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Free SAT Math Diagnostic Tests
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 1
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 2
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 3
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 4
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 5
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 6
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 7
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 8
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 9
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 10
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 11
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 12
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 13
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 14
SAT Math Diagnostic Test 15
All SAT Math Resources
Our free SAT Math Practice Tests are each a selection of 10 to 12 questions, which will give you a cross-section of topics from the Math section of the official SAT. You might think of them as little quizzes, which you can use to hone your skills. Whether you need SAT Math tutoring in New York, SAT Math tutoring in Chicago, or SAT Math tutoring in Los Angeles, working one-on-one with an expert may be just the boost your studies need.
SAT Mathematics Section
What kind of math concepts does the SAT Math section test?
The SAT Math section tests a student’s ability to perform basic arithmetic, and solve problems based on concepts drawn from algebra (1 & 2), geometry, probability, and statistics. Students are also required to analyze charts and graphs and answer questions about the data that those charts and graphs present. Varsity Tutors also offers resources like a free SAT prep book to help with your self-paced study, or you may want to consider an SAT Math tutor.
The content that the SAT Math section tests can be broken down into four sections: Numbers and Operations; Algebra and Functions; Geometry and Measurement; and Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability. These sections test the following content:
Number and Operations
Arithmetic word problems (including percent, ratio, and proportion)
Properties of integers (even, odd, prime numbers, divisibility, etc.)
Rational numbers
Sets (union, intersection, elements)
Counting techniques
Sequences and series (including exponential growth)
Elementary number theory
Algebra and Functions
Arithmetic word problems (including percent, ratio, and proportion)
Properties of integers (even, odd, prime numbers, divisibility, etc.)
Rational numbers
Sets (union, intersection, elements)
Counting techniques
Sequences and series (including exponential growth)
Elementary number theory
Geometry and Measurement
Area and perimeter of a polygon
Area and circumference of a circle
Volume of a box, cube, and cylinder
Pythagorean Theorem and special properties of isosceles, equilateral, and right triangles
Properties of parallel and perpendicular lines
Coordinate geometry
Geometric visualization
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
Data interpretation (tables and graphs)
Descriptive statistics (mean, median, and mode)
What types of questions appear on the SAT Math section?
Two types of questions appear on the SAT Math section: multiple-choice questions and grid-in questions.
Multiple-choice questions consist of a problem followed by five potentially correct answers; in order to answer a question, you select the answer you believe to be correct and bubble in its corresponding letter on your answer sheet.
Grid-in questions consist of a problem followed by four consecutive boxes. Each box corresponds to a column of bubbles directly underneath it, which each contain the symbol for a fraction line, a decimal, and the numbers 0-9. (The first box’s column omits the zero so that students don’t bubble in zeroes before their decimals.) After determining the correct answer to the problem, you both write out your response in the boxes and bubble in each number’s corresponding bubble underneath it.
Remember the following points when completing grid-in questions:
Answers may be either right-justified or left-justified (i.e. you may have a blank box on either the right or left side of a three-digit answer). However, it is recommended that you pick one of these and stick with it during the test, so that you don’t get confused and accidentally bubble in an incorrect answer.
Bubble in only one circle per column.
Don’t bubble in any circle for columns that you do not need.
Your answer is based on the bubbled-in numbers, not the numbers you write in the boxes. So, make sure that you bubble in your answer correctly!
It’s not required that you write in your answer in the boxes, but this is very helpful in making sure that you bubble in your answer correctly.
Some questions may have multiple correct answers; if so, bubble in only one.
No grid-in problem will have a negative answer.
Mixed numbers like 7 ⅓ need to be submitted as decimal answers (i.e. 7.333) or fractions (i.e. 22/3). If you bubble in “7 1 / 2,” it will be assumed that you mean 71/2, not 7½.
Decimal answers with repeating digits are too big for the grid should NOT be rounded down so that empty spaces appear on the grid. For instance, if you get ⅓ as an answer and choose to grid it as a decimal, you need to write “. 3 3 3,” not “. 3 3,” which would be marked wrong because it’s not as accurate as it can be. For decimal answers with repeating digits that need to be rounded, i.e. ⅔, either “. 6 6 6” or “. 6 6 7” is an acceptable answer.
How many problems are on the SAT Math section, and how much time will I have to complete them?
