SAT II World History : Ancient Egypt

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Ancient Egypt

A pharaoh was __________.

Possible Answers:

the leader of a rebellion in ancient Egypt

a religious leader in ancient Egypt

a mythological figure in ancient Egypt

a ruler of ancient Egypt

a slave in ancient Egypt

Correct answer:

a ruler of ancient Egypt


Kings and queens of ancient Egypt were called pharoahs. Examples of notable pharaohs include Rameses II, Hatshepsut, Tutankhamen, and Cleopatra.

Example Question #2 : Ancient Egypt

The Rosetta Stone was used to __________.

Possible Answers:

locate the pyramids of Giza

translate ancient Egyptian writing

learn about ancient Sumerian religion

All of the other answer choices are correct. 

locate the source of the Nile river

Correct answer:

translate ancient Egyptian writing


Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, the written language of ancient Egypt had proven indecipherable. With the Rosetta Stone, people were able to understand the ancient Egyptian written language for the first time in the 1820s.

Example Question #1 : Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians often wrote on __________.

Possible Answers:


palm leaves. 




Correct answer:



The ancient Egyptians wrote on paper that they made from reeds. This paper is called "papyrus."

Example Question #3 : Ancient Egypt

King Menes is generally credited with __________.

Possible Answers:

building the pyramids of Giza 

overthrowing the Egyptian Empire and establishing the Kush Empire 

repelling Roman invasions into Ancient Egypt 

spreading Christianity into Ancient Egypt 

founding the first Ancient Egyptian dynasty

Correct answer:

founding the first Ancient Egyptian dynasty


Menes is an Ancient Egyptian Pharoah who is usually credited with founding the first Egyptian dynasty and uniting Lower and Upper Egypt. 

Example Question #4 : Ancient Egypt

The pyramids of Ancient Egypt were built to __________.

Possible Answers:

demonstrate the might of the Egyptian Empire to would-be conquerers and travellers 

house grain and other food supplies during times of surplus 

provide a grand place of worship for the Egyptian people

house the bodies of pharoahs after they had died

serve as government administration buildings during the Middle Kingdom. 

Correct answer:

house the bodies of pharoahs after they had died


The Pyramids were built during the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egyptian history to house the bodies of Pharoahs after they had died. 

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