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All SSAT Upper Level Math Resources
If your son or daughter is taking the SSAT Upper Level test soon, then encourage them to study for it. The SSAT Upper Level Math section is especially important to study for, because it may have questions based on math concepts your child learned years ago and need a quick refresher on and questions based on math concepts your child has yet to learn in the traditional classroom.
Varsity Tutors' Learning Tools has several SSAT Upper Level Math study help activities that can be used to prepare for the test at any time day or night. While you should have your child set aside some time to complete full practice tests, the SSAT Upper Level Math flashcards are perfect to study for just a few minutes when on-the-go. They can help your child squeeze in quick study sessions on their smartphone or tablet when they have a little unexpected free time during their day.
The most important math topics to review when preparing for the SSAT Upper Level Math test include algebra, geometry, data analysis, probability, and number concepts and operations. It is a good idea to take a look back at which concepts your child's math classes have already focused on and which haven't been covered yet. Also, look at the grades your child earned in the math classes they already took.
Then, suggest that they focus most of their test preparation building their skills in math areas they didn't master quite as well in class along with any math concepts they have not yet learned in class. This can aid in SSAT Upper Level Math review time management and help ensure that your child learns the math concepts they don't yet understand before they spend time getting in some extra practice answering math questions they already know how to solve.
To help your child study the math topics they struggle most with, the full deck SSAT Upper Level Math study flashcards is also broken up into small decks that each focus on a specific area of math. That makes it easy for your child to practice the areas they need to study most just by clicking on those specific decks. Some time should also be spent reviewing the math topics they do feel confident in, but those study sessions will just be refreshers, so they won't take as long and can be fit in after your child builds up their weakest math skills.
Another way your child can help manage the time they spend studying the free flashcards online is to use the flashcards builder. While this Learning Tool can be used as a flashcard maker by entering new questions and answers into the blank flashcards templates, your child can also use it to pull the ready-made flashcards from several decks into one. Your child can then study with the custom deck created with the flashcard creator that focuses on their math weaknesses, but instead of knowing exactly which concept each card will be based on, they can be mixed up in the way they may appear on the SSAT.
Studying for the SSAT can be difficult to squeeze into an already busy schedule, but the Learning Tools Flashcards make it easier! Your child can build their math skills by practicing the flashcards anytime they have their tablet or smartphone handy and a few minutes to spare!
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