The SAT Math section consists of 54 questions in total. 44 of these questions are multiple-choice and 10 are grid-in. These questions appear on three sections of the test, two of which are 25 minutes long and one of which is 20 minutes long. These sections are interspersed amongst Critical Reading and Writing sections, so you don’t do them consecutively. Given that you have 54 questions to complete in 70 minutes, you have about one minute and fifteen seconds per question.
Math Section #1: 20 multiple-choice questions / 25 minutes
Math Section #2: 8 multiple-choice questions followed by 10 grid-in questions / 25 minutes
Math Section #3: 16 multiple-choice questions / 20 minutes
Total: 54 questions (44 multiple-choice and 10 grid-in) / 70 minutes
Can I use a calculator on the SAT Math section?
Yes! Students should bring their own calculator—a scientific calculator is recommended, but certain graphing calculators are permitted. While calculators are extremely useful on some problems, they can slow you down on others where it’s better to simplify equations or estimate.
Which kinds of calculators are permitted on the SAT Math section?
Calculators are only permitted on the Math section of the SAT. Four-function calculators are permitted, but not recommended; scientific calculators (whether programmable or non-programmable) are permitted; and the graphing calculators listed below are permitted.
Casio: FX-6000 series, FX-6200 series, FX-6300 series, FX-6500 series, FX-7000 series, FX-7300 series, FX-7400 series, FX-7500 series, FX-7700 series, FX-7800 series, FX-8000 series, FX-8500 series, FX-8700 series, FX-8800 series, FX-9700 series, FX-9750 series, FX-9860 series, CFX-9800 series, CFX-9850 series, CFX-9950 series, CFX-9970 series, FX 1.0 series, Algebra FX 2.0 series, FX-CG-10 (PRIZM), FX-CG-20
Hewlett-Packard: HP-9G, HP-28 series, HP-38G, HP-39 series, HP-40 series, HP-48 series, HP-49 series, HP-50 series
Radio Shack: EC-4033, EC-4034, EC-4037
Sharp: EL-5200, EL-9200, EL-9300, EL-9600*, EL-9900
*You are not permitted to use the stylus with the Sharp EL-9600 calculator on the SAT.
Texas Instruments: TI-73, TI-80, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83/TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Silver, TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-Nspire/TI-Nspire CX, TI-Nspire CAS/TI-Nspire CX CAS, TI-Nspire CM-C, TI-Nspire CAS CX-C
Other: Datexx DS-883, Micronta, Smart2
You are NOT permitted to use any of the following devices as a calculator on the SAT:
Laptop or portable/handheld computer
Calculator that has a QWERTY (keyboard-like) keypad, uses an electrical outlet, makes noise or has a paper tape
Electronic writing pad or pen-input/stylus-driven device
Pocket organizer
Calculator function on a mobile phone
What if I forget an important formula on the SAT Math section?
On the SAT, all of the major formulas covered on the test—including the areas and volumes of shapes like circles, triangles, and quadrilaterals, and the surface areas and volumes of three-dimensional shapes—are included on the test for your reference. While this may seem like an excuse not to learn them, knowing the formulas yourself and only referencing the included reference material to double-check what you already know will save you a lot of time on the SAT Math section.
The following images and formulas are provided on the SAT Math booklet and are available for reference during the exam:
An image of a circle with the radius identified as “r”
A = πr2
C = 2πr
An image of a rectangle with the length identified as “l” and the width identified as “w”
A = lw
An image of a triangle with the height identified as “h” and the base identified as “b”
A = ½bh
An image of a three-dimensional rectangle with length identified as “l,” width identified as “w,” and height identified as “h”
V = lwh
An image of a cylinder with its radius identified as “r” and its height identified as “h”
V = πr2h
An image of a right triangle with its legs labeled “a” and “b” and its hypotenuse labeled “c”
c2 = a2 + b2
Special Right Triangles
An image of a 30-60-90 triangle with its angles appropriately labeled, the side opposite the 30º labeled “x,” the side opposite the 60º angle labeled “x√3,” and the side opposite the 90º angle (the hypotenuse) labeled “2x.”
An image of a 45-45-90 triangle with its angles appropriately labeled, each leg labeled “s,” and the hypotenuse labeled “s√2”
The following sentences are also included:
“The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.”
“The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.”
Should I guess on the SAT Math section?
It depends. On multiple choice questions, there is a deduction of ¼ point for choosing the wrong answer, so you don’t want to guess randomly; however, if you can eliminate a few wrong answers and guess between the remaining ones, you will have a better chance of guessing correctly on multiple-choice questions. So, narrowing down the number of potentially correct answers is a good strategy on multiple-choice questions, but won’t work with the grid-ins, where you are required to write out the answer.
