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All SSAT Upper Level Math Resources
Are you anxious about the Quantitative sections on the Upper Level SSAT? You’re not the only one; many students, especially those for whom math is not their strongest subject, find the Upper Level SSAT’s Quantitative sections to be the test’s most challenging; however, by arming yourself with information about how the Upper Level SSAT structures its Quantitative sections, the topics that they test, and some great free resources available to help you study, you can prepare yourself adequately for the Upper Level SSAT’s Quantitative sections in no time!
The Quantitative sections of the Upper Level SSAT tests your ability to use mathematical concepts to solve a variety of problems. The sections are entirely multiple-choice, and each question has four answer choices. There are two Quantitative sections on every Upper Level SSAT: the first is the first multiple-choice section given after the Writing Sample, and the second is the last scored section on the exam, coming after the Verbal section, but before the Experimental section. Each Quantitative section on the Upper Level SSAT contains 25 problems that you are given 30 minutes to solve, so in total, the test gives you an hour to solve fifty math problems. The Upper Level SSAT’s Quantitative sections cover four main categories of mathematical topics. The first category is Number Concepts and Operations; it covers arithmetic word problems including those that test percents and ratios; basic concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; estimation; rational numbers; sequences and series; and frequencies. The second category, Algebra, tests properties of exponents; algebraic word problems; equations of lines; patterns; and absolute value. The third category, Geometry and Measurement, tests your ability to find the area and circumference of a circle; the area and perimeter of a polygon, and the volume of a cube, cylinder, or box; it also tests the Pythagorean theorem and properties or right, isosceles, and equilateral triangles, properties of parallel and perpendicular lines, coordinate geometry, and slope. The final category of topics tested on the Upper Level SSAT’s Quantitative sections is Data Analysis and Probability; questions that fall into this category test your ability to interpret data like tables and graphs, trends and inferences, and probability.
If mention of any of the above topics has made you suddenly apprehensive about your knowledge, and you’re fighting an urge to go review different types of triangles and how to work with exponents, you should go check out Varsity Tutors’ free Upper Level SSAT Quantitative Practice Tests. Each Upper Level SSAT Quantitative Practice test consists of between ten and twelve problems. If you want to review a comprehensive selection of topics tested on the Upper Level SSAT’s Quantitative section, you can do so, but you can also choose to be presented with questions from a specific topic. After completing a Practice Test, you are presented with detailed statistics about how you did in comparison to other students who answered the exact same problems. Detailed answer explanations are provided for each problem, so if you missed one and are not sure where you went wrong, you can find out and prevent yourself from making the same mistake in the future.
To get an idea of your skill level, kick-start your review by taking a free online Full-Length Upper Level SSAT Quantitative Practice Test. Each of the complete practice tests present questions on the entire range of concepts that may be covered on the real test. The exam-mimicking format also offers you the chance to check your test-taking speed to ensure you’ll have time to finish the whole section on exam day. The results page for the complete practice tests contains all of the helpful features you get on the results pages for the concept-specific practice tests, like detailed explanations for each answer and links to essential formulas. Each full-length SSAT practice test can help you streamline your study plan by assisting you in narrowing down the list of topics you need to review. After you have worked through your study plan, you can check your progress by taking another Full-Length Upper Level SSAT Quantitative Practice Test.
You can use Varsity Tutors’ free SSAT Upper Level Practice Tests to analyze your current skill level, identify what you most need to work on, and focus on problems that deal with those topics specifically. By doing this, you will be studying both efficiently and effectively for the Upper Level SSAT’s Quantitative section, and will be able to be totally confident of your mathematical prowess on test day!
