GRE Math : How to find percentage equivalent to a decimal

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Example Questions

Example Question #12 : Percentage

Choose the answer below which best expresses the following decimal as a percent:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


To convert a percent into a decimal, simply know that the tenths place of the decimal will correspond to the tens digit of the percent, and the thousandths place of the decimal will correspond to the ones digit of the percent. Any ensuing digits will be behind a decimal in the final percent.  

Also converting a decimal to a percent can be accomplished by multiplying the percent by 100.

Therefore, the best answer here is:

Example Question #1 : How To Find Percentage Equivalent To A Decimal

Choose the answer which best expresses the following decimal as a percentage, rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


To express a decimal as a percent, multiply the decimal by one hundred:

Then add your percent sign after:

Example Question #14 : Percentage

Choose the answer which best expresses the following decimal as a percentage, rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


To express a decimal as a percent, multiply the decimal by one hundred:


Then add your percent sign:



Example Question #15 : Percentage

Choose the answer which best expresses the following decimal as a percentage, rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


To express a decimal as a percent, multiply the decimal by one hundred:

Then, add your percent sign after:

Example Question #1 : How To Find Percentage Equivalent To A Decimal

Choose the answer which best expresses the following decimal as a percentage, rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent if necessary:

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


To find the equivalent percentage we need to multiply the decimal by 100.


Then, add your percent sign:

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