Where are the easy questions on the SAT Math section?
The SAT is relatively straightforward here: questions in each section start off easy and become more difficult as you go on. Since all questions have the same score (1 point for a correct answer), it’s a good strategy to make sure all the easy and medium questions in the beginning of the section are answered correctly before working on the difficult problems near the end.
How should I study for the SAT Math section?
Varsity Tutors offers free SAT Math Practice Tests for you to use in preparing for the SAT's Math section. Our free SAT Math Practice Tests are written by teachers, professors, content specialists, and tutors. Explanations are given for each question, so if you miss a question, you can find out where you went wrong. In addition to the SAT Math Practice Tests and SAT Math tutoring, you may also want to consider using some of our SAT Math flash cards. Varsity Tutors also offers free SAT Math Questions of the Day, free SAT Math Full-Length Tests, and other free SAT Math resources.
In fact, you might want to begin your preparation by taking one of the free Full-Length SAT Math Practice Tests. The complete practice tests ask you to exercise your math skills to solve questions on all of the concepts you’ll be expected to know. It’s a convenient way to get some practice in while also getting an overview of your current knowledge level. After you finish the test, you’ll receive your score along with detailed walkthroughs of the process to reach the correct answer and links to additional review materials. Since the results show you precisely which topics you need to focus on, these free online practice tests can help you fine-tune your personalized SAT study plan. Once you’ve done a thorough review using the other Learning Tools, you can check your progress by returning to take another Full-Length SAT Math Practice Tests.
Free SAT Math Practice Tests
Practice Tests by Concept
Algebra practice test
sat_math-algebraAlgebraic fractions practice test
sat_math-algebraic-fractionsHow to evaluate a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-evaluate-a-fractionHow to find excluded values practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-excluded-valuesHow to find inverse variation practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-inverse-variationHow to simplify a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-simplify-a-fractionHow to solve for a variable as part of a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-solve-for-a-variable-as-part-of-a-fractionAlgebraic functions practice test
sat_math-algebraic-functionsHow to find domain and range of the inverse of a relation practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-domain-and-range-of-the-inverse-of-a-relationHow to find f(x) practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-f-xHow to find the domain of a function practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-domain-of-a-functionHow to use the quadratic function practice test
sat_math-how-to-use-the-quadratic-functionDistributive property practice test
sat_math-distributive-propertyFoil practice test
sat_math-foilHow to use foil in the distributive property practice test
sat_math-how-to-use-foil-in-the-distributive-propertyEquations / inequalities practice test
sat_math-equations-inequalitiesFactoring equations practice test
sat_math-factoring-equationsHow to factor an equation practice test
sat_math-how-to-factor-an-equationInequalities practice test
sat_math-inequalitiesHow to find the solution to an inequality with addition practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-an-inequality-with-additionHow to find the solution to an inequality with division practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-an-inequality-with-divisionHow to find the solution to an inequality with multiplication practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-an-inequality-with-multiplicationHow to find the solution to an inequality with subtraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-an-inequality-with-subtractionLinear / rational / variable equations practice test
sat_math-linear-rational-variable-equationsHow to find out when an equation has no solution practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-out-when-an-equation-has-no-solutionHow to find the solution to a rational equation with lcd practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-a-rational-equation-with-lcdHow to find the solution to an equation practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-an-equationQuadratic equations practice test
sat_math-quadratic-equationsHow to factor the quadratic equation practice test
sat_math-how-to-factor-the-quadratic-equationHow to find the solution to a quadratic equation practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-a-quadratic-equationSolution sets practice test
sat_math-solution-setsHow to find a solution set practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-a-solution-setSystems of equations practice test
sat_math-systems-of-equationsHow to find the solution for a system of equations practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-for-a-system-of-equationsExponents practice test
sat_math-exponentsExponential operations practice test
sat_math-exponential-operationsHow to add exponents practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-exponentsHow to divide exponents practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-exponentsHow to multiply exponents practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-exponentsHow to subtract exponents practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-exponentsExponential ratios practice test
sat_math-exponential-ratiosHow to find a ratio of exponents practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-a-ratio-of-exponentsExponents and rational numbers practice test
sat_math-exponents-and-rational-numbersHow to find a rational number from an exponent practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-a-rational-number-from-an-exponentHow to find an exponent from a rational number practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-exponent-from-a-rational-numberExponents and the distributive property practice test
sat_math-exponents-and-the-distributive-propertyHow to use foil practice test
sat_math-how-to-use-foilHow to use foil with exponents practice test
sat_math-how-to-use-foil-with-exponentsOther exponents practice test
sat_math-other-exponentsHow to use scientific notation practice test
