All SSAT Elementary Level Verbal Resources
Example Questions
Example Question #6 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Professor is to teach as driver is to __________.
A professor is someone who teaches, so to solve this analogy, you have to figure out which of these answer choice is an action done by a driver. The answer is to “drive.” To help you, "automobile" is another word for car.
Example Question #2 : Other Analogies
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Car is to drive as plane is to __________.
When you operate a car, you drive it, so to solve this analogy, you need to pick out an answer choice that is a verb that describes what you do to a plane when you operate a plane. When you operate a plane, you “fly” it, so "fly" is the correct answer.
Example Question #1 : Other Analogies
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Plane is to flying as __________.
car is to driving
cheetah is to devouring
boat is to steering
walking is to human
helicopter is to hovering
car is to driving
Planes fly, so we are looking for an answer in which the first word depicts a mode of transportation, and the second word how that transportation moves. The best answer choice is "car is to driving" because cars are driven!
Example Question #4 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Microphone is to speak as __________.
computer is to electronic
chair is to metal
car is to drive
steal is to treasure
bird is to wing
car is to drive
You speak into a microphone, just as you drive a car, so "car is to drive" is the correct answer.
Example Question #5 : Qualities, Features, Abilities, And Other Analogies
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Sunrise is to day as sunset is to ___________.
Sunrise begins the day, so to solve this analogy, you need to pick out a word that describes what sunset begins. Sunset begins the night, so "night" is the correct answer.
Example Question #3 : Other Analogies
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Bicycle is to two as ___________.
quadrilateral is to five
octocycle is to seven
tricycle is to three
car is to twelve
unicycle is to four
tricycle is to three
The question refers to the fact that bicycles have two wheels. So, we are looking for an answer choice in which the second answer describes the number of wheels that the first answer has. Thus, the best answer choice is "tricycle is to three" because tricycles have three wheels!
Example Question #4 : Other Analogies
Analogies: Complete this analogy.
Sing is to sung as __________.
danced is to dance
speak is to spoke
function is to functioning
try is to trial
ate is to eight
speak is to spoke
Sing and sung are different forms of the verb "to sing," with "sing" being the present tense form, and "sang" being the past tense form. So, we are looking for an answer choice in which the first blank is a present tense verb, and the second blank is that same verb, only conjugated to be in the past tense. So, the best answer choice is "speak is to spoke"!
Example Question #5 : Other Analogies
The following questions ask you to find relationships between words. For each question, select the answer choice that best completes the meaning of the sentence.
Abacus is to calculator as
bicycle is to motorcycle
slow is to slovenly
far is to close
car is to garage
cat is to rat
bicycle is to motorcycle
A "calculator" can be thought of as a mechanical "abacus," just as a "motorcycle" can be thought of as a mechanical "bicyle."
Example Question #2 : Other Analogies
The following questions ask you to find relationships between words. For each question, select the answer choice that best completes the meaning of the sentence.
Raisin is to grape
tricycle is to unicycle
Strong is to weak
Cat is to tiger
jerky is to meat
Rain is to river
jerky is to meat
A "raisin" is a dried "grape," just as "jerky" is dried "meat."
Example Question #6 : Other Analogies
Complete this analogy.
Academic is to professor as student is to __________.
An “academic” is another name for a “professor,” so to solve this analogy you have to determine the best synonym for “student.” The correct answer is “apprentice,” which means someone who works under and learns from someone else. To provide further help, a “garrison” is a group of troops left behind to defend something; a “metropolis” is a city, the prefix metro- often means related to cities; an “apothecary” is a pharmacy.
All SSAT Elementary Level Verbal Resources