Award-Winning SSAT Courses & Classes in Miami, FL

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If your student is seeking to enter an independent school, Varsity Tutors can help them get prepared for entrance exams by enrolling them in a Miami SSAT course. The Secondary School Admission Test is a standardized assessment that's used for admission into many private or independent elementary, middle, and high schools. For instance, third-grade students who will be applying to an independent fourth-grade school may need to take the SSAT. Likewise, students interested in applying to an elite secondary school will need to take this entrance exam and perform well on it. It's important to note that SSAT scores are compared to a specific group of students to determine whether the applicant is ranking well based on their grade level.

The SSAT is an assessment that measures a student's basic math, verbal, and reading skills. This exam serves as an indicator of a student's ability to handle coursework and be successful in an independent school. Since the SSAT is an entrance exam that covers several years in a student's academic career, there are actually several versions of it broken out by grade level.

What Does A Miami SSAT Prep Class Cover?

The SSAT is made up of three main levels, which include the Elementary, Middle, and Upper Levels. The Elementary Level of the SSAT is designed for 3rd and 4th-grade students who wish to apply for an independent school. Next, the Middle Level which is taken by 5th, 6th, 7th-grade students who desire to attend the next school year at an independent institution. Finally, the Upper Level SSAT is administered to students in the 8th-11th grade who are applying to a private high school.

The SSAT consists of three main sections: Quantitative, Reading Comprehension, and Verbal Reasoning. There's also an unscored Writing section in which test takers will be asked to provide a writing sample. Students seeking admissions to a middle school or high school will be given 2 hours and 50 minutes of testing time to complete the entire exam. Those taking the Elementary Level SSAT will need to complete their version of the exam in an hour and 50 minutes. Here is a brief overview of each section of the assessment.

In the Verbal section of the SSAT, elementary students are given thirty minutes to answer 30 questions. The student's understanding of the relationships between words and sentences will be assessed. They will be prompted with grade-appropriate vocabulary from various areas of study. Middle Level students will be administered 60 questions that need to be completed that will test their knowledge of analogies, synonyms, and word roots. The Verbal Reasoning on the Upper Level provides 60 questions, 30 of which are synonyms and the other 30 analogies.

The Quantitative section of the Elementary Level SSAT consists of 30 basic math questions that cover areas such as addition, multiplication, and division. At the middle school level, the Quantitative section has two parts with a total of 50 questions. The subjects covered are basic algebra, arithmetic, and geometry. The Upper Level this portion consists of 50 questions divided into two parts. This level of the exam covers mathematical topics like data analysis, algebra, and probability. Students at all levels are prohibited from using a calculator on this portion of the test.

At the Elementary Level of the Reading Comprehension section of the SSAT, students will be given 7 passages to read and asked a total of 28 questions. Their ability to point out the main idea and understand words in context will be assessed. For the middle school version, students are given 40 passage based questions in which they will have to interpret the meaning of narrative-based passages, make inferences, and predictions based on context clues. The Upper Level SSAT Reading section provides 40 questions that will require the test taker to be able to understand the tone and purpose of the passages provided. In addition, students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to analyze arguments.

The SSAT Writing section will require the student to write an essay or a short story based on the prompt given. Although the Writing section isn't scored, it will be sent off to the school that the student is applying to. There is also an Experimental section on the SSAT, which is unscored at all levels as well.

How Can A Miami SSAT Prep SSAT Class Help Me Prepare?

A Miami SSAT prep class can be beneficial in preparing a student for the exam because it's specifically designed to introduce them to the structure of the test so they can know what to expect. Varsity Tutors can enroll students in a consistent and reliable prep class that fits within the student's schedule. Parents can select to enroll their child in a two-week prep session or invest in a four week Miami SSAT class. New classes begin every week, and they take place in an online collaborative environment.

Once you sign your child up for a Miami SSAT prep course, you'll find that they can benefit greatly from the live and interactive sessions. Similar to a traditional classroom setting, they'll get to learn amongst other students, which has proven effective in helping students embrace different concepts. Together, test takers will learn exam strategies, build their knowledge, and build confidence in their abilities.

The great thing about a Miami SSAT prep class is that it's geared towards thoroughly preparing your child for the SSAT. Students will have the opportunity to work along with the instructor to improve in academic areas that are challenging. In addition, students can collaborate with their online classmates who are also studying for the SSAT. Research has shown that one of the main reasons collaborative learning is effective is that it allows students to encourage and help each other.

How Can I Find A Quality Miami SSAT Course?

Whether it's after school or on the weekend, Varsity Tutors can help parents enroll their child in a prep course that best accommodates them. Are you interested in learning more about a Miami SSAT Class? Call us today to speak with one of our educational consultants.

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