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All AP US Government Resources
AP U.S. Government and Politics is a college-level course open to high school students. Completion of the course allows students to accrue college credits prior to high school graduation or to take advantage of advanced college placement. If you are taking AP U.S. Government and Politics and need a little study help, you’ll find a helpful online resources in Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools flashcards. With over a thousand AP U.S. Government and Politics flashcards available, you can practice concepts as you go or review the entire curriculum at once.
AP U.S. Government and Politics covers six important topics, like Constitutional Underpinnings, Political Beliefs and Behaviors, Institutions of National Government, Public Policy, and more. You will need to demonstrate your knowledge and comprehension of the curriculum by passing the advanced placement exam. The test is timed, and both sections must be completed in 2 hours and 25 minutes. Since the time limit allows just less than a minute to read, comprehend, and answer each of 60 multiple-choice questions, it is imperative that you have a solid grasp on important principles and facts. AP U.S. Government and Politics online flashcards provide the perfect tool to memorize all the material you’ll need to know for the exam.
Learning Tools provide a comprehensive collection of flashcards that directly correspond to the required curriculum of AP U.S. Government and Politics. Each flashcard contains a question associated with the subject, and you will receive immediate feedback following your response, as well as a more descriptive explanation of the related concept. The flashcards are arranged by category and further narrowed by subcategory, so you can review specific topics as needed. If you need more practice on a section, just repeat the drill until you are confident of the material and ready to tackle the next category. You can even add unique questions and develop your own set of free flashcards online with the flashcard builder.
In addition to the multitude of flashcards, Learning Tools offer a variety of helpful AP U.S. Government and Politics resources. Full-Length Practice Tests span the entire course curriculum and allow you to identify areas that need further study time. There are also over a hundred shorter Practice Tests available for focus on more specific categories, and you can even create your own tests to make your study time more effective. Other helpful features include Learn by Concept, an interactive syllabus, and Question of the Day, which provides randomized quiz questions over the course material. With a variety of study tools, you can customize your AP Government and Politics review to best suit your learning style and study objectives.
Finding time to study isn’t always easy, but with Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools, you can access helpful study aids anywhere an Internet or data connection is available. You can even download Learning Tools’ app for a more convenient mobile experience. By registering for a free Learning Tools account, you can log in to access your personalized Learning Tools from anywhere.