Award-Winning GMAT Courses & Classes in Phoenix, AZ

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If you're interested in taking a comprehensive Phoenix GMAT prep course, Varsity Tutors can help you find you a course that suits your academic and scheduling needs. The GMAT, or Graduate Management Admission Test, is a standardized exam that business schools such as the University of Arizona - Eller College of Management and Ottawa University - Arizona use to get a sense of how applicants might fare in their graduate business programs. With more individuals pursuing MBA degrees than ever before, it's important to take your test prep seriously if you hope to earn admission to your preferred program. Trust us to place you in a Phoenix GMAT course and help you build your study skills!

The GMAT is a challenging exam with four sections, each of which is written to assess skills used both in school and in a corporate setting. Preparing for everything on your own can feel overwhelming, which is where we come into play. We can arrange live online classes where you can study for the exam with a dedicated instructor and fellow students who share your goals, creating a collaborative learning environment where everyone benefits. You also get tremendous value for your money, since you split the cost of instruction with your classmates. Keep reading to learn more about the services we offer.

What topics can I review in a Phoenix GMAT class?

The four sections of the GMAT are as follows: the Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. Test-takers are given some flexibility in which order they would like to tackle these sections in, so you might want to start with something you're confident in to build momentum for the rest of the exam. Here is a closer look at the material covered by each section of the test.

1. Analytical Writing Assessment

The GMAT's Analytical Writing Assessment is a 30-minute essay asking test-takers to compose an evaluation of an argument. It serves to give business programs a sense of your critical thinking and communication abilities. You are scored on a variety of factors, including clarity of expression, topical analysis, syntactic diversity, and how well you understand the argument provided to you. It is advisable to approach your essay with a plan in place, as putting down whatever pops into your head is likely to produce a structure that's difficult for readers to follow.

2. Integrated Reasoning

The GMAT's Integrated Reasoning section assesses your ability to apply what you have learned in the classroom to real-world problem-solving situations. You have 30 minutes to answer a total of 12 questions, many of which require more than one response. There are a variety of question types on this section, including multi-source reasoning, table analysis, graphic interpretation, and two-part analysis. You may not have a lot of prior experience with problems like these, so reviewing sample questions during a Phoenix GMAT class can give you an idea of what to expect.

3. Quantitative Reasoning

The GMAT's Quantitative Reasoning section evaluates your analytical thinking, data interpretation, and logical thinking skills. You have 62 minutes to answer 31 multiple-choice questions on this section. Questions on this section of the exam fall into two categories: data sufficiency and problem-solving. Data sufficiency items require you to indicate when you have enough information to solve a particular problem, bearing in mind that some of the data provided may not be relevant at all. Problem-solving questions entail using data to answer math problems, generally in a business context.

4. Verbal Reasoning

Finally, the GMAT's Verbal Reasoning section measures your command of English language mechanics. You have 65 minutes to answer 36 multiple-choice questions on this section. Verbal Reasoning questions fit under three broad categories. Reading comprehension items measure how well you understand logical relationships and draw inferences based on the material you read. Critical thinking centers on how to craft and evaluate an argument or plan of action. Sentence completions measure your grammatical knowledge by asking you to adjust the underlined portions of a sentence for accuracy and clarity.

What are the benefits of taking a Phoenix GMAT course?

Each Phoenix GMAT course is taught by an instructor vetted by Varsity Tutors, so you can trust that they are a great communicator who can handle all of the questions you may have. Courses also take place on a live virtual platform, allowing you to interact with the teacher and your classmates in real-time without the hassle of a commute! This can create a collaborative learning environment where everyone can deepen their understanding of the concepts and skills needed to succeed on the GMAT.

For example, you can share active reading techniques to help everybody in the course retain more of what they read in the Verbal Reasoning and Analytical Writing sections. Likewise, you can practice your outlining skills to make writing your essay feel a little less intimidating. If you ever feel as though you're falling behind, you can also book one-on-one extra help with your instructor to get up to speed.

We understand how busy most individuals studying for the GMAT generally are, so we offer a choice of two- and four-week class sessions to help you find a fit for your schedule. We also launch new class sessions every week, so it's always a great time to start pursuing your dreams.

Many classes also involve practice exams under realistic test-taking conditions so that you know exactly what you need to do and how long you'll have to do it. If you find that you aren't able to finish on time, you can ask your instructor for time management strategies to help you pick up the pace. For instance, taking notes on the exam's reading passages and data sources can help you remember where important information is so you don't need to go back through it all to find something you need.

How can I sign up for a Phoenix GMAT course?

Simply use the contact info below to reach out to a Varsity Tutors educational consultant and learn more about how to enroll in a Phoenix GMAT class. We look forward to playing our part in your pursuit of academic success!

Contact us today to connect with a top Phoenix GMAT instructor