a traffic light does

Shine a red light to stop working, a green light to start working, and a yellow light for time is almost up

The teacher could get three different colored lights and shine them all around the room to create a dance party

Correct answer:

Shine a red light to stop working, a green light to start working, and a yellow light for time is almost up


The traffic light's purpose is to keep us safe and help drivers know when to go, slow down, or stop. You or your teacher could design a similar device to use in the classroom. The teacher could shine a red light to stop working, a green light to start working, and a yellow light for time is almost up. This would communicate the messages a teacher might share with light rather than sound.

Example Question #4 : Design A Device Using Light To Communicate Over A Distance

Aly's teacher posts letters and words all over the room and she gives each student a laser pointer. She tells them she wants them to spell their name or pass a message to her without talking. What can the students do to communicate with only light?

Possible Answers:

Point at the letters or words with the laser to spell out the message

Shine the laser at their friends and the teacher

Get up and touch the letters or words to spell out the message

Correct answer:

Point at the letters or words with the laser to spell out the message


This is an excellent example of how light can be used to communicate messages! Aly can use her laser pointer like a finger and point at the letters to spell her name or words to send the class a message. Without using sound, Aly can communicate to her teacher what she is thinking with this simple device!

Example Question #5 : Design A Device Using Light To Communicate Over A Distance

Morse code uses clicks and flashes of light to send coded messages. You want to create a secret language with your brother. How could you use a device like a simple lamp to pass messages and communicate secretly?

Possible Answers:

Turn the lamp off and whisper across the room to each other

Pass the lamp back and forth and only the person holding it is allowed to talk and share

Come up with a code for turning the lamp on and off for different amounts of time for words or letters

Correct answer:

Come up with a code for turning the lamp on and off for different amounts of time for words or letters


You and your brother could come up with a secret code to communicate using a device like a lamp. Two clicks could mean no, one-click yes, and so on until you have a whole language. Messages are passed with light every day, thus creating your device to communicate is something that anyone can design.

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