PSAT Critical Reading : Graphs & Tables

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Relating Graphics To The Passage

This passage is adapted from Adam K. Fetterman and Kai Sassenberg, “The Reputational Consequences of Failed Replications and Wrongness Admission among Scientists", first published in December 2015 by PLOS ONE.

We like to think of science as a purely rational. However, scientists are human and often identify with their work. Therefore, it should not be controversial to suggest that emotions are involved in replication discussions. Adding to this inherently emotionally volatile situation, the recent increase in the use of social media and blogs by scientists has allowed for instantaneous, unfiltered, and at times emotion-based commentary on research. Certainly social media has the potential to lead to many positive outcomes in science–among others, to create a more open science. To some, however, it seems as if this ease of communication is also leading to the public tar and feathering of scientists. Whether these assertions are true is up for debate, but we assume they are a part of many scientists’ subjective reality. Indeed, when failed replications are discussed in the same paragraphs as questionable research practices, or even fraud, it is hard to separate the science from the scientist. Questionable research practices and fraud are not about the science; they are about the scientist. We believe that these considerations are at least part of the reason that we find the overestimation effect that  we do, here.

[Sentence 1] Even so, the current data suggests that while many are worried about how a failed replication would affect their reputation, it is probably not as bad as they think. Of course, the current data cannot provide evidence that there are no negative effects; just that the negative impact is overestimated. That said, everyone wants to be seen as competent and honest, but failed replications are a part of science. In fact, they are how science moves forward!

[Sentence 2] While we imply that these effects may be exacerbated by social media, the data cannot directly speak to this. However, any one of a number of cognitive biases may add support to this assumption and explain our findings. For example, it may be that a type of availability bias or pluralistic ignorance of which the more vocal and critical voices are leading individuals to judge current opinions as more negative than reality. As a result, it is easy to conflate discussions about direct replications with “witch- hunts” and overestimate the impact on one’s own reputation. Whatever the source may be, it is worth looking at the potential negative impact of social media in scientific conversations.

[Sentence 3] If the desire is to move science forward, scientists need to be able to acknowledge when they are wrong. Theories come and go, and scientists learn from their mistakes (if they can even be called “mistakes”). This is the point of science. However, holding on to faulty ideas flies in the face of the scientific method. Even so, it often seems as if scientists have a hard time admitting wrongness. This seems doubly true when someone else fails to replicate a scientist’s findings. Even so, it often seems as if scientists have a hard time admitting wrongness. This seems doubly true when someone else fails to replicate a scientist’s findings. In some cases, this may be the proper response. Just as often, though, it is not. In most cases, admitting wrongness will have relatively fewer ill effects on one’s reputation than not admitting and it may be better for reputation. It could also be that wrongness admission repairs damage to reputation.

It may seem strange that others consider it less likely that questionable research practices, for example, were used when a scientist admits that they were wrong. [Sentence 4] However, it does make sense from the standpoint that wrongness admission seems to indicate honesty. Therefore, if one is honest in one domain, they are likely honest in other domains. Moreover, the refusal to admit might indicate to others that the original scientist is trying to cover something up. The lack of significance of most of the interactions in our study suggests that it even seems as if scientists might already realize this. Therefore, we can generally suggest that scientists admit they are wrong, but only when the evidence suggests they should.

The chart below maps how scientists view others' work (left) and how they suspect others will view their own work (right) if the researcher (the scientist or another, depending on the focus) admitted to engaging in questionable research practices.

Screen shot 2020 08 20 at 3.28.58 pm

Adapted from Fetterman & Sassenberg, "The Reputational Consequences of Failed Replications and Wrongness Admission among Scientists." December 9, 2015, PLOS One.

Which statement from the passage is most directly supported by the information provided in the graph?

