GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Practice Tests

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All GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Resources

1 Diagnostic Test 201 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept

Free GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Diagnostic Tests

Take the Varsity Learning Tools free diagnostic test for GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology to determine which academic concepts you understand and which ones require your ongoing attention. Each GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology problem is tagged down to the core, underlying concept that is being tested. The GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology diagnostic test results highlight how you performed on each area of the test. You can then utilize the results to create a personalized study plan that is based on your particular area of need.

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Diagnostic Test 1

Questions: 170
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 hrs 12 mins

All GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Resources

1 Diagnostic Test 201 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept

Planning on applying to a master’s or doctoral program in Biology or a related discipline? If so, the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology may be a gauntlet that you need to run, as test scores that reflect your disciplinary knowledge are often a necessary component of grad school applications. The GRE Subject Tests each represent a significant challenge because each aims to test the breadth and depth of subject-specific knowledge of students who intend to pursue further degrees in a given subject. The Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology is no exception. Due to the immensity of the exam and the expansive array of subjects which typically appear on it, students preparing to take this exam are very frequently overwhelmed, and end up channeling energy they could use for studying into unproductive apprehension. By establishing a clear picture of what the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology is and is not, and by introducing you to a great free online resource you can use during your preparation for the exam, you can ensure that you don’t needlessly stress out about the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology.

Let’s take a look at each of the three main categories covered by the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology, starting with Biochemistry. Basic biochemistry topics covered on the exam include enzymes, in particular enzyme kinetics, ligands, and substrates, as well as types of enzymes and enzyme identification. Macromolecules and monomers are, of course, fair game as well, so you should be familiar with the characteristics of saccharides and carbohydrates, nucleic acids, proteins, amino acids, and compound macromolecules built from these component parts. You should also have a detailed understanding of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular metabolism—and be ready to demonstrate it on test day—as topics such as catabolism, anabolism, and metabolic regulation and hormones, as well as glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, the electron transport chain, the Light cycle, and the Calvin cycle may each show up on the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology.

You should also make sure that you have reviewed chemical reactions and chemical principles before taking the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology. You should be ready to answer questions about oxidation-reduction chemistry, pH, and acid-base chemistry, as well as analyze reaction mechanisms on test day. You should also have reviewed reaction kinetics, solution chemistry, chemical equilibrium, bonding, intermolecular forces, and thermodynamics. While many of these principles are not the main focus of Biochemistry courses and are more likely to evoke memories of General Chemistry, the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology asks detailed questions about them, so don’t give them short shrift when reviewing for the exam.

Along with the previous Biochemistry concepts, the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology also tests your knowledge of Cell Biology at great depth. Questions may ask about various cellular structures and their functions, as well as cellular processes such as cellular division, protein regulation, signals, communications, and junctions, and differentiation. Reviewing each cellular organelle, as well as cellular processes, in detail can help ensure that you feel prepared for this part of the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology.

The third large topic covered on the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology is Molecular Biology, which includes genetics. Questions about DNA may ask about DNA replication and repair, chromosomes, mutation and variation, or deal with prokaryotic genomes. Questions about RNA may very well focus on the processes of transcription and translation. Gene regulation and genomics are also topics likely to appear, as well as viruses and inheritance.

Finally, as if the three main topics weren’t enough to cover on the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology, the exam may also ask questions about laboratory practices. Things to review in preparation for these sorts of questions include imaging techniques, biochemical tagging, separation techniques, identification techniques, quantification techniques, genetic cloning, splicing, and sequencing, knockout and mutation analyses. Even if you perform some of these techniques every day in a lab, it is in your best interest to review not only the practical how-to knowledge of each technique and practice, but also its theoretical significance.

Overwhelmed? Don’t be. Varsity Tutors’ free GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology resources are always available online for you to use to study what you need to study, when you need to study it. The GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Practice Tests in particular are very helpful for diagnosing weak spots in your biological knowledge, as each Practice Test consists of around one dozen multiple-choice problems drawn from one of the many aforementioned areas covered on the GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology. After completing a Practice Test, you receive a detailed analysis of your performance and get to see full explanations for each question. By taking enough Practice Tests, you can identify patterns in your knowledge and figure out which concepts your time would best be spent studying. Varsity Tutors’ Practice Test problems are also organized by concept, so when you figure out that answering problems only about the Krebs Cycle, for instance, would be extremely useful, you can do this until you’ve mastered the concept.

