Award-Winning Tutors serving Moorestown, NJ

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Varsity Tutors has been amazing since the initial phone call! They’ve made a huge difference in the success of my daughter becoming more confident and more knowledgeable in her studies.

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I’m so impressed! Varsity Tutors worked with me to get a package to fit my needs, they’re always friendly and available, and I have the best tutor. I couldn’t ask for anything more!

— Sandy

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My son has a learning disability, and his tutor is very patient with him. He is engaged 100% of the time. Varsity Tutors knows exactly what they are doing!

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Our son’s tutor took time to understand his learning style and helped him improve by two letter grades!

— Pinkney

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My tutor helped me understand all the laws of physics and kinematic equations in a short time frame. I highly recommend Varsity Tutors to anyone struggling in any subject.

— Diego

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We know every student is unique. And they deserve a tutoring experience as unique as their needs. With thousands of tutors available, we're confident to find the one best for you.


Private Tutoring in Moorestown, NJ

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best tutors in Moorestown, NJ work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Moorestown Tutoring FAQ

Moorestown, New Jersey, is home to about 21,000 residents, and is located in Burlington County. The area has been inhabited by European settlers since 1682, making Moorestown an integral part of American history. The town itself is named for Thomas Moore - some urban legends say the Moore of the town's founding is the poet Thomas Moore, but in actuality, the founder was a different Thomas Moore, who opened a hotel there in 1722. Moorestown has been named one of the Top 100 Best Places to Live in America by Money Magazine. This ranking is in part because the town has abundant jobs and a low cost of living, but also because of its proximity to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which is less than 15 miles away, over the Delaware River.

The Moorestown Township Public Schools provide four elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school to students in the area. Moorestown High School is one of the top ranked secondary institutions in the state of New Jersey, while Quaker-run Moorestown Friends School offers top-notch private secondary education. As a student in Moorestown, it is important to maintain a competitive GPA and high test scores, since your schools are some of the best in the state. One-on-one tutoring in Moorestown, NJ, can potentially help you do well in your classes and exams. Not only can you get ahead in your grade school classes with the help of a Moorestown tutor, you can also work on test-taking strategies to help you with the ACT and SAT, so you could get into a fantastic nearby college. With so many large cities like Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York City, and Washington, DC, within easy commuting distance, you have great options for higher education. Some of these include Lincoln Technical Institute in Moorestown, the University of Pennsylvania, and Carnegie Mellon University. To try to get an edge on the competition and potentially increase your chances of getting into the best schools, the Moorestown, NJ, tutors specialize in private test prep tutoring and instruction, both online and in-home.

With so many great cities nearby, there are many educational and historic attractions that can also further your academic career. The Perkins Center for the Performing Arts in Moorestown offers great live events, and outdoor fun can be had at Strawbridge Lake Park. Across the Delaware River, Philadelphia offers the National Museum of American Jewish History, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Academy of Natural Sciences. Independence National Historic Park is home to the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, two pivotal parts of American history. The Philadelphia Zoo and interactive attractions at the Please Touch Museum offer other educational opportunities for out-of-town visitors. 

You may enjoy working with Moorestown, NJ, tutors, who are happy to provide you with online tutoring and test prep assistance. A private Moorestown, NJ, tutoring session can give you expert in-home or online instruction to potentially help you improve in your test prep or course, so you can enhance your knowledge and get into a great Moorestown or Philadelphia school.

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent Moorestown Tutoring Session Notes

Tutoring review by Kelly in Moorestown, NJ
I helped the student for her upcoming test, and she seemed to be getting the material.  She has some conceptual issues with acceleration and sometimes gets lost when the problems get a little more complicated (not unusual).  I helped her develop a straightforward method to help her make baby steps when she is stuck.  Her algebra is good so I urged her to plug in her values at the end of the problem to help her diagnose problems if she gets a value that seems weird (I also taught her to make educated guesses to check herself).  She seems to have a good handle on it, she just wants more practice for herself before Tuesday.
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Tutoring review by Veena in Moorestown, NJ
The student seems highly motivated and interested in learning. He completed ten ISAT problems, started learning SETS, his homework on idioms, and worked on multiplication facts for the 7 times table. Moving forward, we'll continue to work on SETS and read a math book. The next session will be on Sunday at 1pm.
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Tutoring review by Michelle in Moorestown, NJ
The student and I worked on preparing him for his assessment test. We focused on the verbal and language sections of the test today. We reviewed analogies and used some sports analogies to learn the ways to dissect the question to find the answer. We also discussed testing strategies, including: getting plenty of rest the night before the test, eating a good breakfast, and taking your time on the questions. We also talked specifically about testing strategies to use with multiple choice tests, such as marking questions the student is not sure of to go back to at the end of the time period. Then we worked on vocabulary words. I told the student he needs to study the flashcards I gave him tonight and take the math portion of the practice test.
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Tutoring review by Amelia in Moorestown, NJ
Today we worked first on English. The vocabulary words (15) were not too complicated. We practiced these until the student knew them all. Then, we worked on Spanish. He had homework due based on the reading about Uruguay.
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Tutoring review by Alejandra in Moorestown, NJ
We went over the first part of the SAT math part. She seems to understand most of it. It was a very good time to review since it is material that she has not seen in quite some time.
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Tutoring review by Michael in Moorestown, NJ
Today we continued working on the student's final exam preparation by completing the study sheet provided by her teacher and filling out the sheet of notes that she is allowed to bring into the exam.  We reviewed several concepts in final preparation for her exam.
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(917) 215-4373
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