Varsity Tutors always has a different SAT II World History Question of the Day ready at your disposal! If you’re just looking to get a quick review into your busy day, our SAT II World History Question of the Day is the perfect option. Answer enough of our SAT II World History Question of the Day problems and you’ll be ready to ace the next test. Check out what today’s SAT II World History Question of the Day is below.

Question of the Day: SAT II World History

How did the writings of Charles de Montesquieu in The Spirit of Laws impact the formation of the government of the United States?

He advocated for the separation of powers within government and inspired the three branches of the United States' government.

He believed in inalienable rights for all citizens and inspired the Bill of Rights.

None of these answers is correct; the Founding Fathers rejected the arguments found in The Spirit of Laws.

He argued in favor of strong and centralized government and his work encouraged the rejection of the Articles of Confederation.

He believed in federalism and the division of powers between a national and regional governments.

The SAT Subject Test in World History demonstrates your child’s knowledge of and interest in political, diplomatic, cultural, social, intellectual, and economic themes in relation to history. Spanning ancient times to the present day, the exam comprises 95 multiple-choice questions your child will have 60 minutes to answer. The exam is graded on a 200-800 point scale. Your child will need to know the respective terminology and cause-and-effect relationships. They’ll need to know their geography and be capable of both historical analysis and graphical analysis. Aside from their classes and textbooks, there is another tool to help your child master their world history. The Question of the Day is one of many study resources from Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools that can expose your child to SAT World History Subject Test review materials well ahead of the exam.

The Question of the Day helps to remind your child to review a little bit each day using SAT World History sample questions derived from topics and concepts that have been covered on past versions of the exam. Since today’s students are busy, the Question of the Day can be quite handy. It can be completed in just a few minutes. If your child answers incorrectly, they can use the explanation and concept links to read up on the specific subject, so the daily test practice actually becomes part of their personalized study plan. The Question of the Day is randomly selected each day, as there’s a good chance your child could be tested on any topic.

In addition, the Question of the Day is scored in a similar manner as the real exam. It won’t count towards your child’s grade in school, nor is there a time limit, but the daily SAT World History Subject Test review offers a format similar to the real test, so your child can get used to it. Once they submit an answer, they’ll see their percentile and time spent on the question. This is only to help gauge their skill level and preparedness. They’ll also be able to compare their performance to how others did overall, which is also based on the model used to grade standardized tests.

The free SAT World History Subject Test practice your child will get using the Question of the Day is great for getting acclimated to the format used. It not only challenges their knowledge and skills, but their ability to perform under pressure. With this and other standardized exams, it is important to understand the structure and philosophy of the test format. Being able to reason with the SAT World History Subject Test practice questions and answer choices is a beneficial skill. Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offer your child relevant, comprehensive materials to help them prepare for the important exams that lead up to college. It’s a challenging time, but by using the right practice materials as they prepare for the exam, they have the ability to gain the confidence to enter the test room with a can-do attitude.

Learning Tools by Varsity Tutors