Possible Answers:

Sentence 2 ("While we ... findings")

Sentence 4 ("However, it ... domains")

Sentence 1 ("Even so ... overestimated")

Sentence 3 ("If the ... mistakes")")

Correct answer:

Sentence 1 ("Even so ... overestimated")


This question asks you to link the graph to the set of lines within the passage that it best supports. Since you are looking for direct evidence here, the best course of action is to consider what you're being told within the graph and then use process of elimination to link that to one of the statements given. The graph suggests that scientists viewed others who admitted to wrongdoing with less suspicion than they viewed people who did not admit to wrongdoing. However, scientists believed that others would view them as less trustworthy if they admitted to wrongdoing.

Sentence 1 states that while scientists are worried about what will happen to their reputations if they admit to wrongdoing but are probably worrying more about it than is warranted. This matches the information given - scientists viewed others who admitted to wrongdoing with less suspicion than those who didn't admit to it (but who did something wrong).

Sentence 2 deals with the role of social media within this debate. Since the graph gives no information about the effect of social media, so this option can be eliminated.

Sentence 3 gives a potential course of action - that scientists should admit to their mistakes so that science can move forward. However, this isn't mentioned in the graph, so this option can be eliminated.

Sentence 4 gives an explanation for why the data in the graph may have occurred, but it isn't supported by the graph itself. (Be careful to not get the causality backwards here - you are looking for a statement that is supported by the graph, not the other way around!)

Example Question #2 : Relating Graphics To The Passage

The following passage and corresponding figure are from Emilie Reas. "How the brain learns to read: development of the “word form area”", PLOS Neuro Community, 2018.

The ability to recognize, process and interpret written language is a uniquely human skill that is acquired with remarkable ease at a young age. But as anyone who has attempted to learn a new language will attest, the brain isn’t “hardwired” to understand written language. In fact, it remains somewhat of a mystery how the brain develops this specialized ability. Although researchers have identified brain regions that process written words, how this selectivity for language develops isn’t entirely clear. 

Earlier studies have shown that the ventral visual cortex supports recognition of an array of visual stimuli, including objects, faces, and places. Within this area, a subregion in the left hemisphere known as the “visual word form area” (VWFA) shows a particular selectivity for written words. However, this region is characteristically plastic. It’s been proposed that stimuli compete for representation in this malleable area, such that “winner takes all” depending on the strongest input. That is, how a site is ultimately mapped is dependent on what it’s used for in early childhood. But this idea has yet to be confirmed, and the evolution of specialized brain areas for reading in children is still poorly understood.

In their study, Dehaene-Lambertz and colleagues monitored the reading abilities and brain changes of ten six-year old children to track the emergence of word specialization during a critical development  period. Over the course of their first school-year, children were assessed every two months with reading evaluations and functional MRI while viewing words and non-word images (houses, objects, faces, bodies). As expected, reading ability improved over the year of first grade, as demonstrated by increased reading speed, word span, and phoneme knowledge, among other measures.

Even at this young age, when reading ability was newly acquired, words evoked widespread left-lateralized brain activation. This activity increased over the year of school, with the greatest boost occurring after just the first few months. Importantly, there were no similar activation increases in response to other stimuli, confirming that these adaptations were specific to reading ability, not a general effect of development or education. Immediately after school began, the brain volume specialized for reading also significantly increased. Furthermore, reading speed was associated with greater activity, particularly in the VWFA. The researchers found that activation patterns to words became more reliable with learning. In contrast, the patterns for other categories remained stable, with the exception of numbers, which may reflect specialization for symbols (words and numbers) generally, or correlation with the simultaneous development of mathematics skills.

What predisposes one brain region over another to take on this specialized role for reading words? Before school, there was no strong preference for any other category in regions that would later become word-responsive. However, brain areas that were destined to remain “non-word” regions showed more stable responses to non-word stimuli even before learning to read. Thus, perhaps the brain takes advantage of unoccupied real-estate to perform the newly acquired skill of reading.

