AP Latin : Influential People and Events in Vergil

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Influential People And Events In Vergil

Sic pater Anchises, atque haec mirantibus addit:
'aspice, ut insignis spoliis Marcellus opimis               
ingreditur victorque viros supereminet omnis.
hic rem Romanam magno turbante tumultu
sistet eques, sternet Poenos Gallumque rebellem,          5
tertiaque arma patri suspendet capta Quirino.'
atque hic Aeneas (una namque ire videbat               
egregium forma iuvenem et fulgentibus armis,
sed frons laeta parum et deiecto lumina vultu)
'quis, pater, ille, virum qui sic comitatur euntem?           10
filius, anne aliquis magna de stirpe nepotum?
qui strepitus circa comitum! quantum instar in ipso!  

Who is Marcellus (line 2)?

Possible Answers:

Aeneas' son

A Roman soldier

Nephew of Augustus

Anchises' father

Correct answer:

Nephew of Augustus


Marcellus is a reference to the nephew of the Emperor Augustus, who was beloved and was a potential inheritor of the Roman throne, but died very young.

(Passage adapted from the Aeneid by Vergil, 6.854-865)

Example Question #2 : Influential People And Events In Vergil

Sic pater Anchises, atque haec mirantibus addit:
'aspice, ut insignis spoliis Marcellus opimis               
ingreditur victorque viros supereminet omnis.
hic rem Romanam magno turbante tumultu
sistet eques, sternet Poenos Gallumque rebellem,          5
tertiaque arma patri suspendet capta Quirino.'
atque hic Aeneas (una namque ire videbat               
egregium forma iuvenem et fulgentibus armis,
sed frons laeta parum et deiecto lumina vultu)
'quis, pater, ille, virum qui sic comitatur euntem?           10
filius, anne aliquis magna de stirpe nepotum?
qui strepitus circa comitum! quantum instar in ipso!  

What is happening in the passage?

Possible Answers:

The Trojans have won a battle

Anchises is showing Aeneas the future

Anchises dies

Aeneas is mourning his father

Correct answer:

Anchises is showing Aeneas the future


This passage is from the part of the Aeneid where Anchises shows Aeneas Rome's deeds and the great Romans to come.

(Passage adapted from the Aeneid by Vergil, 6.854-865)

Example Question #3 : Influential People And Events In Vergil

inter quas Phoenissa recens a vulnere Dido               
errabat silva in magna; quam Troius heros
ut primum iuxta stetit agnovitque per umbras
obscuram, qualem primo qui surgere mense
aut videt aut vidisse putat per nubila lunam,                   5
demisit lacrimas dulcique adfatus amore est:               
'infelix Dido, verus mihi nuntius ergo
venerat exstinctam ferroque extrema secutam?
funeris heu tibi causa fui? per sidera iuro,
per superos et si qua fides tellure sub ima est,               10
inuitus, regina, tuo de litore cessi.  

The word "vulnere" (line 1) refers to __________.

Possible Answers:

something broken

a physical wound

a contract

emotional pain

Correct answer:

emotional pain


This scene happens shortly after Aeneas tells Dido that he cannot be with her. Vulnere refers to the emotional pain that she is feeling from this break-up.

(Passage adapted from the Aeneid by Vergil, 6.450-460)

Example Question #4 : Influential People And Events In Vergil

1 Quod genus hoc hominum? Quaeve hunc tam barbara morem

2  permittit patria? Hospitio prohibemur harenae;

3  bella cient, primaque vetant consistere terra.

4  Si genus humanum et mortalia temnitis arma

5  at sperate deos memores fandi atque nefandi.

6  Rex erat Aeneas nobis, quo iustior alter,

7  nec pietate fuit, nec bello maior et armis.

Elsewhere in the Aeneid of Vergil, we learn that Dido is wary of strangers in her land because __________.

Possible Answers:

she fears an attack from the Greeks because she helped the Trojans

she is protecting her people from pirates

she has heard a prophecy that foreigners will cause the downfall of her city

she is afraid of retribution from her brother

Correct answer:

she is afraid of retribution from her brother


Venus explains to Aeneas earlier in Book 1 that Dido’s wicked brother, Pygmalion, murdered her husband Sychaeus. Dido saw her dead husband in a dream, where he warned her to take treasure that he had hidden and flee her brother. She took the money and, gathering up her loyal citizens, fled. She is currently building her new city, Carthage. Dido fears an invasion from Pygmalion, not to mention other possible invaders of her new city from surrounding lands.

(Passage adapted from The Aeneid of Vergil 1. 539-546)

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