sat_math-how-to-use-scientific-notationPattern behaviors in exponents practice test
sat_math-pattern-behaviors-in-exponentsHow to find compound interest practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-compound-interestHow to find patterns in exponents practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-patterns-in-exponentsSquaring / square roots / radicals practice test
sat_math-squaring-square-roots-radicalsComplex numbers practice test
sat_math-complex-numbersHow to add complex numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-complex-numbersHow to divide complex numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-complex-numbersHow to multiply complex numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-complex-numbersHow to subtract complex numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-complex-numbers_aaFactoring squares practice test
sat_math-factoring-squaresHow to factor a common factor out of squares practice test
sat_math-how-to-factor-a-common-factor-out-of-squaresSquare of difference practice test
sat_math-square-of-difference_aaHow to find the square of difference practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-square-of-difference_aaSquare of sum practice test
sat_math-square-of-sumHow to find the square of a sum practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-square-of-a-sumExpressions practice test
sat_math-expressionsEvaluating expressions practice test
sat_math-evaluating-expressionsHow to evaluate algebraic expressions practice test
sat_math-how-to-evaluate-algebraic-expressionsRational expressions practice test
sat_math-rational-expressionsHow to add rational expressions with a common denominator practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-rational-expressions-with-a-common-denominatorHow to add rational expressions with different denominators practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-rational-expressions-with-different-denominatorsHow to divide rational expressions practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-rational-expressionsHow to evaluate rational expressions practice test
sat_math-how-to-evaluate-rational-expressionsHow to multiply rational expressions practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-rational-expressionsSimplifying expressions practice test
sat_math-simplifying-expressionsHow to simplify an expression practice test
sat_math-how-to-simplify-an-expressionVariables practice test
sat_math-variablesDirect and inverse variation practice test
sat_math-direct-and-inverse-variationHow to use the direct variation formula practice test
sat_math-how-to-use-the-direct-variation-formulaHow to use the inverse variation formula practice test
sat_math-how-to-use-the-inverse-variation-formulaFactoring practice test
sat_math-factoringHow to factor a variable practice test
sat_math-how-to-factor-a-variableMonomials practice test
sat_math-monomialsHow to multiply a monomial by a polynomial practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-a-monomial-by-a-polynomialHow to multiply monomial quotients practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-monomial-quotientsPolynomials practice test
sat_math-polynomialsBinomials practice test
sat_math-binomialsBinomial denominators practice test
sat_math-binomial-denominatorsHow to find the solution of a rational equation with a binomial denominator practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-of-a-rational-equation-with-a-binomial-denominatorOther binomials practice test
sat_math-other-binomials_aaHow to find the solution to a binomial problem practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-solution-to-a-binomial-problem_aaSimplifying practice test
sat_math-simplifyingHow to simplify binomials practice test
sat_math-how-to-simplify-binomialsFactoring polynomials practice test
sat_math-factoring-polynomialsHow to factor a polynomial practice test
sat_math-how-to-factor-a-polynomialPolynomial operations practice test
sat_math-polynomial-operationsHow to divide polynomials practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-polynomialsHow to find the degree of a polynomial practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-degree-of-a-polynomialHow to multiply polynomials practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-polynomialsHow to subtract polynomials practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-polynomials_aaTrinomials practice test
sat_math-trinomialsHow to add trinomials practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-trinomialsHow to factor a trinomial practice test
sat_math-how-to-factor-a-trinomialArithmetic practice test
sat_math-arithmeticBasic squaring / square roots practice test
sat_math-basic-squaring-square-rootsFactoring common factors of squares and square roots practice test
sat_math-factoring-common-factors-of-squares-and-square-rootsHow to find the common factor of square roots practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-common-factor-of-square-rootsOther squaring / square roots practice test
sat_math-other-squaring-square-rootsHow to find the square of an integer practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-square-of-an-integerSimplifying square roots practice test
sat_math-simplifying-square-rootsHow to find the common factors of squares practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-common-factors-of-squaresHow to simplify square roots practice test
sat_math-how-to-simplify-square-rootsSquare roots and operations practice test
sat_math-square-roots-and-operationsHow to add square roots practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-square-rootsHow to divide square roots practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-square-rootsHow to multiply square roots practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-square-roots_aaHow to subtract square roots practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-square-rootsDecimals practice test
sat_math-decimalsBasic squaring / square roots practice test
sat_math-basic-squaring-square-rootsHow to find the square root of a decimal practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-square-root-of-a-decimalHow to square a decimal practice test
sat_math-how-to-square-a-decimalDecimals with fractions practice test
sat_math-decimals-with-fractionsHow to find the decimal equivalent of a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-decimal-equivalent-of-a-fractionHow to find the fractional equivalent of a decimal practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-fractional-equivalent-of-a-decimalOrdering practice test