These findings add a critical piece to the puzzle of how reading skills are acquired in the developing child brain. Though it was already known that reading recruits a specialized brain region for words, this study reveals that this occurs without changing the organization of areas already specialized for other functions. The authors propose an elegant model for the developmental brain changes underlying reading skill acquisition. In the illiterate child, there are adjacent columns or patches of cortex either tuned to a specific category, or not yet assigned a function. With literacy, the free subregions become tuned to words, while the previously specialized subregions remain stable.

The rapid emergence of the word area after just a brief learning period highlights the remarkable plasticity of the developing cortex. In individuals who become literate as adults, the same VWFA is present. However, in contrast to children, the relation between reading speed and activation in this area is weaker in adults, and a single adult case-study by the authors showed a much slower, gradual development of the VWFA over a prolonged learning period of several months. Whatever the reason, this region appears primed to rapidly adopt novel representations of symbolic words, and this priming may peak at a specific period in childhood. This finding underscores the importance of a strong education in youth. The authors surmise that “the success of education might also rely on the right timing to benefit from the highest neural plasticity. Our results might also explain why numerous academic curricula, even in ancient civilizations, propose to teach reading around seven years.”

The figure below shows different skills mapped to different sites in the brain before schooling and then with and without school. Labile sites refer to sites that are not currently mapped to a particular skill.

Screen shot 2020 08 20 at 3.23.45 pm

Does the information in the figure support the “winner takes all” theory?

Possible Answers:

Yes, because it shows that each cortical column is only attuned to a single skill.

Yes, because it shows that in children without schooling that faces are better represented within the given subregion than tools are.

No, because it shows different patterns in children with and without schooling.

No, because it only addresses what skills are represented in each region, not the representation of stimuli.

Correct answer:

No, because it only addresses what skills are represented in each region, not the representation of stimuli.


This question requires two pieces of information. First, it requires you to understand the idea behind the "winner takes all" theory. The theory states that the function for which a site is mapped depends on what it is used on in early childhood. Second, you need to understand whether the information presented in the figure matches this statement. You are shown that before schooling, there are a set of "labile" sites (unmapped sites) and sites that are keyed to different skills like tools, faces, and houses. With schooling, some of the labile sites become mapped to words. Without schooling, those same labile sites become mapped to one of the skills already represented. However, the figure does not show how the labile sites were used in early childhood, only how information was later mapped onto the brain. You therefore cannot conclude that there is support for "winner takes all" since there is no discussion of the representation of stimuli.

Example Question #3 : Relating Graphics To The Passage

The following passage and corresponding figure are from Emilie Reas. "How the brain learns to read: development of the “word form area”", PLOS Neuro Community, 2018.

The ability to recognize, process and interpret written language is a uniquely human skill that is acquired with remarkable ease at a young age. But as anyone who has attempted to learn a new language will attest, the brain isn’t “hardwired” to understand written language. In fact, it remains somewhat of a mystery how the brain develops this specialized ability. Although researchers have identified brain regions that process written words, how this selectivity for language develops isn’t entirely clear. 

Earlier studies have shown that the ventral visual cortex supports recognition of an array of visual stimuli, including objects, faces, and places. Within this area, a subregion in the left hemisphere known as the “visual word form area” (VWFA) shows a particular selectivity for written words. However, this region is characteristically plastic. It’s been proposed that stimuli compete for representation in this malleable area, such that “winner takes all” depending on the strongest input. That is, how a site is ultimately mapped is dependent on what it’s used for in early childhood. But this idea has yet to be confirmed, and the evolution of specialized brain areas for reading in children is still poorly understood.

In their study, Dehaene-Lambertz and colleagues monitored the reading abilities and brain changes of ten six-year old children to track the emergence of word specialization during a critical development  period. Over the course of their first school-year, children were assessed every two months with reading evaluations and functional MRI while viewing words and non-word images (houses, objects, faces, bodies). As expected, reading ability improved over the year of first grade, as demonstrated by increased reading speed, word span, and phoneme knowledge, among other measures.

