Many colleges and universities rely on the results of the ACCUPLACER tests to place incoming students into appropriately challenging courses for their first semester of undergraduate studies. If you grew up speaking a language other than English, you may be asked to take the ACCUPLACER ESL test. These tests are designed to measure your ability to understand written and spoken English in order to help your school place you in the classes best suited to your current mastery of the language. The exam consists of four sections: the Language Use section measures how well you understand the rules of English grammar, the Listening section measures how well you can answer questions about recorded English conversations, the Reading Skills section tests your written English comprehension by asking questions about short prose passages, and the Sentence Meaning section examines how well you can understand English sentences. Each section comprises 20 questions, designed to measure proficiency in each area, each of which your ACCUPLACER ESL tutor is highly experienced to help you with.
The test has a direct influence on class placement. It is therefore important that you demonstrate your knowledge to the best of your ability on test day in order to avoid being placed in a class that fails to challenge you and develop your language skills. Varsity Tutors can help you connect with ACCUPLACER ESL tutoring. An independent instructor can help you prepare for your placement tests in an organized and efficient way, helping you gain the skills to perform to the best of your potential. You'll have one shot to prove your abilities. Support in advance will help to calm your nerves and fill in any gaps, so you can prove your true strengths.