If you’d like to get a general overview of your current level of knowledge, try starting your review process by taking a free online Full-Length GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Practice Test. Each of the complete practice tests ask you questions that cover the wide range of topics that may be covered on the actual test. This longer, all-inclusive exam also offers you the opportunity to evaluate your solving pace, so you can make sure you’ll have enough time to finish the whole test on exam day. The results pages for the complete practice tests contain all of the helpful features you enjoy on the results pages for the concept-specific practice tests, like extensive explanations for each correct answer and links to extra review on key concepts. The full-length practice tests can also help you refine your review plan by paring down the list of concepts you need to review. After you have reviewed using the Learning Tools that best fit your style, you can check your proficiency by taking another Full-Length GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Practice Test.

By making use of GRE Subject Test in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology and remembering that you’ve learned all this material before, you can gain the confidence necessary to keep your cool and study for the exam in a thorough but manageable way.

Free GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Practice Tests

Our completely free GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology practice tests are the perfect way to brush up your skills. Take one of our many GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology practice tests for a run-through of commonly asked questions. You will receive incredibly detailed scoring results at the end of your GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology practice test to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Pick one of our GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology practice tests now and begin!

Practice Tests by Concept

Biochemistry practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 d 1 hrs

Cellular metabolism practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 secs

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 11 secs

Help with glycolysis practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 58 secs

Help with light reactions practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 49 secs

Help with the calvin cycle practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 59 secs

Help with the electron transport chain practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 41 secs

Help with the krebs cycle practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 secs

Other metabolic processes practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 18 secs

Help with anabolism practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 26 secs

Help with catabolism practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 32 secs

Help with metabolic regulation and hormones practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 52 secs

Help with other metabolic processes practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 secs

Chemical principles practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 42 secs

Help with bonding practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 49 secs

Help with intermolecular forces practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 11 secs

Help with thermodynamics and energetics practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 17 secs

Chemical reactions practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 21 secs

Help with acid-base chemistry and ph practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 39 secs

Help with oxidation-reduction chemistry practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 58 secs

Macromolecules and enzymes practice test

Questions: 17
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 52 mins

Enzymes practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 13 secs

Enzyme principles practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 17 secs

Help with enzyme identification practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 40 secs

Help with enzyme kinetics practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 secs

Help with enzyme mechanics practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 48 secs

Help with enzyme types practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 39 secs

Enzyme regulation practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 23 secs

Help with enzyme modification practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 20 secs

Help with inhibitors practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 47 secs

Help with other regulatory mechanisms practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 50 secs

Macromolecules and monomers practice test

Questions: 5
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 9 secs

Help with compound macromolecules practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 secs

Help with lipids practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 52 secs

Help with nucleic acids practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 24 secs

Help with proteins and amino acids practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 25 secs

Help with saccharides and carbohydrates practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 11 secs

Cell biology practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 46 secs

Cellular processes practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 48 secs

Cellular division practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 mins

Help with meiosis practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 46 secs

Help with mitosis practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 13 secs

Help with the cell cycle practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 8 secs

Differentiation practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Help with developmental genes practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Help with developmental proteins practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with developmental stages practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 34 secs

Help with growth factors practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 18 secs

Help with other differentiation regulation practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with stem cells practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Protein regulation practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 35 secs

Help with other protein regulation practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with protein degradation practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 16 secs

Help with protein modification practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Help with protein transport practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 42 secs

Help with vesicle transport practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 secs

Signals, communication, and junctions practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 18 secs

Cellular junctions practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 secs

Help with junction functions practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with junction proteins practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 47 secs

Help with junction types practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 secs

Cellular signals and communication practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 16 secs

Help with action potentials and synapses practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 13 secs

Help with hormones practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with receptors and channels practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 32 secs

Help with second messengers practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with signal transduction practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 1 secs

Cellular structures and functions practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 3 secs

Cell membrane and cell wall practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 secs

Help with cell wall structure practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 21 mins

Help with membrane structure practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 5 mins

Help with membrane transport practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 secs

Help with other membrane functions practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 1 secs

Cytoskeleton and cell motility practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 3 secs

Help with cell motility practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 13 secs

Help with cytoskeleton functions practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with cytoskeleton structures practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 1 secs

Endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 29 secs

Help with endoplasmic reticulum function practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with golgi apparatus function practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 32 secs

Help with golgi apparatus structure practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Extracellular matrix practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 13 secs

Help with extracellular matrix composition practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 10 secs

Lysosomes practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 16 secs

Help with lysosome function practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 27 secs