Even at this young age, when reading ability was newly acquired, words evoked widespread left-lateralized brain activation. This activity increased over the year of school, with the greatest boost occurring after just the first few months. Importantly, there were no similar activation increases in response to other stimuli, confirming that these adaptations were specific to reading ability, not a general effect of development or education. Immediately after school began, the brain volume specialized for reading also significantly increased. Furthermore, reading speed was associated with greater activity, particularly in the VWFA. The researchers found that activation patterns to words became more reliable with learning. In contrast, the patterns for other categories remained stable, with the exception of numbers, which may reflect specialization for symbols (words and numbers) generally, or correlation with the simultaneous development of mathematics skills.

What predisposes one brain region over another to take on this specialized role for reading words? Before school, there was no strong preference for any other category in regions that would later become word-responsive. However, brain areas that were destined to remain “non-word” regions showed more stable responses to non-word stimuli even before learning to read. Thus, perhaps the brain takes advantage of unoccupied real-estate to perform the newly acquired skill of reading.

These findings add a critical piece to the puzzle of how reading skills are acquired in the developing child brain. Though it was already known that reading recruits a specialized brain region for words, this study reveals that this occurs without changing the organization of areas already specialized for other functions. The authors propose an elegant model for the developmental brain changes underlying reading skill acquisition. In the illiterate child, there are adjacent columns or patches of cortex either tuned to a specific category, or not yet assigned a function. With literacy, the free subregions become tuned to words, while the previously specialized subregions remain stable.

The rapid emergence of the word area after just a brief learning period highlights the remarkable plasticity of the developing cortex. In individuals who become literate as adults, the same VWFA is present. However, in contrast to children, the relation between reading speed and activation in this area is weaker in adults, and a single adult case-study by the authors showed a much slower, gradual development of the VWFA over a prolonged learning period of several months. Whatever the reason, this region appears primed to rapidly adopt novel representations of symbolic words, and this priming may peak at a specific period in childhood. This finding underscores the importance of a strong education in youth. The authors surmise that “the success of education might also rely on the right timing to benefit from the highest neural plasticity. Our results might also explain why numerous academic curricula, even in ancient civilizations, propose to teach reading around seven years.”

The figure below shows different skills mapped to different sites in the brain before schooling and then with and without school. Labile sites refer to sites that are not currently mapped to a particular skill.

Screen shot 2020 08 20 at 3.23.45 pm

Based on the information given in the passage and the figure, which of the following is true?

Possible Answers:

Becoming literate is more difficult for adults because many of the sites that could be attuned to words are already tuned to other objects.

Words associated with particular objects are always mapped onto the region next to where information about the object is formed.

Students who become literate experience a decrease in their ability to recognize faces.

New information associated with words is mapped onto labile sites rather than onto sites already dedicated to a particular skill.

Correct answer:

New information associated with words is mapped onto labile sites rather than onto sites already dedicated to a particular skill.


This question asks you to draw a valid conclusion from the information given in the graph. And since it gives no information or context as to what you're looking for, the best course of action is simply to examine each answer choice and determine which has support within the graph and which does not. "Students who become literate experience a decrease in their ability to recognize faces" can be eliminated based on a careful examination of the figure. Between the starting figure and the literate figure, none of the sites dedicated to faces goes away. There are just fewer additional sites dedicated to faces in the literate figure than in the non-schooled figure. "Words associated with particular objects are always mapped onto the region next to where information about the object is formed" can also be eliminated since the figure doesn't give any indication as to the type of words mapped in the word areas, so there is no way to tell if this is true. "Becoming literate is more difficult for adults because many of the sites that could be attuned to words are already tuned to other objects" can similarly not be supported by the figure since the figure doesn't address the difference between adults and children. "New information associated with words is mapped onto labile sites rather than onto sites already dedicated to a particular skill" is clearly supported by the figure, however. Word sites are only mapped onto sites that were previously unoccupied by other skills, supporting the idea that new words are only mapped onto labile sites.

