Award-Winning SSAT Courses & Classes in Las Vegas, NV

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If you have an interest in having your student attend an independent or private school at any grade level, it may be beneficial for them to sign up for a Las Vegas SSAT class through Varsity Tutors. The SSAT is a standardized test that many independent and private schools use as a part of their admissions process. The test measures students' math, verbal, and reading skills, which are essential skills when it comes to succeeding at an independent or private school.

The SSAT is divided into three levels based on the age group of the student taking the test. The Elementary Level test is given to students in 3rd and 4th grade who would like to attend an independent or private school for 4th or 5th grade. The Middle Level test is offered to students in 5th through 7th grade who would like to attend middle school at a private or independent school. Finally, the Upper Level test is given to students in 8th through 11th grades who would like to attend high school at a private or independent school.

The three different levels have some similarities, including the fact that all of them have four sections. These sections are Verbal, Reading, Quantitative, and Writing. Another similarity is that the Writing Sample section is not graded on any of the three levels. However, it is still advisable for your student to take this section seriously because it will be sent to any school they fill out an application for. Furthermore, none of the three levels allow students to use calculators on the Quantitative Section.

One of the major differences between the three levels involves the complexity of the questions based on the age group that is taking each test. Additionally, the way the tests are scored is different. It makes sense for students to guess on questions they don't know for sure on the Elementary Level test because there is no penalty for getting an answer wrong. However, on the Middle and Upper Level tests, it is usually best to not guess because students receive a deduction of one-quarter point for each question they answer incorrectly. But they do not lose points for leaving a question blank, so it's typically a better choice to leave a question blank if your student isn't completely sure they know the answer.

How can a Las Vegas SSAT class help my student review?

There are many ways in which a Las Vegas class can help your student review. One of the main ways a class can help your student review is by going through the material that may be on the exam. As mentioned previously, each of the three levels of the SSAT contain four sections.

The Elementary Level of the Quantitative Section has 30 questions and your student will have 30 minutes to finish it. This section covers basic math and specifically examines topics like spatial sense, number sense, and probability. It may be helpful for your student to be familiar with multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division for this section.

The Middle and Upper Levels of the Quantitative Section contain 50 questions and your student will have an hour to complete it. This section also focuses on math, but specifically targets geometry, algebra, and arithmetic. The main difference between the Middle and Upper levels is simply the complexity of the material. The Middle Level focuses more on probability and data analysis while the Upper Level focuses more on coordinate and plane geometry.

The Elementary Level of the Verbal Section includes 30 questions and your student will have 30 minutes to finish it. This section is focused on English. It specifically examines the relationships between words and is designed to measure students' understanding of the English language.

The Middle and Upper Levels contain 60 questions and your student will have 30 minutes to finish them. This section is primarily focused on analogies and synonyms, with 30 questions being about analogies and the other 30 being about synonyms. One difference between the Upper and Middle Level tests on the Verbal Section is that the Upper Level also requires students to be familiar with prefixes and suffixes.

The Elementary Level of the Reading Section involves reading comprehension. It contains 7 different passages for your student to read through and they'll have to answer 4 questions per passage. They will have a total of 30 minutes to finish this section.

The Middle and Upper Level of the Reading Section also involves reading comprehension. However, both levels contain 40 questions and your student will have 40 minutes to finish them. One main difference between the Middle and Upper levels is that the Upper Level has passages that take their information from science, humanities, and social studies.

Finally, the Elementary Level of the Writing Section requires students to write a short story based on a provided picture. The Middle and Upper Levels require students to choose between two different writing prompts, with the Middle Level focusing on creative writing and the Upper Level providing a choice between creative writing and a traditional essay.

How can a Las Vegas SSAT course help my student prepare?

There is a wide range of ways in which a Las Vegas SSAT course can help your student prepare for the exam. Your student's SSAT course will be similar to a traditional class. They will have an instructor who can lead the class while also working with other students.

The potential benefit of working with an instructor is that they can help give your student a better idea of what information they should be studying. The possible benefit of working with other students is that some students find it useful when they have an opportunity to engage in group discussions or group activities rather than just listening to their instructor.

How can I find a Las Vegas SSAT prep course?

Finding a Las Vegas SSAT prep course is as simple as reaching out to Varsity Tutors either online or over the phone. You can sign your student up for a two-week or four-week course based on their needs. Additionally, the class takes place online so you won't have to worry about commuting to a new location. Get in touch today to get your student started.

Contact us today to connect with a top Las Vegas SSAT instructor