Award-Winning Tutors serving Pittsboro, IN

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Varsity Tutors has been amazing since the initial phone call! They’ve made a huge difference in the success of my daughter becoming more confident and more knowledgeable in her studies.

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Our son’s tutor took time to understand his learning style and helped him improve by two letter grades!

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My tutor helped me understand all the laws of physics and kinematic equations in a short time frame. I highly recommend Varsity Tutors to anyone struggling in any subject.

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Private Tutoring in Pittsboro, IN

Our interview process, stringent qualifications, and background screening ensure that only the best tutors in Pittsboro, IN work with Varsity Tutors. To assure a successful experience, you're paired with one of these qualified tutors by an expert director - and we stand behind that match with our money-back guarantee.

Receive personally tailored lessons from exceptional tutors in a one-on-one setting. We help you connect with the best tutor for your particular needs while offering flexible scheduling to fit your busy life.

Pittsboro Tutoring FAQ

Pittsboro has approximately 2,900 people. It is in Middle Township, IN, and was once called Pittsborough in honor of the founder's North Carolina Home.

Public secondary students from the area are now a part of the North West Hendricks School District, and most students will attend Tri-West Hendricks High School in nearby Lizton. Private Pittsboro tutoring, either online or in-home, is a great way to get supplemental custom-tailored instruction to help with your course or test prep. If you are worried about that big exam coming up, online and in-person tutoring in Pittsboro might help you improve in your test prep. Several excellent colleges can be found in the area, including Marian University in Indianapolis and DePauw University in Greencastle. A good way to take steps to try to get into the school of your choice is by using a private Pittsboro, IN, tutor who can offer you expert test prep instruction and tutoring, either in-home or online.

Many family-oriented activities are available in the area. Do you love to play golf? The Pittsboro Golf Course is an excellently maintained 9-hole course with a driving range to help you improve your game. If you would like a longer game, try the Quail Creek Golf Club. This 18-hole course is a local favorite, with some of the best greens in the entire area. A pro shop is available, along with a lounge that is a great spot to sit and eat a snack. The club is a perfect way to make new friends with similar interests. The Dr. Malcolm O. Scamahorn Park hosts fireworks on the Fourth of July, attracting people from all around the community to enjoy the show.

Many families also enjoy being able to go to the nearby town of Brownsburg to take advantage of the activities offered there. Brownsburg Bowl is the best bowling alley in the area, with well-maintained lanes to help you challenge friends or practice for tournament competition. Arbuckle Acres Park is the oldest park in town, with nearly everything you could ask for. It has a playground with equipment for people of all ages. Pickleball and tennis can both be played on the tennis courts, and a paved trail is available to walk on. Basketball courts and ball fields are both also available, letting you play a pick-up game with friends.

Are you trying to improve your grades and get the best scores possible? One-on-one tutoring in Pittsboro, IN, can potentially help you do well in your classes and exams.

Your Personalized Tutoring Program and Instructor

Identify Needs

Our knowledgeable directors help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.

Customize Learning

Your tutor can customize your lessons and present concepts in engaging easy-to-understand-ways.

Increased Results

You can learn more efficiently and effectively because the teaching style is tailored to you.

Online Convenience

With the flexibility of online tutoring, your tutor can be arranged to meet at a time that suits you.

Recent Pittsboro Tutoring Session Notes

Tutoring review by Brittany in Pittsboro, IN
*Reading comprehension worksheet *Review of parts of speech *Wrote a short story based on a description -Her writing and storytelling is steadily improving -Will continue to work on grammar *Despite our having worked extensively on multiplication and division, the student wants to continue practicing because she says she isn't able to answer problems as quickly as her classmates. Apparently, her class regularly plays games, etc. where they must answer questions quickly that involve multiplication and/or division. Therefore, we spent the second half of the session working on multiplication and division. We will work on these for a bit each session until they are etched in her memory.
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Tutoring review by Richard in Pittsboro, IN
We reviewed Inverse Trig functions (arcsin and arccos). We started with the definition of inverse, discussed how that differs from reciprocal functions (secant and cosecant), and worked through several problems. We also reviewed the student's homework.
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Tutoring review by Tami in Pittsboro, IN
We reviewed a couple of past quizzes. On one, the student missed a few questions regarding place value. The student knows his place values and is able to quickly tell me the relationship between each place. However, he stumbled a little when relating the concept to money. For example he wasn't sure if 10 nickels made a dollar or 10 dimes, a key concept needed for the problems missed. We reviewed the ways to make a dollar and practiced making 10% of different money amounts. We then reviewed identifying angles and triangle types. The student did well with picking the right and straight angles, as well as obvious obtuse angles, but angles around 100 to 115 degrees, he stumbled a bit and misidentified them as acute angles. We played a couple of online games geared toward angles and triangles and the student's confidence and answers improved. Lastly, we reviewed rounding for good measure. The student has certainly improved. He even recited the rules for rounding before we practiced.
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Tutoring review by John in Pittsboro, IN
The student and I went over sequences and series. We saw that a series was just a sum of consecutive terms of a sequence. I highlighted the four important formulas and derived them to deepen his understanding. We talked about how to use each formula and separated them into groups. Two of them were the explicit formulas and the other two were the series/sum formulas. Each group contained one formula for arithmetic sequences and one for geometric sequences. We practiced using the explicit formula to find the first term, the constant difference/ratio, or specific terms of sequences. We also practiced using the sum formulas to find the sum of a set of sequence terms. He was well-practiced before I got there, so we worked on a bunch of practice problems and some problems I wrote that were less conventional. Lastly, we worked on problems that required the use of both the explicit and sum formulas. To prevent confusion and remain focused on the goal, we worked on a couple skills to solve these problems. One of these skills involved equating the given information with the known equation to determine for what can we solve.
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Tutoring review by Daniel in Pittsboro, IN
The student and I worked on synthetic and long division and multiplying out polynomials. We worked on some problems by factoring out as well as through Pascal's triangle. I taught him of the general equation for (a+b)^2 and (a-b)^2 so he doesn't have to apply the FOIL method for those questions. I have been in contact with his teacher to see what he is and will be working on. Overall a good class.
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Tutoring review by Cassidy in Pittsboro, IN
I started the session by quizzing the student on the months of the year and gave her a dictation. She did really well (improved a lot) and only got one month wrong. Then we spent the remainder of the session (about an hour) reading. She did well. For homework, I gave her a few spelling exercises.
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