Example Question #1 : Interpreting Graphs

The chart below maps how scientists view others' work (left) and how they suspect others will view their own work (right) if the researcher (the scientist or another, depending on the focus) admitted to engaging in questionable research practices.

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Adapted from Fetterman & Sassenberg, "The Reputational Consequences of Failed Replications and Wrongness Admission among Scientists." December 9, 2015, PLOS One.

According to the graph, when the focus of the question was on their own actions, scientists

Possible Answers:

correctly assumed that admitting that a study was wrong would not lead to an increase in suspicion of their work.

incorrectly assumed that admitting that a study was wrong would lead others to be more suspicious of their work.

were more likely to admit that a study was wrong if they were more suspicious of other work.

were less likely to admit that a study was wrong if they were more suspicious of other work.

Correct answer:
incorrectly assumed that admitting that a study was wrong would lead others to be more suspicious of their work.

The key to any graph-based question is to make sure to look not just at the graph itself, but also at any additional information that is presented with the graph. In this case, you are told that the bars on the left represent how the scientists would view others' future work if the other person admitted to wrongdoing. Notice that if the other person admitted that they had been wrong that the people surveyed would be less likely to suspect them than if they didn't admit to wrongdoing. In contrast, the bars on the right show how they would anticipate others to react if they admitted to wrongdoing. In this case, they said that others would be more suspicious of their work if they did admit to wrongdoing than if they didn't. The answer that matches this is "incorrectly assumed that admitting that a study was wrong would lead others to be more suspicious of their work". While they assumed that others would be more suspicious of their work if they admitted to wrongdoing, scientists, in general, were less suspicious of individuals who admitted to wrongdoing.

Example Question #761 : New Sat

The chart below maps how scientists view others' work (left) and how they suspect others will view their own work (right) if the researcher (the scientist or another, depending on the focus) admitted to engaging in questionable research practices.

Screen shot 2020 08 20 at 3.28.58 pm

Adapted from Fetterman & Sassenberg, "The Reputational Consequences of Failed Replications and Wrongness Admission among Scientists." December 9, 2015, PLOS One.

Which of the following is best supported by the graph?

Possible Answers:

Scientists believed that others would view them as much less honest if they admitted to wrongness.

Scientists were slightly more likely to view others as honest if they did admit to wrongness.

Scientists were much more likely to view others as honest if they admitted to wrongness.

Scientists were slightly less likely to view others as honest if they did not admit to wrongness.

Correct answer:

Scientists believed that others would view them as much less honest if they admitted to wrongness.


Scientists viewed others who admitted to wrongdoing with less suspicion than they viewed people who did not admit to wrongdoing. However, scientists believed that others would view them as less trustworthy if they admitted to wrongdoing. This matches "scientists believed that others would view them as much less honest if they admitted to wrongness."

The other choices can all be eliminated because they make the claim that there is some sort of relationship that can be drawn between scientists in one group and the other. Because you don't have scientist- by-scientist data, however, you can't make any conclusions linking individual scientists in each survey group.

Example Question #1 : Interpreting Tables

The passage is adapted from Ngonghala CN, et. al’s “Poverty, Disease, and the Ecology of Complex Systems” © 2014 Ngonghala et al.

In his landmark treatise, An Essay on the Principle of Population, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus argued that population growth will necessarily exceed the growth rate of the means of subsistence, making poverty inevitable. The system of feedbacks that Malthus posited creates a situation similar to what social scientists now term a “poverty trap”:  i.e., a self-reinforcing mechanism that causes poverty to persist. Malthus’s erroneous assumptions, which did not account for rapid technological progress, rendered his core prediction wrong: the world has enjoyed unprecedented economic development in theensuing two centuries due to technology-driven productivity growth.

