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If your career goal is to become a Certified Public Accountant, getting a top score on the Uniform CPA Examination is a vital part of making that happen, and Varsity Tutors can help you get started with a Pittsburgh CPA exam course that can help you prepare yourself for this comprehensive test. In order to become a CPA, you'll have to show that you have the education, examination, and experience to do the job and prove that you can be trusted with the numbers that your clients need to know are accurate.

To that end, the CPA exam will test you in several aspects of the field, most of which you'll have discussed both in depth and in passing at the University of Pittsburgh or Carnegie Mellon University. The CPA exam is actually made up of four different examinations that include Auditing and Attestation, Business Environment and Concepts, Financial Accounting and Reporting, and Regulation, and you'll have to get a score of 75 or higher on all four exams in an 18-month span in order to pass. Given that each exam takes four hours to complete, you can expect these to be among the most intense tests that you've ever taken, which makes a Pittsburgh CPA exam class an excellent idea to help you build the confidence you need to get you through the test and make the score you need more likely.

What might a Pittsburgh CPA exam prep course help me with?

The most important thing to do on any test is to give yourself enough time to answer as many questions as possible to the best of your ability. In the case of the CPA exam, you're going to have four hours to get through the exam, which contains as many as 85 questions on the Regulation exam (76 multiple-choice questions and nine task-based simulations) and as few as 69 questions on the Business Environment and Concepts exam (62 multiple-choice, four task-based and three written communication-based questions), meaning that you're going to have to get through the questions at an average of fewer than 3 1/2 minutes per question.

Given that the test is further broken down into sections and you can't go back to a previous section once you've completed it, it's vital for you to manage your time and ensure that you leave yourself enough time to consider each answer carefully. Taking a Pittsburgh CPA exam course can help by providing you with test-taking strategies that maximize the amount of time you have to consider the question and provide the best answer.

For example, there are likely to be a few questions where you really aren't sure of the answer, but you can eliminate one or more choices. You've always got a better chance of selecting the right answer out of two choices than out of four, and your Pittsburgh CPA exam class instructor can provide you with a few tips that help you eliminate an answer or two and give you the best chance of making the right selection. With no more than 76 multiple-choice questions on a test, you'll be able to miss no more than 19 questions, making your test-taking strategies a vital part of how well you can show your knowledge.

What topics can a Pittsburgh CPA exam class cover?

When you take a class, you'll be part of a collaborative effort with several other students, giving you all the chance to discuss different aspects of knowledge that you might have covered during your classes at your respective universities. During your class, you might discuss things such as financial management, economic concepts and analysis, federal taxation of individuals, and state and local governments and their roles in accounting. On these and other topics, you'll be having your discussions online, allowing you to talk about whatever parts of your preparation might come up on the exam.

You'll also be matched with an experienced instructor who understands the exam and how to maximize your chances of success on the test. Not only will you have the chance to discuss test-taking strategies, but you'll be able to go over things such as ethics, forming conclusions, and risk assessment during your Pittsburgh CPA exam course. If you want to set up a one-on-one session with your instructor, that's also possible. All you have to do is ask and you can set it up with your instructor.

How can I get started with a Pittsburgh CPA exam course?

If you're ready to maximize your chances of getting a top score on the CPA exam, Varsity Tutors can help you find a course that meets at the right time for you. All you have to do is contact our educational consultants and we'll match you up with an instructor and a course based on your schedule, allowing you to put the appropriate time and focus into your studies. If you're looking for that extra push to help you reach for your goals, give us a call to get started today with a Pittsburgh CPA exam class!

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