Varsity Tutors always has a different SSAT Elementary Level Reading Question of the Day ready at your disposal! If you’re just looking to get a quick review into your busy day, our SSAT Elementary Level Reading Question of the Day is the perfect option. Answer enough of our SSAT Elementary Level Reading Question of the Day problems and you’ll be ready to ace the next test. Check out what today’s SSAT Elementary Level Reading Question of the Day is below.

You can use the Elementary Level SSAT Reading Question of the Day to get into the habit of thinking about Elementary Level SSAT Reading content on a daily basis when studying for the Elementary Level SSAT. Varsity Tutors' Elementary Level SSAT Reading Questions of the Day are drawn from each topic and question type covered on the Reading section of the Elementary Level SSAT.

Question of the Day: SSAT Elementary Level Reading

Adapted from "America the Old World" by L. Agassiz in Wonders of Earth, Sea, and Sky (1902, ed. Edward Singleton Holden)

There is, perhaps, no part of the world where the early geological periods can be studied with so much ease and precision as in the United States. Along their northern borders, between Canada and the United States, there runs the low line of hills known as the Laurentian Hills. Insignificant in height, nowhere rising more than fifteen hundred or two thousand feet above the level of the sea, these are nevertheless some of the first mountains that broke the uniform level of the earth's surface and lifted themselves above the waters. Their low stature, as compared with that of other more lofty mountain ranges, is in accordance with an invariable rule, by which the relative age of mountains may be estimated. The oldest mountains are the lowest, while the younger and more recent ones tower above their elders, and are usually more torn and dislocated also. So it is known the Alps, Rockies, and Himalayas are considerably younger than the Appalachian mountains.

How do we know that the Appalachians are older than the Alps?

Because the Alps are closer to the sea.

Because geologists have studied rock samples from both.

Because the Appalachians contain fossils from a much earlier period than the Alps.

Because the Alps are much taller than the Appalachians.

Because the Appalachians are much taller than the Alps.

If you have any interest in sending your elementary learner to a private school, he or she will likely need to take the Secondary School Admission Test. For elementary learners, this test is offered for students at the third and fourth grade level. The Elementary Level SSAT covers three main components: reading, verbal, and quantitative. It is used to assess a student’s overall understanding of the core elementary courses, and it often required as part of the admissions procedure. Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offer a range of free resources on their website which are designed to help your elementary learner prepare for the Elementary Level SSAT and get the most out of his or her SSAT review.

One important resource made available to your learner on the Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools website is the Question of the Day. Here, your elementary learner will be given a random question related to the material covered in the SSAT Elementary Level Reading section. The daily question is randomly chosen from a number of topics that are covered by the Elementary Level SSAT in Reading, such as poetry, prose, nonfiction, and fiction. By reviewing the Question of the Day each day, you are helping your learner develop excellent study habits while he or she reviews important information. This is a perfect way to assist your learner in efficiently getting the SSAT Elementary Level Reading practice he or she needs.

Not only is the Question of the Day a great way to get the Elementary Level SSAT Reading help your elementary learner needs, but he or she can also use it as a way to review important material. After solving the Question of the Day, your learner will be taken to a page where he or she is given an explanation behind the correct answer. These explanations help simplify difficult material by demonstrating how to properly solve the problem, meaning that your learner can become better equipped to learn from his or her mistakes. By adding the Question of the Day to your elementary learner’s daily SSAT Elementary Level Reading review, you can help your learner broaden his or her knowledge on the subject.

Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools offer you a number of resources that give your learner opportunities to improve his or her SSAT Elementary Level Reading test preparation. By using the Question of the Day alongside the comprehensive SSAT Reading Flashcards and the in-depth exploration provided through Learn by Concept, your elementary learner has the chance to develop a balanced study plan that best fits his or her needs. After you feel that your learner has reviewed adequately, have him or her take one of the SSAT Elementary Level Reading Practice Tests to evaluate his or her knowledge on the subject.

The Question of the Day, along with the rest of Varsity Tutors’ Learning Tools, is a great addition to any child’s Elementary Level SSAT Reading study guide. The fact that each question is randomly chosen means that your learner will need to develop an overall knowledge of the SSAT Elementary Level Reading material in order to successfully answer each question. By consistently using the Question of the Day, you are helping your elementary learner to keep important material at the forefront of his or her mind.


Learning Tools by Varsity Tutors