Nonetheless, for the billion people who still languish in chronic extreme poverty,  Malthus’s ideas about the importance of biophysical and biosocial feedback (e.g., interactions between human behavior and resource availability) to the dynamics of economic systems still ring true. Indeed, while they were based on observations of human populations, Malthus's ideas had reverberations throughout the life sciences. His insights were based on important underlying processes that provided inspiration  to both Darwin and Wallace as they independently derived the theory of evolution by natural selection. Likewise, these principles underlie standard models of population biology, including logistic population growth models, predator-prey models, and the epidemiology of host-pathogen dynamics.

The economics literature on poverty traps, where extreme poverty of some populations persists alongside economic prosperity among others, has a history in various schools of thought. The most Malthusian of models were advanced later by Leibenstein and Nelson, who argued that interactions between economic, capital, and population growth can create a subsistence-level equilibrium. Today, the most common models of poverty traps are rooted in neoclassical growth theory, which is the dominant foundational framework for modeling economic growth. Though sometimes controversial, poverty trap concepts have been integral to some of the most sweeping efforts to catalyze economic development, such as those manifest in the Millennium Development Goals.

The modern economics literature on poverty traps, however, is strikingly silent about the role of feedbacks from biophysical and biosocial processes. Two overwhelming  characteristics of under-developed economies and the poorest, mostly rural, subpopulations in those countries are (i) the dominant role of resource-dependent primary production—from soils, fisheries, forests, and wildlife—as the root source of income and (ii) the high rates of morbidity and mortality due to parasitic and infectious diseases. For basic subsistence, the extremely poor rely on human capital that is directly generated from their ability to obtain resources, and thus critically influenced by climate and soil that determine the success of food production. These resources in turn influence the nutrition and health of individuals, but can also be influenced by a variety of other biophysical processes. For example, infectious and parasitic diseases effectively steal human resources for their own survival and transmission. Yet scientists rarely integrate even the most rudimentary frameworks for understanding these ecological processes into models of economic growth and poverty.

This gap in the literature represents a major missed opportunity to advance our understanding of coupled ecological-economic systems. Through feedbacks between lower-level localized behavior and the higher-level processes that they drive, ecological systems are known to demonstrate complex emergent properties that can be sensitive to initial conditions. A large range of ecological systems—as revealed in processes like desertification, soil degradation, coral reef bleaching, and epidemic disease—have been characterized by multiple stable states, with direct consequences for the livelihoods of the poor. These multiple stable states, which arise from nonlinear positive feedbacks, imply sensitivity to initial conditions.

While Malthus’s original arguments about the relationship between population growth and resource availability were overly simplistic (resulting in only one stable state of subsistence poverty), they led to more sophisticated characterizations of complex ecological processes. In this light, we suggest that breakthroughs in understanding poverty can still benefit from two of his enduring contributions to science: (i) models that are true to underlying mechanisms can lead to critical insights, particularly of complex emergent properties, that are not possible from pure phenomenological models; and (ii) there are significant implications for models that connect human economic behavior to biological constraints. 

World Population, 1990-2015


NUMBER OF PEOPLE (in billions) 



















The above table plots the world population, in billions of people, from 1990 through 2015

 Percent of Population Living in Extreme Poverty 











Europe and Central Asia










Middle East










Latin American and Caribbean










East Asia and Pacific










South Asia










Sub-Saharan African










The table above shows the percentage of people in each region that lived in extreme poverty, as defined by the World Bank, for each of the years plotted. The seventh region, North America, is not shown, as its extreme poverty rate fell below the minimum rate for tracking in this study.

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the two tables?

Possible Answers:

Fewer people in Latin America & the Caribbean lived in poverty in 2008 than in 2002.

As of 2015, less than 3.5 billion people in the world lived in extreme poverty.

 Extreme poverty is not a major concern in Europe & Central Asia. 

In 1999, there were more people living in extreme poverty in South Asia than in East Asia and the Pacific.

