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If you're a junior or senior at an area institution such as North Central High School or Franklin Central High School who is planning to apply to a college or university, Varsity Tutors can help set you up with excellent Indianapolis ACT prep options. The ACT is one of the first hurdles you'll face as you prepare for higher education. Created in 1959, the ACT was designed to judge a student's academic achievement and mastery of skills taught in school through the eleventh grade. The ACT is trusted to predict one's college and career readiness and is used in many admissions decisions at colleges and universities around the world.

As such a critical part of your future success, it is important to work hard to set yourself apart from the other applicants attempting to gain admittance to the program of your choice. An Indianapolis ACT prep class or tutor can help you gain an edge and put your best foot forward.

What can Indianapolis ACT prep cover?

ACT prep can help you with any of the skills necessary to excel in the four required sections found on the ACT assessment. These assessments are the Math, Reading, English, and Science sections of the ACT. There is also an optional Writing section you may choose to take. Without the Writing section, the exam takes just under three hours to complete, not including breaks. The Writing section adds 40 minutes to this time. Let's take a closer look at the different skills needed to do well in each section, starting with the Math section.

The Math section of the ACT is comprised of 60 questions which you must complete within an hour. In this portion of the exam, you are being asked to demonstrate your ability to use pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry skills in solving mathematical problems. Your prep class can cover anything from graphing and modeling different types of expressions to calculating various geometric measurements. These are skills you'll have learned through the beginning of the senior year of high school.

The next section will assess your Reading skills with 40 questions. You'll have 35 minutes to identify themes, ideas, and relationships in various passages. You'll also need to be able to distinguish the difference between fact and opinion and exhibit extensive vocabulary knowledge. Your prep class or instructor can help you practice your reading comprehension skills as a means to do well in this section of the exam.

The following section is a 45-minute portion of the exam which assesses your English knowledge. You'll be asked to answer 75 questions about various rules of the English language. This is your opportunity to showcase your knowledge of proper sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar. A prep class can help you brush up on your topical development and organization, and assist you with developing a clear and concise style and tone of language.

The last required section is the Science section, which is the only assessment on a college admission exam of its type. This part of the ACT assesses your ability to manipulate and interpret scientific data given to you in various formats. You'll need to brush up on the topics you learned in your biology, chemistry, space/earth sciences, and physics courses through eleventh grade. This section has 40 questions which you must answer in 35 minutes.

The optional Writing section of the exam requires a single essay response. You will be presented with an argument and three different perspectives about that issue. You'll need to respond with your own viewpoint and point out any connections between your perspective and those given. This section is assessing your ability to draft and organize your thoughts in an analytical manner.

ACT prep can help you improve any of these skills.

What are the benefits of Indianapolis ACT preparation through Varsity Tutors?

You gain access to two excellent prep options when you choose Varsity Tutors for your ACT review. You can choose to enroll in a prep course or work privately with an instructor. Let's break these options down and look at the different benefits you can gain from either one.

When you choose to take an Indianapolis ACT prep course, you'll be enrolled in an online, collaborative class. You'll have the opportunity to interact directly with both your instructor and your fellow classmates. You will be able to ask questions during your class sessions and participate in groups discussions and activities. This is a great option for students who like a structured and social learning environment.

You may prefer a more informal, flexible study environment. If so, you may want to take advantage of working with a private Indianapolis ACT tutor. Working privately with a mentor gives you access to personalized lesson plans. Your study sessions can focus on the exact topics or skills you are having a hard time understanding. This creates the opportunity for more effective and efficient study sessions.

You may even choose to take advantage of both options. No matter what your needs are, Varsity Tutors can provide the best prep to for your exact scheduling and academic requirements.

How do I get started with Indianapolis ACT prep?

Varsity Tutors makes it convenient to get started with the ACT prep review option of your choice. All you have to do is call and speak with one of our directors. An Educational Consultant will assess your scheduling and study needs and can help you make the decision between taking a class or working with a private instructor. If you choose to take a class, you'll need to select between a 2-week or 4-week class. With new class sessions begin weekly, you can get started in your class immediately. If you choose private instruction, we'll work with you to make sure to connect you to an instructor who suits both your instructional and scheduling needs. No matter which option you go with, we are here to support you. If you're ready to get started and invest in your future, call Varsity Tutors and get started with the best Indianapolis ACT prep today.

Contact us today to connect with a top Indianapolis ACT instructor