sat_math-orderingHow to order decimals from least to greatest or from greatest to least practice test
sat_math-how-to-order-decimals-from-least-to-greatest-or-from-greatest-to-leastOther decimals practice test
sat_math-other-decimalsHow to add decimals practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-decimalsHow to convert decimals to scientific notation practice test
sat_math-how-to-convert-decimals-to-scientific-notationHow to divide decimals practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-decimalsHow to multiply decimals practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-decimalsHow to subtract decimals practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-decimalsFractions practice test
sat_math-fractionsComplex fractions practice test
sat_math-complex-fractionsHow to add complex fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-complex-fractionsHow to divide complex fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-complex-fractionsHow to subtract complex fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-complex-fractionsCompound fractions practice test
sat_math-compound-fractionsHow to find a solution to a compound fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-a-solution-to-a-compound-fractionDecimals with fractions practice test
sat_math-decimals-with-fractionsHow to find decimal fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-decimal-fractionsHow to find the decimal equivalent of a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-decimal-equivalent-of-a-fractionFractions and percentage practice test
sat_math-fractions-and-percentageHow to find fractional percentages practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-fractional-percentages_abHow to find percentage from a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-percentage-from-a-fractionInfinite fractions practice test
sat_math-infinite-fractionsHow to find the amount of rational numbers between two numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-amount-of-rational-numbers-between-two-numbersLowest common denominator practice test
sat_math-lowest-common-denominatorHow to find the lowest / least common denominator practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-lowest-least-common-denominatorMixed / improper fractions practice test
sat_math-mixed-improper-fractionsHow to find out a mixed fraction from an improper fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-out-a-mixed-fraction-from-an-improper-fractionHow to find out an improper fraction from a mixed fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-out-an-improper-fraction-from-a-mixed-fractionOperations with fractions practice test
sat_math-operations-with-fractionsHow to add fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-fractionsHow to divide fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-fractionsHow to multiply fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-fractionsHow to subtract fractions practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-fractionsOrdering fractions practice test
sat_math-ordering-fractionsHow to order fractions from least to greatest or from greatest to least practice test
sat_math-how-to-order-fractions-from-least-to-greatest-or-from-greatest-to-leastProportion / ratio / rate practice test
sat_math-proportion-ratio-rateHow to express a fraction as a ratio practice test
sat_math-how-to-express-a-fraction-as-a-ratioHow to find a ratio practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-a-ratioHow to find proportion practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-proportionHow to find rate practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-rateHow to find the ratio of a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-ratio-of-a-fractionReciprocals practice test
sat_math-reciprocalsHow to find the reciprocal of a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-reciprocal-of-a-fractionSimplifying fractions practice test
sat_math-simplifying-fractionsHow to simplify a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-simplify-a-fractionWhole and part practice test
sat_math-whole-and-partHow to find the part from the whole practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-part-from-the-wholeHow to find the whole from the part practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-whole-from-the-partIntegers practice test
sat_math-integersAbsolute value practice test
sat_math-absolute-valueHow to find absolute value practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-absolute-valueCounting practice test
sat_math-countingHow to find the number of integers between two other integers practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-number-of-integers-between-two-other-integersEven / odd numbers practice test
sat_math-even-odd-numbersHow to add even numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-even-numbersHow to add odd numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-odd-numbersHow to divide even numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-even-numbersHow to multiply even numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-even-numbersHow to multiply odd numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-odd-numbersHow to subtract even numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-even-numbersFactors / multiples practice test
sat_math-factors-multiplesGreatest common factor practice test
sat_math-greatest-common-factorHow to find the greatest common factor practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-greatest-common-factorLeast common multiple practice test
sat_math-least-common-multipleHow to find the least common multiple practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-least-common-multipleOther factors / multiples practice test
sat_math-other-factors-multiplesHow to factor a number practice test
sat_math-how-to-factor-a-numberPrime numbers practice test
sat_math-prime-numbersHow to find out if a number is prime practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-out-if-a-number-is-primeNegative numbers practice test
sat_math-negative-numbersHow to add negative numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-negative-numbersHow to divide negative numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-negative-numbersHow to multiply negative numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-negative-numbersHow to subtract negative numbers practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-negative-numbersNumber line practice test
sat_math-number-lineGraphing an equation with a number line practice test
