Award-Winning Tutors serving Irvine, CA

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Varsity Tutors has been amazing since the initial phone call! They’ve made a huge difference in the success of my daughter becoming more confident and more knowledgeable in her studies.

— Jamela

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I’m so impressed! Varsity Tutors worked with me to get a package to fit my needs, they’re always friendly and available, and I have the best tutor. I couldn’t ask for anything more!

— Sandy

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(We have tutors that specialize in learning differences)

My son has a learning disability, and his tutor is very patient with him. He is engaged 100% of the time. Varsity Tutors knows exactly what they are doing!

— Doreen

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Our son’s tutor took time to understand his learning style and helped him improve by two letter grades!

— Pinkney

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My tutor helped me understand all the laws of physics and kinematic equations in a short time frame. I highly recommend Varsity Tutors to anyone struggling in any subject.

— Diego

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.


Private Tutoring in Irvine, CA

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best tutors in Irvine, CA work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Irvine Tutoring FAQ

How much does Varsity Tutors cost for students in Irvine?

That's a good question, and the answer is that it varies based on factors unique to each situation. Some students will pay more, while others will pay less.

One significant factor is the number of sessions your student at University High School or another school needs, but there are other factors as well. Let's say your student needs weekly sessions throughout the term to tackle complex writing assignments or advanced geometry. In that case, the cost per lesson may be less than what it is for a student who only wants a few test prep sessions for the ACT. We suggest speaking with one of our educational directors for a more accurate quote.

Which tutoring subjects does Varsity Tutors offer for students in Irvine?

We can link you with an instructor regardless of the exact subject you are studying. From cybersecurity to basic math to preparing for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification, we can help students of all ages.

If you are studying Swahili as a hobby and are advanced, we can help you find an instructor who can help you improve your pronunciation. Whether it's the LSAT, MCAT, or the bar exam you are studying for, there is always a tutor for students in Irvine who can help. We know how hard it can be to find the right instructor for your subject who can learn with you 1-on-1, but that's why we're here.

Why choose Varsity Tutors for tutoring in Irvine?

Choosing Varsity Tutors for private tutoring for students in Irvine is the best way to ensure that you meet with a qualified instructor right for your needs. We use a proprietary matching process to connect each student with the expert best for them, and we prepare a lesson plan that we tailor for each student.

Our Educational Directors are always on hand to help and answer questions. While the lesson plan is always useful, your student's tutor is also capable of adjusting it based on your student's progress and evolving needs. Flexibility and personalization are some of the top benefits of 1-on-1 instruction, after all.

By keeping you on-task, their instructor can reduce non-productive behaviors. They can teach you tips on how to get more done in a shorter period or how to organize your notebooks so you can always find essential notes. Whether it's summer studying to keep your skills sharp or after-school review to prepare for the next day, a private instructor can help you in a variety of ways. You can get assistance with your homework, too. They can even recommend fun and interactive resources that can help you learn about history or understand basic science concepts in your free time. There is a tutor available for everyone, so get in touch with Varsity Tutors so we can get you started today.

The Irvine School System

The city of Irvine, California, is located approximately 50 miles outside of the center of Los Angeles. Irvine has a population of approximately 275,000 residents--a fraction of the 13 million-plus residents who are estimated to live within the Los Angeles metropolitan area. K-12 students enrolled at public schools within Irvine’s city limits attend schools that fall under the jurisdiction of the Irvine Unified School District, or IUSD. IUSD oversees over 30 different schools and has a total attendance of around 34,000 students. The Irvine Unified School District is among the top school districts in the United States.

Though your student may attend a school that boasts a history of notable academic performance, he or she may still encounter any number of academic hurdles. A broad selection of self-study resources are available for struggling students, but for many children, solo study just doesn’t cut it. Subject- or test-specific review workbooks, online resources, and group review courses have the potential to give your child the help he or she needs, but they all lack one vital element: personal, individual guidance. Fortunately, there’s another choice that can give your son or daughter the expertise he or she needs: personal tutoring in Irvine. One-on-one sessions give your child the kind of help that’s required to meet--or even exceed!--his or her goals in school.

In the classroom, students share the attention of their instructor. For some students, this can make it difficult to keep up when they don't understand something or to perform at their full academic potential and move to the head of the class. Here's how Irvine's busiest schools stack up in terms of student-teacher ratios:

Irvine Student-to-Teacher Ratios

Arnold O. Beckman High School has a 28 1 student-teacher ratio.

Godinez Fundamental High School has a 27 1 student-teacher ratio.