Free SSAT Upper Level Math Practice Tests
Practice Tests by Concept
Algebra practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-algebraAbsolute value practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-absolute-valueHow to find absolute value practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-absolute-valueAlgebraic word problems practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-algebraic-word-problemsHow to solve algebraic word problems practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-solve-algebraic-word-problemsEquations of lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-equations-of-linesHow to find the equation of a line practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-linePatterns practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-patternsHow to find algebraic patterns practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-algebraic-patternsProperties of exponents practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-properties-of-exponentsHow to find the properties of an exponent practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-properties-of-an-exponentData analysis / probablility practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-data-analysis-probablilityInferences and trends practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-inferences-and-trendsHow to recognize a trend practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-recognize-a-trendInterpretation of tables and graphs practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-interpretation-of-tables-and-graphsHow to interpret venn diagrams practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-interpret-venn-diagramsHow to read graphs practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-read-graphsHow to read tables practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-read-tablesProbability practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-probabilityOutcomes practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-outcomesHow to find the probability of an outcome practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-probability-of-an-outcomeGeometry practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-geometryArea and circumference of a circle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-area-and-circumference-of-a-circleHow to find the area of a circle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-circleHow to find the circumference of a circle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-circumference-of-a-circleAreas and perimeters of polygons practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-areas-and-perimeters-of-polygonsArea of polygons practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-area-of-polygonsHow to find the area of a hexagon practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-hexagonHow to find the area of a parallelogram practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-parallelogramHow to find the area of a pentagon practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-pentagonHow to find the area of a rectangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-rectangleHow to find the area of a square practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-squarePerimeter of polygons practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-perimeter-of-polygonsHow to find the perimeter of a hexagon practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-hexagonHow to find the perimeter of a parallelogram practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-parallelogramHow to find the perimeter of a pentagon practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-pentagonHow to find the perimeter of a rectangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-rectangleHow to find the perimeter of a square practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-squareCoordinate geometry practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-coordinate-geometryCircles practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-circlesHow to find the equation of a circle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-circleGraphing practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-graphingHow to graph a function practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-graph-a-functionHow to graph a point practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-graph-a-pointHow to graph a quadratic function practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-graph-a-quadratic-functionHow to graph an ordered pair practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-graph-an-ordered-pairHow to graph complex numbers practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-graph-complex-numbersHow to graph inverse variation practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-graph-inverse-variationLines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-linesDistance formula practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-distance-formulaHow to find the length of a line with distance formula practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-a-line-with-distance-formulaMidpoint formula practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-midpoint-formulaHow to find the endpoints of a line segment practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-endpoints-of-a-line-segmentHow to find the midpoint of a line segment practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-midpoint-of-a-line-segmentOther lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-other-linesHow to find out if a point is on a line with an equation practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-out-if-a-point-is-on-a-line-with-an-equationHow to find slope of a line practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-slope-of-a-lineHow to find the equation of a line practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-lineParallel lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-parallel-linesHow to find out if lines are parallel practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-out-if-lines-are-parallelHow to find the equation of a parallel line practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-parallel-lineHow to find the slope of parallel lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-slope-of-parallel-linesPerpendicular lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-perpendicular-linesHow to find out if lines are perpendicular practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-out-if-lines-are-perpendicularHow to find the equation of a perpendicular line practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-perpendicular-lineHow to find the slope of perpendicular lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-slope-of-perpendicular-linesTangent lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-tangent-linesHow to find the equation of a tangent line practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-tangent-lineHow to find the slope of tangent lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-slope-of-tangent-linesHow to find the slope of tangent lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-slope-of-tangent-linesSlope practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-slopeHow to find slope practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-slopeTransformation practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-transformationHow to find transformation for an analytic geometry equation practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-transformation-for-an-analytic-geometry-equationX and y intercept practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-x-and-y-interceptHow to find the equation of a curve practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-equation-of-a-curveHow to find x or y intercept practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-x-or-y-interceptProperties of parallel and perpendicular lines practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-properties-of-parallel-and-perpendicular-linesHow to find whether lines are parallel practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-whether-lines-are-parallelHow to find whether lines are perpendicular practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-whether-lines-are-perpendicularProperties of triangles practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-properties-of-trianglesAcute / obtuse triangles practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-acute-obtuse-trianglesHow to find an angle in an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find if acute / obtuse triangles are congruent practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-if-acute-obtuse-triangles-are-congruentHow to find if two acute / obtuse triangles are similar practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-if-two-acute-obtuse-triangles-are-similarHow to find the area of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the height of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-height-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the length of the side of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleHow to find the perimeter of an acute / obtuse triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-an-acute-obtuse-triangleEquilateral triangles practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-equilateral-trianglesHow to find the area of an equilateral triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-an-equilateral-triangleHow to find the height of a triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-height-of-a-triangleHow to find the length of the side of an equilateral triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-an-equilateral-triangleHow to find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-an-equilateral-triangleRight triangles practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-right-trianglesHow to find an angle in a right triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-an-angle-in-a-right-triangleHow to find if right triangles are congruent practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-if-right-triangles-are-congruentHow to find if right triangles are similar practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-if-right-triangles-are-similarHow to find the area of a right triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-area-of-a-right-triangleHow to find the height of a right triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-height-of-a-right-triangleHow to find the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle : pythagorean theorem practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-hypotenuse-of-a-right-triangle-pythagorean-theoremHow to find the length of the side of a right triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-length-of-the-side-of-a-right-triangleHow to find the perimeter of a right triangle practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-perimeter-of-a-right-triangleVolume of a three-dimensional figure practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-volume-of-a-three-dimensional-figureHow to find the volume of a cone practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-coneHow to find the volume of a cube practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-cubeHow to find the volume of a cylinder practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-cylinderHow to find the volume of a polyhedron practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-polyhedronHow to find the volume of a prism practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-prismHow to find the volume of a pyramid practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-pyramidHow to find the volume of a sphere practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-sphereHow to find the volume of a tetrahedron practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-volume-of-a-tetrahedronNumber concepts and operations practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-number-concepts-and-operationsArithmetic word problems practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-arithmetic-word-problemsHow to solve arithmetic word problems practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-solve-arithmetic-word-problemsBasic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-basic-addition-subtraction-multiplication-and-divisionHow to add practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-addHow to divide square roots practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-divide-square-rootsHow to multiply practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-multiplyHow to subtract practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-subtractEstimation practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-estimationHow to estimate practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-estimateFrequencies practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-frequenciesHow to find the frequency of an event practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-frequency-of-an-eventRational numbers practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-rational-numbersFractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-fractionsComplex fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-complex-fractionsHow to add complex fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-add-complex-fractionsHow to divide complex fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-divide-complex-fractionsHow to find a complex fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-a-complex-fractionHow to multiply complex fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-multiply-complex-fractionsHow to subtract complex fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-subtract-complex-fractionsCompound fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-compound-fractionsHow to find a solution to a compound fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-a-solution-to-a-compound-fractionDecimals with fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-decimals-with-fractionsHow to find decimal fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-decimal-fractionsHow to find the decimal equivalent of a fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-decimal-equivalent-of-a-fractionHow to find the fractional equivalent of a decimal practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-fractional-equivalent-of-a-decimalFractions and percentage practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-fractions-and-percentageHow to find a fraction from a percentage practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-a-fraction-from-a-percentageHow to find fractional percentages practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-fractional-percentagesHow to find percentage from a fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-percentage-from-a-fractionLowest common denominator practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-lowest-common-denominatorHow to find the lowest / least common denominator practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-lowest-least-common-denominatorMixed / improper fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-mixed-improper-fractionsHow to find out a mixed fraction from an improper fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-out-a-mixed-fraction-from-an-improper-fractionHow to find out an improper fraction from a mixed fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-out-an-improper-fraction-from-a-mixed-fractionOperations with fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-operations-with-fractionsHow to add fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-add-fractionsHow to divide fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-divide-fractionsHow to multiply fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-multiply-fractionsHow to subtract fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-subtract-fractionsOrdering fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-ordering-fractionsHow to order fractions from least to greatest or from greatest to least practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-order-fractions-from-least-to-greatest-or-from-greatest-to-leastProportion / ratio / rate practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-proportion-ratio-rateHow to express a fraction as a ratio practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-express-a-fraction-as-a-ratioHow to find a ratio practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-a-ratioHow to find rate practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-rateHow to find the ratio of a fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-ratio-of-a-fractionReciprocals practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-reciprocalsHow to find the reciprocal of a fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-reciprocal-of-a-fractionSimplifying fractions practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-simplifying-fractionsHow to simplify a fraction practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-simplify-a-fractionWhole and part practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-whole-and-partHow to find the part from the whole practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-part-from-the-wholeHow to find the whole from the part practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-whole-from-the-partSequences and series practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-sequences-and-seriesArithmetic sequences practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-arithmetic-sequencesNth term of an arithmetic sequence practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-nth-term-of-an-arithmetic-sequenceHow to find the next term in an arithmetic sequence practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-next-term-in-an-arithmetic-sequenceHow to find the nth term of an arithmetic sequence practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-nth-term-of-an-arithmetic-sequenceOther arithmetic sequences practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-other-arithmetic-sequencesHow to find the answer to an arithmetic sequence practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-answer-to-an-arithmetic-sequenceCommon difference in sequences practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-common-difference-in-sequencesHow to find the common difference in sequences practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-the-common-difference-in-sequencesConsecutive integers practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-consecutive-integersHow to find consecutive integers practice test
ssat_upper_level_math-how-to-find-consecutive-integersAll SSAT Upper Level Math Resources
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All SSAT Upper Level Math Resources