sat_math-graphing-an-equation-with-a-number-lineHow to graph an equation with a number line practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-an-equation-with-a-number-lineGraphing an inequality with a number line practice test
sat_math-graphing-an-inequality-with-a-number-lineHow to graph an inequality with a number line practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-an-inequality-with-a-number-lineOther number line practice test
sat_math-other-number-lineHow to find value with a number line practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-value-with-a-number-lineOperations practice test
sat_math-operationsHow to add integers practice test
sat_math-how-to-add-integersHow to divide integers practice test
sat_math-how-to-divide-integersHow to multiply integers practice test
sat_math-how-to-multiply-integersHow to subtract integers practice test
sat_math-how-to-subtract-integersPermutation / combination practice test
sat_math-permutation-combinationHow to find permutation notation practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-permutation-notationHow to find the greatest or least number of combinations practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-greatest-or-least-number-of-combinationsSequences practice test
sat_math-sequencesArithmetic sequences practice test
sat_math-arithmetic-sequencesNth term of an arithmetic sequence practice test
sat_math-nth-term-of-an-arithmetic-sequenceHow to find the next term in an arithmetic sequence practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-next-term-in-an-arithmetic-sequenceHow to find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-nth-term-of-an-arithmetic-sequenceOther arithmetic sequences practice test
sat_math-other-arithmetic-sequencesHow to find the answer to an arithmetic sequence practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-answer-to-an-arithmetic-sequenceCommon difference in sequences practice test
sat_math-common-difference-in-sequencesHow to find the common difference in sequences practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-common-difference-in-sequencesConsecutive integers practice test
sat_math-consecutive-integersHow to find consecutive integers practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-consecutive-integersSets practice test
sat_math-setsHow to find the missing number in a set practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-missing-number-in-a-setOrder of operations practice test
sat_math-order-of-operationsHow to find order of operations practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-order-of-operationsPercentage practice test
sat_math-percentageDecimals and percentage practice test
sat_math-decimals-and-percentageHow to find decimal equivalent to a percentage practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-decimal-equivalent-to-a-percentageHow to find percentage equivalent to a decimal practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-percentage-equivalent-to-a-decimalFractions and percentage practice test
sat_math-fractions-and-percentageHow to find a fraction from a percentage practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-a-fraction-from-a-percentageHow to find percentage from a fraction practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-percentage-from-a-fractionInterest practice test
sat_math-interestHow to find simple interest practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-simple-interestOther percentage practice test
sat_math-other-percentageHow to find percentage practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-percentagePercent of change practice test
sat_math-percent-of-changeHow to find the percent of decrease practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-percent-of-decreaseHow to find the percent of increase practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-percent-of-increaseProfit margin practice test
sat_math-profit-marginHow to find amount of profit practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-amount-of-profitSale prices practice test
sat_math-sale-pricesHow to find the sale price practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-sale-priceSales tax practice test
sat_math-sales-taxHow to find the amount of sales tax practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-amount-of-sales-taxWhole and part practice test
sat_math-whole-and-partHow to find the part from the whole with percentage practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-part-from-the-whole-with-percentageHow to find the whole from the part with percentage practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-whole-from-the-part-with-percentageData analysis practice test
sat_math-data-analysisProbability practice test
sat_math-probabilityOutcomes practice test
sat_math-outcomesHow to find the probability of an outcome practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-probability-of-an-outcomeStatistics practice test
sat_math-statisticsArithmetic mean practice test
sat_math-arithmetic-meanHow to find arithmetic mean practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-arithmetic-meanMedian practice test
sat_math-medianHow to find median practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-medianMode practice test
sat_math-modeHow to find mode practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-modeRange practice test
sat_math-rangeHow to find range practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-rangeVenn diagrams practice test
sat_math-venn-diagramsIntersection practice test
sat_math-intersectionHow to find the intersection of a venn diagram practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-intersection-of-a-venn-diagramUnion practice test
sat_math-unionHow to find the union of a venn diagram practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-union-of-a-venn-diagramGeometry practice test
sat_math-geometryCoordinate geometry practice test
sat_math-coordinate-geometryCircles practice test
sat_math-circlesHow to find the equation of a circle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-circleGraphing practice test
sat_math-graphingHow to graph a function practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-a-functionHow to graph a line practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-a-lineHow to graph a point practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-a-point_aaHow to graph a quadratic function practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-a-quadratic-functionHow to graph a two-step inequality practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-a-two-step-inequalityHow to graph an ordered pair practice test