Mitochondria and chloroplasts practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 40 secs

Help with chloroplast structure practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 51 secs

Help with evolutionary theories practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 4 secs

Help with mitochondria structure practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 0 secs

Nucleus and ribosomes practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 58 secs

Help with nuclear structure practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 15 secs

Help with nuclear transport practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 11 secs

Help with ribosome structure practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Specialized structures practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

Help with muscle specialization practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 58 secs

Help with neural specialization practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 36 secs

Laboratory practices practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Help with biochemical tagging practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 secs

Help with genetic cloning, splicing, and sequencing practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 22 mins

Help with identification techniques practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 2 secs

Help with imaging techniques practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 18 secs

Help with knockout and mutation analyses practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 10 secs

Help with other laboratory techniques practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 1 secs

Help with quantification techniques practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 17 secs

Help with separation techniques practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 13 secs

Molecular biology and genetics practice test

Questions: 8
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 34 mins

Dna practice test

Questions: 8
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 20 secs

Chromosomes practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 secs

Help with chromosome abnormalities practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 4 secs

Help with chromosome structure and function practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 secs

Help with epigenetics practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 2 secs

Help with karyotypes practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 46 secs

Dna replication and repair practice test

Questions: 6
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 37 secs

Help with dna repair processes practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 secs

Help with dna repair proteins practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 51 secs

Help with dna replication processes practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 secs

Help with dna replication proteins practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 35 secs

Mutation and variation practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 34 secs

Help with mutation types practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 7 secs

Help with recombination practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 22 secs

Prokaryotic genome practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 27 secs

Help with nucleoid structure and function practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with transduction, conjugation, and transformation practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 secs

Gene regulation and genomics practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 19 mins

Gene regulation practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 49 secs

Help with gene regulation proteins practice test

Questions: 3
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 12 secs

Help with operon regulation practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 51 secs

Help with other gene regulation principles practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 45 secs

Help with promoters practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 18 secs

Help with rna in gene regulation practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 46 secs

Genomics practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 35 secs

Help with gene families practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with gene mapping practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 33 secs

Help with genome evolution practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with linkage practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 secs

Help with transposable and repeated elements practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 secs

Inheritance practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 53 secs

Help with hardy-weinberg practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 39 secs

Help with mendelian inheritance practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 37 secs

Help with other inheritance patterns practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 33 secs

Rna, transcription, and translation practice test

Questions: 11
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 10 mins

Transcription and rna practice test

Questions: 7
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

Help with rna structure and modification practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

Help with transcription processes practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 secs

Help with transcription proteins practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 16 secs

Translation and proteins practice test

Questions: 4
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 43 secs

Help with post-translational protein modification practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 10 secs

Help with prokaryotic translation practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with protein functions practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:

Help with protein structures practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 42 secs

Help with ribosome and trna structure practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 55 secs

Help with translation processes practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 17 secs

Viruses practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 36 secs

Help with viral genomics practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 8 secs

Help with viral lifecycles practice test

Questions: 1
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 secs

Help with viral replication practice test

Questions: 2
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 30 secs

All GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Resources

1 Diagnostic Test 201 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept

Practice Quizzes

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 46

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 45

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 37 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 44

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 50 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 43

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 35 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 42

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 41

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 35 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 40

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 48 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 39

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 38 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 38

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 10 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 37

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 23 secs

All GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Resources

1 Diagnostic Test 201 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 36

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 20 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 35

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 52 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 34

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 31 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 33

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 20 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 32

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 27 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 31

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 9 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 30

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 52 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 29

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 14 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 28

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 25 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 27

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 40 secs

All GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Resources

1 Diagnostic Test 201 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 26

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 30 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 25

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 12 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 24

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 19 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 23

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 6 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 22

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 45 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 20

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 30 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 19

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 8 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 18

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 41 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 17

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 26 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 16

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 26 secs

All GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Resources

1 Diagnostic Test 201 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 15

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 10 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 14

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 54 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 13

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 14 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 12

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 11

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 10

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 9

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 30 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 8

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 3 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 7

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 4 mins

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 6

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 10 mins

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GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 5

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 1 mins 36 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 4

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 29 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 3

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 48 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 2

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 20 secs

GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Problem Set 1

Questions: 12
Test Difficulty:
Average Time Spent: 2 mins 55 secs

All GRE Subject Test: Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology Resources

1 Diagnostic Test 201 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept
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