Award-Winning SIE Courses & Classes in St. Louis, MO

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If you are looking for a St. Louis SIE course that's convenient and affordable and with highly qualified instructors, Varsity Tutors can help. We have an SIE course that you can take complete entirely online making it possible for you to start your review without worrying about travel time or the schedule of the course. If you're like students from the University of Missouri - St. Louis or Washington University in Saint Louis who want to have an easier, more practical option for their SIE test prep, then enrolling in Varsity Tutors' St. Louis SIE prep course can be the right option for you.

What are some of the topics a St. Louis SIE class can cover?

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) created the Securities Industry Essentials or SIE test to assess a prospective candidate's knowledge of fundamental concepts in the securities industry. These include the structure of the securities industry markets, types of products, risks, and functions of regulatory industries, and prohibited practices.

The test has 75 multiple-choice questions divided into four sections called "Functions." Function 1 is Knowledge of Capital Markets and has 12 questions on topics covering regulatory entities, structure and participants, FINRA rules, and offerings. Function 2 is Understanding Products and Their Risks and has 33 questions covering topics such as MSRB rules, exchange-traded funds, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). Function 3 is called Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts, and Prohibited Activities and has 23 questions on topics like compliance considerations, NASD rules, anti-money laundering, and market manipulation. Function 4 is Overview of the Regulatory Framework and has 7 questions on topics covering employee conduct, reportable events, and SEC rules.

Each of the four SIE sections makes up a certain percentage of the test score. Function 1 is 16 percent of the test, while Function 2 is 44 percent. Function 3 makes up 31 percent of the exam, while Function 4 makes up 9 percent. You will be given 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete the test. The passing score is 70 percent. Apart from reviewing the test content and format, your St. Louis SIE class instructor can also give useful test-taking techniques that can help you overcome jitters on test day.

What are the advantages of enrolling in a St. Louis SIE course?

A key advantage of the SIE course with Varsity Tutors is that it's offered online, so you don't need to worry about the hassles of commuting. You can complete the entire SIE review online in virtual classrooms, all you need is your computer and internet connection and you are ready to go. If you're wondering how you can ask questions and have a discussion about topics in SIE with your instructor, you'll be relieved to know that your online classes are conducted live - you will be able to see, hear, and talk to your instructor and classmates just like you were in a regular, physical SIE test prep. It can also be beneficial to learn alongside other aspiring individuals who want to enter the securities industry. You can meet people and start growing your network and you can pick up new insights about a topic by listening to other people's perspectives. And if you find yourself baffled by topics like Municipal Fund Securities, Investment Returns, Monetary vs. fiscal policy, and other topics tested in SIE, then you can also request to meet your instructor in a one-on-one session to get extra help.

If you are concerned about finding a suitable course time, you will also appreciate the wide range of course times we offer. We have SIE test prep courses in the morning if you prefer to study before you go to school or to work. We have courses in the evening if you think you can focus more on your studies after the day has ended. We also have courses in between if you have an unpredictable schedule but still want to pursue your SIE review. Weekend courses are also available.

How can I enroll in a St. Louis SIE course?

If you are looking for a convenient way to start your SIE review, call Varsity Tutors now to sign up for our St. Louis SIE course. Our educational consultants will be ready to assist you and give you more details about the SIE test prep such as what the course covers and how you can enroll as soon as possible. Our courses come in 2-week and 4-week periods and start on a rolling monthly basis so you can always start on your preferred date.

Contact us today to connect with a top St. Louis SIE instructor