sat_math-how-to-graph-an-ordered-pairLines practice test
sat_math-linesDistance formula practice test
sat_math-distance-formulaHow to find the length of a line with distance formula practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-a-line-with-distance-formulaMidpoint formula practice test
sat_math-midpoint-formulaHow to find the endpoints of a line segment practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-endpoints-of-a-line-segmentHow to find the midpoint of a line segment practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-midpoint-of-a-line-segmentOther lines practice test
sat_math-other-linesHow to find out if a point is on a line with an equation practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-out-if-a-point-is-on-a-line-with-an-equationHow to find slope of a line practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-slope-of-a-lineHow to find the equation of a line practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-lineParallel lines practice test
sat_math-parallel-linesHow to find out if lines are parallel practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-out-if-lines-are-parallelHow to find the equation of a parallel line practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-parallel-lineHow to find the slope of parallel lines practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-slope-of-parallel-linesPerpendicular lines practice test
sat_math-perpendicular-linesHow to find out if lines are perpendicular practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-out-if-lines-are-perpendicularHow to find the equation of a perpendicular line practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-perpendicular-lineHow to find the slope of perpendicular lines practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-slope-of-perpendicular-linesTransformation practice test
sat_math-transformationHow to find transformation for an analytic geometry equation practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-transformation-for-an-analytic-geometry-equationX and y intercept practice test
sat_math-x-and-y-interceptHow to find the equation of a curve practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-curveHow to find x or y intercept practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-x-or-y-interceptPlane geometry practice test
sat_math-plane-geometryCircles practice test
sat_math-circlesChords practice test
sat_math-chords_aaHow to find the length of a chord practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-a-chord_aaClock math practice test
sat_math-clock-mathHow to find the angle of clock hands practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-angle-of-clock-handsDiameter practice test
sat_math-diameterHow to find the length of the diameter practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-diameterHow to find the ratio of diameter and circumference practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-ratio-of-diameter-and-circumferenceRadius practice test
sat_math-radiusHow to find circumference practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-circumferenceHow to find the area of a circle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-circleHow to find the length of a radius practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-a-radiusSectors practice test
sat_math-sectorsHow to find the angle of a sector practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-angle-of-a-sectorHow to find the area of a sector practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-sectorHow to find the length of an arc practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-an-arcHow to find the percentage of a sector from an angle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-percentage-of-a-sector-from-an-angleHexagons practice test
sat_math-hexagonsHow to find an angle in a hexagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-hexagonHow to find the area of a hexagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-hexagonHow to find the length of the diagonal of a hexagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-diagonal-of-a-hexagonHow to find the length of the side of a hexagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-hexagon_aaHow to find the perimeter of a hexagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-hexagon_aaLines practice test
sat_math-linesHow to find the angle of two lines practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-angle-of-two-linesOther polygons practice test
sat_math-other-polygonsHow to find an angle in a polygon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-polygonHow to find the area of a polygon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-polygonHow to find the length of a side of a polygon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-a-side-of-a-polygonPentagons practice test
sat_math-pentagonsHow to find an angle in a pentagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-pentagonHow to find the length of the side of a pentagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-pentagon_aaHow to find the perimeter of a pentagon practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-pentagon_aaQuadrilaterals practice test
sat_math-quadrilateralsOther quadrilaterals practice test
sat_math-other-quadrilateralsHow to find an angle in a quadrilateral practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-quadrilateral_aaHow to find if quadrilaterals are similar practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-if-quadrilaterals-are-similarParallelograms practice test
sat_math-parallelogramsHow to find the area of a parallelogram practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-parallelogramHow to find the perimeter of a parallelogram practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-parallelogramRectangles practice test
sat_math-rectanglesHow to find the area of a rectangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-rectangleHow to find the length of the diagonal of a rectangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-diagonal-of-a-rectangleHow to find the length of the side of a rectangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-rectangleHow to find the perimeter of a rectangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-rectangleRhombuses practice test
sat_math-rhombusesHow to find the area of a rhombus practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-rhombusHow to find the perimeter of a rhombus practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-rhombusSquares practice test
