Award-Winning ACT Test Prep in Orlando, FL

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When preparing for college admission exams, Varsity Tutors can help you by setting up you or your student with Orlando ACT prep options. Even though the first day of college seems to be far off to many high schoolers, it doesn't mean Orlando ACT preparation should be put off for too long. Before you can start filling out college applications, you will likely need to take the ACT at least once.

Many students in Florida, including those in Timber Creek High School and Winter Park High School, will choose the ACT for their college admissions exam. The score you receive on the ACT will play a role in the admission process for the colleges you choose to apply for.

It doesn't matter if you've just started your ACT preparation, or you are in the thick of it - you may be curious how to make the most out of your time prior to your testing. Whether you are a student or a student's parent, Varsity Tutors can help you get in touch with an Orlando ACT tutor or get you enrolled in an Orlando ACT prep course that will fit your busy schedule. No matter what type of ACT prep assistance you are in search of, we can guide you towards resources that will fit your needs.

What can Orlando ACT prep cover?

The ACT includes four mandatory sections; Science, Reading, Math, and English. The ACT also has an optional Writing section as well. The test will take around 3 hours if you opt out of the Writing section. If you include the Writing section, you will want to add on an additional 40 minutes to your testing length. We will now dive deeper into the four mandatory sections you will be tested on.

The English section of the ACT is 75 questions long. You will have 45 minutes to complete this section. This will require you to use your time efficiently as you will be answering questions on short passages. There will be questions where you will be asked to revise or edit the text from the passages. There also will be questions where you will be asked about writing style, grammar, and tone.

The Math section consists of 60 questions. You will have 60 minutes to complete this section. This section will test you on math skills that you've learned in elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, pre-algebra, plane geometry, coordinate geometry, and trigonometry. Even though having nearly one minute for every question seems like enough time, you will still want to use your time wisely to ensure you are accurately answering the questions in a timely manner.

The Reading section consists of 40 questions. You will have 35 minutes to complete this section. The Reading section is similar to the English section as you will be reading passages and answering questions. These questions will be testing your reading comprehension to see if you can determine phrase and word meanings, distinguish between opinions and facts, and make connections among various texts.

The Science section consists of 40 questions. You will have 35 minutes to complete this section. The Science section will include many topics from physics, biology, chemistry, Earth and space science. This section is looking to test your problem-solving, reasoning, and scientific analysis.

As mentioned previously, the Writing section is completely optional. You will be allotted 40 minutes to finish this portion of the exam. You will be writing an essay on a single topic. When choosing to take this section, you will need to ensure you can write a well-developed, supported essay. You will need to organize your ideas clearly and logically and have a strong command of written English.

What are the benefits of different types of Orlando ACT prep?

Varsity Tutors can connect you with two resources when it comes to ACT help: private tutoring and prep courses. Each option has its own unique benefits, and the majority of students can benefit from one or a combination of the two. Let's talk about how Florida ACT tutor sessions or a prep class can help you prepare more effectively. For students who are interested in taking an ACT class, you can enroll in a fully interactive online class. The class runs just like a regular in-person class. There are new sections that begin every week. You will have the option to select either a two-week class or a four-week class. By taking an Orlando ACT prep class, you will have peace of mind knowing you will be studying through what is on the test with an expert instructor.

As we've previously stated all classes are online, but they are fully interactive classes. You will be in an interactive and collaborative environment within these classes. Not only will you be able to communicate with your instructor, but you will also have the opportunity to chat with your peers as well as work together in groups and discussions. This environment will allow you to not only partake in group activities and discussions but also allow you to increase your knowledge in the skills you will need to take the ACT. When you decide to take the Orlando ACT course, you will also have the chance to discuss any concepts you don't quite understand with the instructor on a one-on-one basis.

If you prefer a more personal interaction, we can help you get in contact with an Orlando ACT prep tutor. Working with a private instructor will allow you to have the opportunity to review the sections and guidelines the way you want to. Tutoring will allow the instructor to learn your learning style, your strengths, and your areas of opportunity. This will allow the instructor to come up with a customized plan to help you keep on track during your study sessions.

How can I find ACT review in Orlando?

Varsity Tutors will be happy to help you choose which type of ACT resource will best fit your learning needs. Whether you want to opt for a private ACT tutor or take an Orlando ACT prep course, you can contact our educational consultants for more information.

Contact us today to connect with a top Orlando ACT instructor