Award-Winning GMAT Courses & Classes in Omaha, NE

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Varsity Tutors can help you get ready to take the GMAT with an in-depth Omaha GMAT course. Are you interested in getting a Master of Business Administration degree in the Omaha area? If so, then there are several excellent programs that you may consider attending. For example, you could get your degree at Creighton University or the University of Nebraska at Omaha. However, you may need to take a standardized admissions test like the GMAT before you can finalize your application at the schools you're interested in attending.

The Graduate Management Admission Test or GMAT is a comprehensive standardized exam that is commonly taken by individuals who are getting ready to apply to MBA programs. Those who perform well on the exam may have a better chance of getting accepted into the MBA programs of their choice. However, the test can be hard to prepare for without any guidance. Varsity Tutors would be happy to help you get more out of your study sessions with an Omaha GMAT class. Keep reading for more information on this exam and how we can help you prepare for it.

What does an Omaha GMAT course cover?

The GMAT was designed for the purpose of assessing how prepared those who take it are to continue on with their business studies at the graduate school level. To this end, the test is split into four distinct sections. These sections cover Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. Each test section focuses on a different skill set that you'll need to demonstrate on the exam. With four different sections to cover in your test preparation process, it can be hard to find the time to prepare for the entire exam. That's where Varsity Tutors comes in. We'd love to set you up with a test preparation plan that helps you get more out of your study sessions.

For example, the Analytical Writing Assessment has only one question. It features a prompt that you'll need to respond to in the form of an essay. You'll be given 30 minutes to complete this part of the GMAT and will earn a score ranging from 0 to 6 for the work that you do. Your essay will be graded based on the strength of the argument you make in it as well as for the quality of your writing.

Next, you may take the Integrated Reasoning section of the GMAT. This part of the exam also has a 30-minute time limit. However, you'll be asked to answer a series of questions based on things like graphics interpretation, analysis of tables, and multi-source reasoning. This section is graded on a 1 to 8 point scale.

Third, you'll be asked to complete the GMAT's section on Quantitative Reasoning. This part of the exam features 31 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 62-minutes. Here, you'll need to show your data sufficiency skills as well as your ability to problem-solve using logic and math. This test section is graded on a 0 to 60 point scale.

Finally, your GMAT may conclude with the Verbal Reasoning Section. This part of the test also features a series of multiple-choice questions that test-takers must answer within a 65-minute time limit. Here, you'll need to demonstrate your reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction skill set.

Your Omaha GMAT prep course will focus on helping you to develop the skills you need to feel confident taking each of the GMAT's four sections. Your instructor can set you up with a study plan that takes you on a step-by-step process through the exam. This provides an in-depth way to start practicing for the day of your upcoming test. Keep reading for more specific examples of how taking a class can help you pursue your test goals.

What are the benefits of taking an Omaha GMAT class?

Classes provide a unique way to prepare for your upcoming exam. Your instructor will have been chosen based on their expertise in helping students prepare for important tests. When you sign up for a GMAT course, you can learn from an experienced instructor who can help you grow academically in a variety of ways. You'll also learn alongside a group of peers. This gives you the opportunity to interact with other individuals who are in a similar situation as you currently are. Studies have shown that collaborative lessons deepen understanding and help prepare students more fully for important exams like the GMAT.

Your instructor can go over everything that you need to know for the GMAT throughout the duration of your two or four-week course. You'll learn on a live virtual platform that combines the convenience of online education with all of the benefits of the traditional classroom learning experience. This creates a powerful way to make the GMAT progress that you've been working towards. Additionally, if you need extra help with a challenging topic, you can meet with your instructor in a one-on-one setting to work on a specific area.

Courses have multiple sections so it's easy to find one that fits within your schedule. New sections start weekly so consider reaching out to us today if you think that you would benefit from this test preparation supplement. The wide variety of course offerings ensures that even individuals who already have busy schedules can still sign up to learn from experienced GMAT instructors.

How can I find GMAT preparation help in Omaha?

The GMAT is a challenging exam that requires a solid test preparation process. Perform well on the GMAT and you could set yourself up to have an MBA admissions cycle that gives you more of a say in where you go to school. If you'd like some help preparing for this important exam, then consider reaching out to Varsity Tutors today. We'd love to set you up with an Omaha GMAT course that can help you develop the skill set you'll need for the day of your test. We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to working with you.

Contact us today to connect with a top Omaha GMAT instructor