AP World History : Philosophies and Ideologies 600 CE to 1450

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Example Question #1 : Philosophies And Ideologies 600 Ce To 1450

The language of ancient Egypt evolved and changed greatly over thousands of years, ____________________.

Possible Answers:

until it was replaced by Hittite following the battle of Kadesh

until it was replaced by Arabic at the beginning of the 7th century

until it was replaced by French following Napoleon's invasion

until it was replaced by Greek following the visit of Alexander the Great

until it was conquered by the Roman Empire and Egyptian was replaced with Latin

Correct answer:

until it was replaced by Arabic at the beginning of the 7th century


The ancient Egyptian language change and evolved, but only became extinct after the conquest of Arabic speakers during the 7th century.

Although the Egypt had been a province of both the western and eastern Roman empires, Latin never replaced Egyptian as a language of the masses.

Alexander the Great visited Egypt before his Asian invasion, but that had no effect on Egypt's language.

The Egyptians won a (costly) victory at Kadesh against the Hittites; it did not change the language of Egypt.

French was never widely spoken by Egyptian's even during Napoleon's invasion.

Example Question #171 : Ap World History

Scholastic theology, in the Medieval period, was primarily concerned with __________.

Possible Answers:

teaching and rationally disproving the existence of God

interpreting the Bible and applying it to earthly affairs

explaining the meaning of life and the purpose of existence

teaching and rationally proving the existence of God

teaching the history of religious thought and the diversions between various branches of Christianity

Correct answer:

teaching and rationally proving the existence of God


Scholastic theology developed in the monastic approach to education and theology that was prevalent in Europe throughout the Medieval period. Scholastic theology was primarily concerned with teaching and rationally proving the existence of God.

Example Question #1 : Philosophies And Ideologies 600 Ce To 1450

Thomas Aquinas is remembered for his associations with _______________.

Possible Answers:

the Protestant Reformation

the Scientific Method


the Catholic Counter Reformation

the Great Schism

Correct answer:



Thomas Aquinas was an Italian friar who lived in the thirteenth century. He is closely associated with the monastic tradition of scholasticism. Thomas Aquinas wrote extensively on philosophy, natural law, and scholastic theology and is an extremely influential figure of all three traditions. He was also a strong advocate for Aristotle and is unique in his attempts (at the time) to marry ancient Greek philosophy with Christian traditions.

Example Question #1 : Philosophies And Ideologies 600 Ce To 1450

Greek culture, lost to most of Europe during the Dark Ages, was rediscovered during __________.

Possible Answers:

the Fall of Constantinople to Mehmed II

the Sack of Rome by Alaric the Visigoth 

the Thirty Years’ War

the Napoleonic Wars

the Crusades

Correct answer:

the Crusades


After the fall of the Roman Empire in the fifth century most of ancient Greek culture was forgotten in Europe and the continent fell into a relative “Dark Age.” The Crusades began at the end of the eleventh century and raged intermittently for the next few centuries. The Crusades were initially intended to recapture the Holy Land (Jerusalem) for Christendom, but eventually fractured as different European armies sought to extend their power into the Middle East. Greek culture, which had long been held and preserved by the Byzantine Empire, was rediscovered after the brief conquest of Constantinople by crusaders in the thirteenth century. This would lead, indirectly, to the Renaissance and the ‘rebirth’ of classical knowledge and understanding.

Example Question #5 : Philosophies And Ideologies 600 Ce To 1450

Neo-Confucianism first emerged in China during the __________ Dynasty.

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Neo-Confucianism first emerged in China during the Tang Dynasty. Neo-Confucianism may be understood as a revival of Confucian teachings during the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty and a subsequent synthesis of Confucianism with aspects of Buddhism and Taoism. It reached the height of its cultural significance during the Northern Song Dynasty.

Example Question #171 : Ap World History

Zhu Xi is primarily remembered by history as a(n) __________.

Possible Answers:

successful military commander

prominent military tactician

influential government bureaucrat

leading Confucian scholar

leader of a failed peasant rebellion

Correct answer:

leading Confucian scholar


Zhu Xi lived from 1130 to 1200, during the period of the Northern Song Dynasty in China. He is primarily remembered as a leading Confucian scholar and the most influential figure in Neo-Confucianism. Among other contributions Zhu is credited with compiling the four most important books in Confucian tradition (The Four Books) - Analects of Confucius, Great Learning, Mencius, The Doctrine of the Mean.

Example Question #181 : Cultural History

Neo-Confucianism may be understood as a synthesis of Confucianism and which two other belief systems?

Possible Answers:

Islam and Shinto

Buddhism and Taoism

Buddhism and Hinduism

Islam and Hinduism

Shinto and Taoism

Correct answer:

Buddhism and Taoism


Neo-Confucianism emerged during the Tang Dynasty in China and became popular during the Song Dynasty. Neo-Confucianism was a synthesis of some aspects of Confucianism with the less “mystical” aspects of Buddhism and Taoism.

Example Question #1 : Philosophies And Ideologies 600 Ce To 1450

During the Heian period Japan __________.

Possible Answers:

was closely connected to and influenced by China

was extremely peaceful and produced many noteworthy pieces of art and literature

suffered heavily from plague, famine, and invasion

was extremely isolationist and prohibited trade with the rest of the world

expanded into mainland Asia and declared war on Russia and China

Correct answer:

was closely connected to and influenced by China


The Heian period of Japanese history lasted from 794 to 1185 CE It is a time period when Japan was most closely connected to and influenced by Chinese culture - Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism were all influential in Japan during this period, as was Chinese language and culture.

Example Question #2 : Philosophies And Ideologies 600 Ce To 1450

Boccaccio was an influential figure in __________.

Possible Answers:

the Italian Renaissance

German unification

the Northern Renaissance

Italian unification

the Fourth Crusade

Correct answer:

the Italian Renaissance


Boccaccio was an influential figure in the Italian Renaissance. He is one of the early leading figures associated with humanism. His most famous work is called The Decameron.

Example Question #181 : Ap World History

Peter Abelard is most notable for his contributions to __________.

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



Peter Abelard is most notable for his contributions to scholasticism. Scholasticism was one of the most important philosophical and theological disciplines of the Middle Ages. It was primarily concerned with marrying the insights of Greco-Roman civilization with the Christian world.

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