GRE Subject Test: Biology : Evolution and Mutations

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Understanding Types Of Mutation

Which type of mutation creates a premature stop codon in the mRNA?

Possible Answers:

Nonsense mutation

Silent mutation

Missense mutation

Frameshift mutation

Correct answer:

Nonsense mutation


While a missense mutation involves substituting a base pair, resulting in a new amino acid, a nonsense mutation takes place when the new substituted codon is a stop codon. This causes the protein to stop being translated prematurely. Because of their impact on protein production, nonsense mutations very commonly prevent the formation of a functional protein.

Silent mutations result in no change in primary protein structure. Due to the degeneracy of the genetic code, a mutation can occur without changing the identity of the amino acid recruited during translation. A frameshift mutation results in a shift in the codon reading frame, severely altering the primary protein structure and often resulting in a truncated protein.

Example Question #2 : Understanding Types Of Mutation

A __________ mutation always results in the ribosome encountering a premature stop codon.

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Nonsense mutations are the name specifically given to mutations that cause the ribosome to encounter a premature stop codon and terminate translation early. A point mutation causes the transcription of a stop codon by changing the DNA transcript transcribe to the mRNA stop codons UAG, UAA, or UGA. Placement of this codon in the transcript will interrupt translation.

Missense mutations are a type of mutation that result in the inclusion of a different amino acid than the wild type protein. Frameshift mutations result in a change to the codon reading frame, and are typically caused by deletion or insertion mutations. Frameshift mutations have the most dramatic and detrimental effect on proteins. Deletion mutations result from removal of one or more base pairs.

Example Question #3 : Evolution And Mutations

Sickle cell anemia is a disorder caused by the alteration of one amino acid in hemoglobin. Based on this, what kind of mutation causes sickle cell anemia? 

Possible Answers:

Silent mutation

Missense mutation

Frameshift mutation

Nonsense mutation

Correct answer:

Missense mutation


When only one amino acid is changed in a polypeptide, it is commonly caused by a point mutation, where one base pair has been changed. Silent, missense, and nonsense mutations can all be caused by a point mutation. Since the amino acid sequence has been changed, this is an example of a missense mutation. A silent mutation would not change the amino acid sequence, and a nonsense mutation would result in a premature stop codon during translation.

Example Question #1 : Understanding Polymorphisms

What term best describes when one species exhibits two or more defined phenotypes within the same population?

Possible Answers:


Natural selection



Assortative mating

Correct answer:



The correct answer is polymorphism. A polymorphism refers to multiple phenoytpes (morphs) that exist within a population, generally as a result of multiple alleles for the same gene.

Sympatry and allopatry refer to mechanisms of speciation and natural selection favors a certain phenotype for its fitness or other survival advantages. Assortative mating describes a biased mating pattern based on either phenotype or behavior. 

Example Question #2 : Understanding Polymorphisms

Which of the following is most accurate about single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)?

Possible Answers:

None of these

SNPs occur in only coding regions

SNPs occur in 1% or more of the population 

SNPs are more frequently found in AT-rich microsatellite regions

SNPs occur in only non-coding regions

Correct answer:

SNPs occur in 1% or more of the population 


In order for a nucleotide substitution to be considered a SNP and not a random mutation, it must occur in 1% or more of the population. SNPs are more frequently found in non-coding regions. Typically, SNPs are much less commonly found in AT-rich microsatellites. 

Example Question #3 : Understanding Polymorphisms

What is the major difference between synonymous and non-synonymous substitutions?

Possible Answers:

Non-synonymous substitutions result in missense mutations, synonymous substitutions result in nonsense mutations

Non-synonymous substitutions do not result in an amino acid change in the protein, but synonymous substitutions do

Synonymous substitutions do not result in an amino acid change in the protein, but non-synonymous substitutions do

None of these

Synonymous substitutions result in missense mutations, non-synonymous substitutions result in nonsense mutations

Correct answer:

Synonymous substitutions do not result in an amino acid change in the protein, but non-synonymous substitutions do


If single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that occur in coding regions do not trigger an amino acid change in the protein, they are synonymous. A SNP can cause a missense mutation (an amino acid change in the protein) or a nonsense mutation (an amino acid change to a stop codon), both of these are nonsynonymous substitutions.  

Example Question #1 : Understanding Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

In the Hardy-Weinberg equations, what quantities are represented by the variables  and ?

Possible Answers:

Genotype frequencies

Observed phenotype frequencies

Expected phenotype frequencies

Allele frequencies

Correct answer:

Allele frequencies


The variables  and  are specifically referring to the allele frequencies of the dominant and the recessive allele in a population, respectively.

Expected genotype frequencies can be seen in the equation:

In this equation, represents the expected genotype frequency of homozygous dominant organisms,  represents the expected frequency of heterozygous organisms, and represents the frequency of homozygous recessive organisms. These values are the expected frequencies in the population, based on the Hardy-Weinberg conditions and allele frequencies; they may not be the values actually observed. To get observed genotype and phenotype frequencies, more information about the size and makeup of the population would be needed.

Example Question #1 : Understanding Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium

Which of the following variables would not be observed in a population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

Possible Answers:

Females mate with males of the same color to avoid a mixing of colors in the population

No new mutations are appearing in the population

No immigrating organisms are allowed to enter the population

The population has a very large number of organisms

Correct answer:

Females mate with males of the same color to avoid a mixing of colors in the population


Hardy Weinberg equilibrium has requirements that must be met by a population in order to confirm that evolution is not taking place:

1. The population must be large in number.

2. There can be no new mutations entering the population.

3. Immigration and emigration cannot change the allelic frequencies of the population.

4. Mating must be random.

5. Natural selection cannot be taking place.

Since it was said that females are selectively choosing which males they mate with, Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is being violated.

Example Question #2 : Evolutionary Factors

A population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium has two alleles for fur color: red and black. Assume black is dominant to red fur color. Of the animals in the population, 16 percent of the animals have red fur.

What percentage of the alleles in the population code for black fur?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


Since we know that the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and that there are only two alleles, we can use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to solve this problem:

Lets say that  represents the black allele, and  represents the red allele. Since we know that red is recessive to black, only animals with two red alleles will be red. Fortunately, the  portion of the equation is the only portion that deals with red animals (the other two variables are black: both homozygous dominant as well as heterozygous). This means that  is equal to the frequency of red animals in the population: 

Since we now know the frequency of the red allele in the population, we simply subtract it from one in order to find the frequency of the black allele, which turns out to be 0.6.

Example Question #1 : Evolution And Mutations

In a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals is 0.36. What is the percentage of homozygous recessive individuals in the population?

Possible Answers:

Correct answer:


The two equations pertaining to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium are:

In this second equation, each term refers to the frequency of a given genotype.  is the homozygous dominant frequency,  is the heterozygous frequency, and  is the homozygous recessive frequency.

From the question, we know that:

We now know the dominant allele frequency. Using the other Hardy-Weinberg equation, we can find the recessive allele frequency:

Returning to our genotype frequency terms, we can use this recessive allele frequency to find the homozygous recessive frequency:

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