University High School has a 28 1 student-teacher ratio.

Corona Del Mar High School has a 28 1 student-teacher ratio.

El Toro High School has a 25 1 student-teacher ratio.

California State Average has a 23 1 student-teacher ratio.

Although most of Irvine’s top ten high schools have student-to-teacher ratios that exceed the state average, the majority of these schools are still within the top 100 high schools within the state of California. Only one of the top ten Irvine high schools has an Advanced Placement exam pass rate under 75 percent.

Irvine High School Rankings

High School Irvine Ranking State Ranking AP Pass Rate
Northwood High School 1 8 94%
Orange County School of the Arts 2 20 80%
University High School 3 22 94%
Corona Del Mar High School 4 26 90%
Woodbridge High School 5 36 88%
Arnold O. Beckman High School 6 38 84%
Irvine High School 7 54 88%
Laguna Beach High School 8 95 77%
El Toro High School 9 269 85%
Early College High School 10 324 33%

Like most other students nationwide, California students are required to sit for standardized exams that evaluate their mastery of knowledge in various subjects. From third through eighth grade and once more during high school (typically in grade 11), students in Irvine must take exams under the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress system in English Language Arts and mathematics. These tests are called the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBSA), and measure your child’s ability to use the skills and knowledge taught under the Common Core curriculum through multiple-choice and open-ended questions. The table below illustrates the performance of Irvine’s students on state assessments. These important exams give parents and colleges insight into how prepared a student is for college-level courses.

Irvine Test Scores

As senior high school students prepare for their final SBSA, many juniors and seniors are also reviewing for standardized college admissions exams, like the ACT and SAT. The wide range of knowledge necessary to earn a high score on these tests can intimidate even the strongest of students. Working with an Irvine tutor experienced in the material covered on these tests can give your student the opportunity to make progress toward his or her goal score. Students who in college can also reap the benefits of private tutoring. Irvine’s location within the Los Angeles metro area places it within easy reach of some of the nation’s most highly regarded colleges and universities.

Irvine University Rankings

College National Rank Acceptance Rate
California Institute of Technology 10 8%
Pomona College 18 9%
University of Southern California 19 17%
Harvey Mudd College 26 13%
Claremont McKenna College 34 9%
University of California - Los Angeles 36 18%
Scripps College 65 30%
Pitzer College 79 14%
Loyola Marymount University 121 54%
Occidental College 127 46%

How Varsity Tutors Can Help

If you’re interested in finding a tutor in Irvine, CA, contact Varsity Tutors. A dedicated tutor can give students of any age a boost.

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent Irvine Tutoring Session Notes

Tutoring review by Cyre in Irvine, CA
The student has finished his algebra, spanish and history finals, so only science and english are left. We used his science study packet to go over definitions since all equations are provided, then studied his vocabulary from To Kill A Mockingbird.
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Tutoring review by Hope in Irvine, CA
Worked with  the first student  on her reading and math, she is doing very well with word problems and division.  Worked with the second student  today on his math, and he seems to get proportions fine, but needs some work still on figuring out what the word problems are asking.  We also worked on a power-point presentation he was working on about different colleges he might be interested in.  I used it as an opportunity to talk about outline writing, and how to know when to indent facts.  
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Tutoring review by Stacy in Irvine, CA
Began reviewing the English section with the student.  We went through one passage/question set in depth, and talked about how to recognize what rule or skill the question was testing, not just the individual answer.  We also discussed separating the informational content of sentences from their grammatical structure, dependent vs. independent clauses, and other rules that will help him to break down a wide variety of questions.  
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Tutoring review by Josh in Irvine, CA
Today we reviewed any concepts the student  needed additional help in.  We started the day by reviewing logs and exponential functions.  We solved equations for logs and reviewed the rules and steps required to solve each equation.  We then reviewed sine and cosine functions and their graphs.  Finally we reviewed hyperboles, circles, and ellipses.
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Tutoring review by Clarissa in Irvine, CA
We went over the Verbal sections of the first practice SAT from the Official SAT Guide. He understands most questions. Next time, we will review the verbal sections of practice tests 2 and 3, and I will give him a quiz on vocabulary from practice test 1.
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Tutoring review by Alyssa in Irvine, CA
We went over logic games that she sent to me over the weekend.  The formal logic game that she had most difficulty with was one of the hardest games in recent years. But, she did a good job at making deductions with confidence as we progressed through the session.  Next time we will go over games of her choice which she has not seen before.
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