Correct answer:

As of 2015, less than 3.5 billion people in the world lived in extreme poverty.


To answer this question, we need to compare the answer options to the two tables. When you are looking at the answer options, keep in mind that the correct answer must be supported by both tables, not just one. Let’s start with “in 1999, there were more people living in extreme poverty in South Asia than in East Asia and the Pacific”. Note that the table that compares regions only deals with percents (percentage of people in that region living in poverty) but not with actual numbers of people. Without an idea of how many people live in each region, we can’t compare total numbers. Next, “fewer people in Latin America & the Caribbean lived in poverty in 2008 than in 2002” has the same problem - without knowing how many people are in each region, we can’t draw conclusions about the total number of people (for example, if one region has one billion people and another has one hundred, you could take the same percentage of each region and get wildly different actual numbers). Answer choice “extreme poverty is not a major concern in Europe & Central Asia” is interesting in that it offers a value judgment - from the numbers you might think “only 1% of people in this region live in extreme poverty, and 1% isn’t a big number” but ask yourself: if it’s 1% of 500 million people, isn’t it possibly a major concern to those 5 million people?  Value judgments like this are very hard to prove, and when you’re asked to draw a conclusion on the SAT you need to be able to prove your answer. This leaves us with, “as of 2015, less than 3.5 billion people in the world lived in extreme poverty”. Without even having to go back and reference the tables you should notice that this choice mentions a population size- which is discussed in the first table- and poverty level- which is covered in the second table. To double check, we can look at the first table and see that is 2015 there are 7.3 billion people in the world- which makes 3.5 billion people about half of the population. Looking at the second table in 2015 we can see that all poverty rates are substantially below 50%, so we can draw this conclusion.

Example Question #1 : Interpreting Tables

The passage is adapted from Ngonghala CN, et. al’s “Poverty, Disease, and the Ecology of Complex Systems” © 2014 Ngonghala et al.

In his landmark treatise, An Essay on the Principle of Population, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus argued that population growth will necessarily exceed the growth rate of the means of subsistence, making poverty inevitable. The system of feedbacks that Malthus posited creates a situation similar to what social scientists now term a “poverty trap”:  i.e., a self-reinforcing mechanism that causes poverty to persist. Malthus’s erroneous assumptions, which did not account for rapid technological progress, rendered his core prediction wrong: the world has enjoyed unprecedented economic development in theensuing two centuries due to technology-driven productivity growth.

Nonetheless, for the billion people who still languish in chronic extreme poverty,  Malthus’s ideas about the importance of biophysical and biosocial feedback (e.g., interactions between human behavior and resource availability) to the dynamics of economic systems still ring true. Indeed, while they were based on observations of human populations, Malthus's ideas had reverberations throughout the life sciences. His insights were based on important underlying processes that provided inspiration  to both Darwin and Wallace as they independently derived the theory of evolution by natural selection. Likewise, these principles underlie standard models of population biology, including logistic population growth models, predator-prey models, and the epidemiology of host-pathogen dynamics.

The economics literature on poverty traps, where extreme poverty of some populations persists alongside economic prosperity among others, has a history in various schools of thought. The most Malthusian of models were advanced later by Leibenstein and Nelson, who argued that interactions between economic, capital, and population growth can create a subsistence-level equilibrium. Today, the most common models of poverty traps are rooted in neoclassical growth theory, which is the dominant foundational framework for modeling economic growth. Though sometimes controversial, poverty trap concepts have been integral to some of the most sweeping efforts to catalyze economic development, such as those manifest in the Millennium Development Goals.