sat_math-squaresHow to find the area of a square practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-squareHow to find the length of the side of a square practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-squareHow to find the perimeter of a square practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-squareTrapezoids practice test
sat_math-trapezoidsHow to find the area of a trapezoid practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-trapezoidHow to find the length of the side of a trapezoid practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-trapezoid_aaTriangles practice test
sat_math-trianglesAcute / obtuse triangles practice test
sat_math-acute-obtuse-trianglesHow to find an angle in an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find if two acute / obtuse triangles are similar practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-if-two-acute-obtuse-triangles-are-similarHow to find the area of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the height of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-height-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the length of the side of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the perimeter of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleEquilateral triangles practice test
sat_math-equilateral-trianglesHow to find the area of an equilateral triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-an-equilateral-triangleHow to find the height of a triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-height-of-a-triangleHow to find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-an-equilateral-triangleHow to find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-an-equilateral-triangleIsosceles triangles practice test
sat_math-isosceles-triangles45/45/90 right isosceles triangles practice test
sat_math-45-45-90-right-isosceles-trianglesHow to find the length of the hypotenuse of a 45/45/90 right isosceles triangle : pythagorean theorem practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-hypotenuse-of-a-45-45-90-right-isosceles-triangle-pythagorean-theorem_aaHow to find the length of the side of a 45/45/90 right isosceles triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-45-45-90-right-isosceles-triangleHow to find the perimeter of a 45/45/90 right isosceles triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-45-45-90-right-isosceles-triangleAcute / obtuse isosceles triangles practice test
sat_math-acute-obtuse-isosceles-trianglesHow to find an angle in an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-an-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangleHow to find if acute / obtuse isosceles triangles are similar practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-if-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangles-are-similarHow to find the length of the side of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-an-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangleHow to find the perimeter of an acute / obtuse isosceles triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-an-acute-obtuse-isosceles-triangleRight triangles practice test
sat_math-right-trianglesHow to find an angle in a right triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-right-triangleHow to find if right triangles are similar practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-if-right-triangles-are-similarHow to find the area of a right triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-right-triangleHow to find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle : pythagorean theorem practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-hypotenuse-of-a-right-triangle-pythagorean-theoremHow to find the length of the side of a right triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-right-triangleHow to find the perimeter of a right triangle practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-right-triangleSolid geometry practice test
sat_math-solid-geometryCones practice test
sat_math-conesHow to find the surface area of a cone practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-coneHow to find the volume of a cone practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-coneCubes practice test
sat_math-cubesHow to find the diagonal of a cube practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-diagonal-of-a-cubeHow to find the length of an edge of a cube practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-an-edge-of-a-cubeHow to find the surface area of a cube practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-cubeHow to find the volume of a cube practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-cubeCylinders practice test
sat_math-cylindersHow to find the surface area of a cylinder practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-cylinderHow to find the volume of a cylinder practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-cylinderOther polyhedrons practice test
sat_math-other-polyhedrons_aaHow to find the volume of a polyhedron practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-polyhedron_aaPrisms practice test
sat_math-prismsHow to find the diagonal of a prism practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-diagonal-of-a-prismHow to find the length of an edge of a prism practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-an-edge-of-a-prismHow to find the surface area of a prism practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-prismHow to find the volume of a prism practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-prismPyramids practice test
sat_math-pyramidsHow to find the length of an edge of a pyramid practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-an-edge-of-a-pyramidHow to find the surface area of a pyramid practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-pyramid_aaHow to find the volume of a pyramid practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-pyramidSpheres practice test
sat_math-spheresHow to find the diameter of a sphere practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-diameter-of-a-sphereHow to find the radius of a sphere practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-radius-of-a-sphereHow to find the surface area of a sphere practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-surface-area-of-a-sphereHow to find the volume of a sphere practice test
sat_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-sphereAll SAT Math Resources
All SAT Math Resources
