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Example Questions
Example Question #2 : Cultural Landscapes & Identity
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel serves as a symbolic landscape due to __________.
use of artificial elements to create a natural-looking environment
housing of politically significant institutions
its religious significance for Muslims, Christians, and Jews
natural scenic wonder and beauty
its readily apparent biological diversity
its religious significance for Muslims, Christians, and Jews
A symbolic landscape is a landscape that has significant meaning beyond what it simply looks like due to cultural associations. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is seen as the location of important religious moments for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, while also holding the remnants of the ancient Jewish temple and a medieval Islamic mosque. Due to these factors, the Temple Mount is more than just a part of an old city, which makes it a symbolic landscape.
Example Question #3 : Cultural Landscapes & Identity
Which of these best describes the meaning of the word "toponymy"?
The study of acculturation
The study of religious influence on culture
The study of cultural interactions
The study of place names
The study of geographic features
The study of place names
“Toponymy” is the study of place names. Toponymy is useful to cultural geographers because it can help illuminate certain conclusions about an area - such as who its original inhabitants were and where they came from. For example “Los Angeles” is a Spanish name of an American city. This suggests that some of its earlier inhabitants might have been Spanish, or that Los Angeles was once in territory held by the Spanish Empire and so on.
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