The modern economics literature on poverty traps, however, is strikingly silent about the role of feedbacks from biophysical and biosocial processes. Two overwhelming  characteristics of under-developed economies and the poorest, mostly rural, subpopulations in those countries are (i) the dominant role of resource-dependent primary production—from soils, fisheries, forests, and wildlife—as the root source of income and (ii) the high rates of morbidity and mortality due to parasitic and infectious diseases. For basic subsistence, the extremely poor rely on human capital that is directly generated from their ability to obtain resources, and thus critically influenced by climate and soil that determine the success of food production. These resources in turn influence the nutrition and health of individuals, but can also be influenced by a variety of other biophysical processes. For example, infectious and parasitic diseases effectively steal human resources for their own survival and transmission. Yet scientists rarely integrate even the most rudimentary frameworks for understanding these ecological processes into models of economic growth and poverty.

This gap in the literature represents a major missed opportunity to advance our understanding of coupled ecological-economic systems. Through feedbacks between lower-level localized behavior and the higher-level processes that they drive, ecological systems are known to demonstrate complex emergent properties that can be sensitive to initial conditions. A large range of ecological systems—as revealed in processes like desertification, soil degradation, coral reef bleaching, and epidemic disease—have been characterized by multiple stable states, with direct consequences for the livelihoods of the poor. These multiple stable states, which arise from nonlinear positive feedbacks, imply sensitivity to initial conditions.

While Malthus’s original arguments about the relationship between population growth and resource availability were overly simplistic (resulting in only one stable state of subsistence poverty), they led to more sophisticated characterizations of complex ecological processes. In this light, we suggest that breakthroughs in understanding poverty can still benefit from two of his enduring contributions to science: (i) models that are true to underlying mechanisms can lead to critical insights, particularly of complex emergent properties, that are not possible from pure phenomenological models; and (ii) there are significant implications for models that connect human economic behavior to biological constraints. 

World Population, 1990-2015


NUMBER OF PEOPLE (in billions) 



















The above table plots the world population, in billions of people, from 1990 through 2015

 Percent of Population Living in Extreme Poverty 












Europe and Central Asia










Middle East










Latin American and Caribbean










East Asia and Pacific










South Asia










Sub-Saharan African










The table above shows the percentage of people in each region that lived in extreme poverty, as defined by the World Bank, for each of the years plotted. The seventh region, North America, is not shown, as its extreme poverty rate fell below the minimum rate for tracking in this study.



Which of the following best describes how the data in the two tables supports Malthus’s prediction that population growth will necessarily exceed the growth rate of the means of subsistence, making poverty an inevitable consequence?

Possible Answers:

It supports Malthus’s prediction, because it shows that poverty is still a major problem in the world.

 It contradicts Malthus’s prediction, because it demonstrates that poverty remains highest in the same regions of the world year after year.

It contradicts Malthus’s prediction, because it shows that poverty is decreasing even while the population is increasing.

It supports Malthus’s prediction, because it demonstrates that poverty is a problem that can be solved in certain regions.

Correct answer:

It contradicts Malthus’s prediction, because it shows that poverty is decreasing even while the population is increasing.


If we look at the first table, we can see that from 1990 to 2015 the world population did grow, which does support part of Malthus’s prediction. However, if we look at the second table, we see that from 1990-2015 the percentage of people living poverty actually decreases across each world region (and dramatically so in those regions that were >50% in 1990). Thus, as population increased, poverty decreased. This contradicts Mathus’s prediction overall so we can eliminate answer choices that claim to support his prediction: “ it supports Malthus’s prediction, because it shows that poverty is still a major problem in the world “ and “it supports Malthus’s prediction, because it demonstrates that poverty is a problem that can be solved in certain regions”.

Looking at the remaining options, “it contradicts Malthus’s prediction, because it demonstrates that poverty remains highest in the same regions of the world year after year” is a true statement based on the second table; however, this has nothing to do with Mathus’s prediction so we can eliminate it. This leaves us with, “it contradicts Malthus’s prediction, because it shows that poverty is decreasing even while the population is increasing” as the correct answer. This statement is supported by both of the tables and does contradict Malthus’s overall prediction because that tables show that as population increased, poverty decreased.



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