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If you'd like help preparing for the GMAT, then Varsity Tutors has you covered with an in-depth Buffalo GMAT course. The GMAT is a difficult standardized test that is commonly taken by individuals who are getting ready to apply to MBA programs. The MBA or masters of business administration is one of the most sought-after graduate degrees in the United States. Individuals who earn their MBA set themselves up to have long and successful careers in a variety of business-related industries. If you live in Buffalo, you can pursue an MBA degree at the University of Buffalo's School of Management, for example. However, before you can get started at the school of your choice, you may first need to take the GMAT.

The GMAT is a comprehensive exam that can be difficult to study for without any guidance. Taking a Buffalo GMAT class from Varsity Tutors provides a unique way to get ready for your upcoming test. If you'd like to get started with a class, then you can easily do so by contacting us directly. Or, you can simply keep reading for a closer look at what's covered on the GMAT and how Varsity Tutors can help you prepare for it.

What's covered in a Buffalo GMAT prep course?

Your course lessons will be based on the content that you'll be tested on while taking the GMAT. To that end, it's useful to spend some time exploring what's covered on the GMAT. The exam was created with the purpose of assessing how prepared those who take it are to commence business studies at a graduate school level. To accomplish this goal, the GMAT is split into four distinct test sections. Each section focuses on a different skill set that business school admissions committees want to see their applicants demonstrate. The sections are called Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and the Analytical Writing Assessment.

There are three different test sequences that you can choose from when signing up to take the GMAT. This means that you can pick the section sequence that is the best fit for your skill set and testing style. For example, you can start with an easier section or get the hard ones out of the way first. The choice is entirely up to you.

One option that you have is to start with the GMAT's section on Verbal Reasoning. This test section focuses on the skills of reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction. You'll be asked to answer 36 multiple-choice questions within a 65-minute time limit. Your course can help you develop the skills you need to feel confident when taking this section.

Next, you may take the Quantitative Reasoning test section. On this part of the GMAT, you'll have 62 minutes to answer 31 multiple-choice questions. The key topics that are tested in Quantitative Reasoning are data sufficiency and problem-solving. You'll be asked to do things like sift through data to find relevant information, reason using logic, and use your math skills. Upon completion of this section, you'll earn a score ranging from 0 to 60 based on the accuracy of the answers you've provided.

Third, you could take the Integrated Reasoning test section. This part of the exam has 12 questions and a 30-minute time limit. The Integrated Reasoning section asks test-takers to analyze the importance and meaning behind data from multiple sources. You'll need to put together information from graphs and tables and then answer questions based on a synthesis of this data.

Lastly, your test may conclude with the Analytical Writing Assessment. This part of the GMAT is concerned with figuring where the test-taker is at with their writing skills. There are no multiple-choice questions on the Analytical Writing Assessment. Instead, you'll be given a prompt that's related to business and then you'll need to write an essay on that topic within a 30-minute time limit. Your essay will be graded on a scale ranging from 0 to 6 based on the strength of your writing and the quality of the arguments that you make within it.

What are the benefits of taking a Buffalo GMAT course?

As detailed above, the GMAT is a challenging exam that requires a varied academic skill set. Varsity Tutors can help you prepare for the GMAT in a more effective way with a Buffalo GMAT course. Taking a course is a unique way to prepare for your test for a few key reasons. First, your course will combine the convenience of online learning with the benefits of the traditional classroom learning experience. You'll learn on a live virtual platform from an instructor who is an expert on the material that they're teaching. You'll also have a group of classmates to learn alongside, which you'll be able to interact with. Studies have shown that being able to interact with your peers can enhance the quality of your study sessions.

If you have a hard time with one of the topics covered in your class, then you can sign up to work with your instructor in a one-on-one setting. This ensures that you can always get help with the GMAT material that you're struggling with the most, even if your class has already moved past the topic entirely. Additionally, there are a variety of course sections to choose from. You can sign up for a two or four-week class and new classes start weekly. This wide variety of offerings makes it easy for even the busiest individuals to find a Buffalo GMAT class that fits within their scheduling requirements.

How can I get started?

Are you ready to sign up for a Buffalo GMAT course? If so, then the easiest way to do so is by reaching out to us directly. We can help you select the course that is the best fit for your academic and scheduling needs and can then get you started with it quickly. We'd love to help you get more out of your study sessions. Reach out to Varsity Tutors today if you're ready to get started.

Contact us today to connect with a top Buffalo GMAT instructor