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Example Questions
Example Question #141 : Population & Migration
In a country like Italy, with an aging population, the dependency ratio is __________.
impossible to predict
remaining fairly stable
The dependency ratio of a country reflects the number of people in a country whose labor supports the rest of the country that is incapable of working. It is usually determined by adding the number of retired people and children on one side, and the number of working adults on the other. In a country where the population is aging, like Italy and much of Northern Europe, the dependency ratio is growing as fewer and fewer people are supporting more and more retirees. Some geographers would argue that this is “unsustainable,” but there is as of yet insufficient evidence to conclusively say this is true.
Example Question #1 : Implications Of Density & Distribution
While people in developed countries tend to blame overpopulation for the environmental problems of the world, people in the developing world tend to blame __________.
inefficient agricultural and industrial production
the disproportionate consumption of resources by the developed world
the influence of Western religious values on the developing world
the declining emphasis in the developed world to provide aid and loans to the developing world
the disproportionate consumption of resources by the developed world
In recent years, many politicians, scientists, and activists have raised the issue of the environmental changes to the Earth being caused by human consumption of resources. Almost all informed individuals agree that such extensive consumption and population growth cannot continue without dire consequences. While people in the developed world tend to decry overpopulation and rapid population growth as the main cause of environmental problems in the world, most politicians and activists in the developing world blame the disproportionate consumption of resources by the developed world.
Example Question #1 : Implications Of Density & Distribution
As the “baby boomers” continue to age, they exacerbate the growing __________ in the United States.
dependency ratio
doubling time
carrying capacity
natural increase rate
maternal mortality rate
dependency ratio
The “dependency ratio” refers to the percentage of people within a population who are either too young or too old to work and must therefore be supported by the labor of working adults within that population. As the “baby boomers” continue to age, they exacerbate the burden on the Social Security system and the average American worker. In the United States, this is somewhat tempered by immigration and the high natural increase rate of the immigrant population, but in some European countries, the problem could soon become disastrous if the aging of the population continues.
Example Question #142 : Ap Human Geography
A triangle-shaped population pyramid tells you that the population of that country is __________.
increasing slowly
decreasing rapidly
increasing rapidly
remaining steady
decreasing slowly
increasing rapidly
A population pyramid is used to show the percentage of the population who fit into various age groups. If a population pyramid is triangle-shaped that means the bottom section (where babies and children are represented) is bigger than the middle section (where working adults are represented), which is in turn bigger than the top section (where retired older people are represented). This means that much of the population is young and that the population is increasing rapidly. A country like Nigeria or Bangladesh would have a triangle-shaped population pyramid.
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