ACT Math : How to divide complex fractions

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Complex Fractions

Which of the following is equal to ?

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First we must take the numerator of our whole problem. There is a fraction in the numerator with  as the denominator. Therefore, we multiply the numerator of our whole problem by , giving us .

Now we look at the denominator of the whole problem, and we see that there is another fraction present with  as a denominator. So now, we multiply the denominator by , giving us .

Our fraction should now read . Now, we can factor our denominator, making the fraction .

Finally, we cancel out  from the top and the bottom, giving us .

Example Question #1 : Complex Fractions


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Rewrite  into the following form:

Change the division sign to a multiplication sign by flipping the 2nd term and simplify.

Example Question #1 : Complex Fractions


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The expression  can be rewritten as:

Change the division sign to a multiplication sign and take the reciprocal of the second term.  Evaluate.


Example Question #21 : Fractions


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Correct answer:


The expression  can be simplified as follows:

We can simplify each fraction by multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator.

From here we add our two new fractions together and simplify.

Example Question #5 : Complex Fractions

Simplify the following:

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Begin by simplifying your numerator. Thus, find the common denominator:

Next, combine the fractions in the numerator:


Next, remember that to divide fractions, you multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator:


Since nothing needs to be simplified, this is just:

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