AP Physics C Electricity : Interpreting Electric Charge Diagrams

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Interpreting Electric Charge Diagrams

A charge of unknown value is held in place far from other charges. Its electric field lines and some lines of electric equipotential (V1 and V2) are shown in the diagram.


A second point charge, known to be negative, is placed at point A in the diagram. In which direction will the second, negative charge freely move?

Possible Answers:

Toward the original charge Q

Toward point C

Toward point A

It will remain stationary

Correct answer:

Toward point C


The original charge Q is negative, as indicated by the direction of the electric field lines in the diagram. A negative point charge of any value placed at point A will cause both charges to feel a mutually repelling force on each other. Therefore, the second charge will be repelled by the original negative charge with a force pointing radially along a line connecting the center of Q and the point A, resulting in free movement toward C. Additionally, point B is on a line of equipotential to point A; negative point charges will move from regions of lower electric potential to higher electric potential (against the direction of the electric field lines), so point B is not a viable answer.

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