Varsity Tutors always has a different GED Language Arts (RLA) Question of the Day ready at your disposal! If you’re just looking to get a quick review into your busy day, our GED Language Arts (RLA) Question of the Day is the perfect option. Answer enough of our GED Language Arts (RLA) Question of the Day problems and you’ll be ready to ace the next test. Check out what today’s GED Language Arts (RLA) Question of the Day is below.

Question of the Day: GED Language Arts (RLA)

For [Dorian’s] wonderful beauty that had so fascinated Basil Hallward, and many others besides him, seemed never to leave him. Even those who had heard the most evil things against him—and from time to time strange rumours about his mode of life crept through London and became the chatter of the clubs—could not believe anything to his dishonour when they saw him. He had always the look of one who had kept himself unspotted from the world. Men who talked grossly became silent when Dorian Gray entered the room. There was something in the purity of his face that rebuked them. His mere presence seemed to recall to them the memory of the innocence that they had tarnished. They wondered how one so charming and graceful as he was could have escaped the stain of an age that was at once sordid and sensual.

Often, on returning home from one of those mysterious and prolonged absences that gave rise to such strange conjecture among those who were his friends, or thought that they were so, he himself would creep upstairs to the locked room, open the door with the key that never left him now, and stand, with a mirror, in front of the portrait that Basil Hallward had painted of him, looking now at the evil and aging face on the canvas, and now at the fair young face that laughed back at him from the polished glass. The very sharpness of the contrast used to quicken his sense of pleasure. He grew more and more enamoured of his own beauty, more and more interested in the corruption of his own soul. He would examine with minute care, and sometimes with a monstrous and terrible delight, the hideous lines that seared the wrinkling forehead or crawled around the heavy sensual mouth, wondering sometimes which were the more horrible, the signs of sin or the signs of age. He would place his white hands beside the coarse bloated hands of the picture, and smile. He mocked the misshapen body and the failing limbs.

Passage adapted from Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)

To which “sharpness of contrast” does the passage refer?

That between sin and salvation

That between the evening and the morning

That between innocence and corruption

That between Dorian Gray and his portrait

The GED Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA) Question of the Day is a great way to brush up on your skills prior to taking the GED. Question of the Day is a daily test practice, which encompasses only one question each day for the RLA topic. The question can be emailed to you, or you can access it through the website or the application. It is a great way you can work in daily test review with only a small amount of time, as it can be done anywhere and at any time, as long as you have an internet connection. This makes test review possible while riding the bus, waiting in line at the store or coffee shop, or while getting your oil changed.

Question of the Day for GED RLA is based on a wide variety of commonly asked questions or questions you may see on the language arts portion of the exam on test day. The questions may cover anything from evidence and argument or language usage and grammar, to reading comprehension. The questions are a random selection, so you will be able to cover all the areas, and keep them fresh in your mind.

After answering the question, you get a detailed and personalized report on your performance as a whole for all questions answered. This report details the number of correct and incorrect questions you have answered, how others who have answered the questions have done, and the amount of time it took you to answer each question. The results are shown in graph form, which is great to be able to picture where you are with your studying and where you need to improve. There is also an explanation of how to answer the question, so you will know if your reasoning for your answer was correct.

This detailed report also will help you to determine what areas are your strengths and which areas you need to strengthen. This will help you to streamline your test review so you can focus more on the areas that you need, rather than on all the possible content, which makes test review more manageable. So if your weaknesses are in passage meaning or inference, you can focus more on that than say, usage and grammar. However, Question of the Day still keeps the areas you are stronger in fresh in your mind for the exam day.

You can combine Question of the Day with the other free practice Learning Tools, such as Practice Tests, Flashcards, and Learn by Concept, to create a full spectrum test review that is completely customizable to your learning needs. Also, because of the number of different test review Learning Tools, you can use it to work with your study and learning style.

The GED is a way to show your career and college readiness, and proper test review is imperative. You can use the free Question of the Day to help fit test preparation into your busy schedule.

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