U.S. History : US History

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Us History

To what does the term Poverty Point Culture refer?

Possible Answers:

A pre-historic North American society of which evidence has been found, dating to about 2200-650 BCE

None of these

The culture of the very earliest European settlements in North America

The culture that develops in economically disadvantaged areas

Correct answer:

A pre-historic North American society of which evidence has been found, dating to about 2200-650 BCE


Poverty point culture is a term for a group of Ancient North American people from the Archaic Era. Evidence of the group has been found in many sites, but is concentrated around Poverty Point, Louisiana. Artifacts of this culture include clay pottery, intricate stone beads, crude representational human figures, and stone cooking balls.

Example Question #2 : Us History

The Great Peacemaker (often called Dekanawida) was most notable for _________________.

Possible Answers:

his role in the long-standing conflict with Western settlers in the 19th century

his role in the formation of the US Bureau of Indian Affairs

None of these

his prominent role in the creation of the Iroquois Confederacy, which united the five largest Iroquois-speaking tribes

Correct answer:

his prominent role in the creation of the Iroquois Confederacy, which united the five largest Iroquois-speaking tribes


The Great Peacemaker was the key figure in the formation of the Iroquois Confederacy, which socially and politically unified the five largest Iroquois-speaking tribes. Historians estimate that this occurred sometime in the 12th century CE. He is worshipped by many North American members of the Baha'i faith.

Example Question #1 : History From 1755 1800

In what year did Congress pass the Judiciary Act, which established the federal judiciary?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



The Judiciary Act is often called the Judiciary Act of 1789. It is a seminal piece of legislation that forms the underpinning of key aspects of the United States judiciary.

Example Question #2 : History From 1755 1800

What was the name of the first federal tax imposed on a domestic product?

Possible Answers:

The Whiskey Tax

The Tea Tax

The Stamp Tax

The Federal Income Tax

Correct answer:

The Whiskey Tax


The first federal tax imposed on a domestically produced good was The Whiskey Tax of 1791. The colonists did not take kindly to this initial foray into basic federal taxation, and quickly mounted an armed resistance known as the Whiskey Rebellion. 

Example Question #1 : History From 1801 1848

The Bureau of Indian Affairs was formed in what year and as a division of what department? 

Possible Answers:

1824 . . . War

1955 . . . Health

1955 . . . Education

1824 . . . Health

Correct answer:

1824 . . . War


The Bureau of Indian Affairs (initially named the Office of Indian Affairs) was created (without congressional approval) in 1824, and was under the purview of the Secretary of War. While the Bureau has (ineffectually) tried to transition into a more progressive agency focused on providing healthcare to disempowered indigenous communities, it was initially, and for the vast majority of its history) an extremely insensitive institution focused on forcing assimilation on Native American communities.

Example Question #2 : History From 1801 1848

Who was the first active president to publicly espouse views in line with the idea of Manifest Destiny?

Possible Answers:

Andrew Jackson

Martin Van Buren

George Washington

John Quincy Adams

Correct answer:

Andrew Jackson


Andrew Jackson, as evidenced by his horrifying Indian Removal Policy, was an early and enthusiastic supporter of the (highly ontologically and ethically suspect) doctrine of Manifest Destiny. Van Buren succeeded Jackson as president, and John Quincy Adams preceded him. The notion of Manifest Destiny had not come into the popular imagination during Washington's presidency.

Example Question #3 : Us History

In what year and for what reason was the Secret Service founded?

Possible Answers:

1865; in order to protect the legitimacy of United States currency against rampant forgery

1865; in order to protect the President of the United States

1912; in order to protect the legitimacy of United States currency against rampant forgery

1912; in order to protect the President of the United States

Correct answer:

1865; in order to protect the legitimacy of United States currency against rampant forgery


The initial goal of the Secret Service was to fight a rampant tide of currency forgery in the late 19th century. After its founding the Secret Service wound up investigating all manner of Federal crimes (until the founding of the FBI), and undertook the protection of the President.

Example Question #4 : Us History

Which of these countries recognized the Confederacy as a nation?

Possible Answers:


None of these; no foreign nation recognized the Confederacy as a legitimate nation



Correct answer:

None of these; no foreign nation recognized the Confederacy as a legitimate nation


The Confederacy was never recognized internationally as a legitimate nation. All diplomatic relations during its existence were conducted with the existent United States diplomatic and administrative institutions.

Example Question #1 : The Civil War

What was the name of the ship that fired the last shot of the Civil War?

Possible Answers:

USS Shenandoah

CSS Shenandoah

USS Grant

CSS Grant

Correct answer:

CSS Shenandoah


CSS stands for Confederate States Ship. It was the designation given to all Confederate war ships. The Shenandoah was also known as Sea King when it was first launched (on a mission to Australia) in 1863; it was recomissioned in 1864 as the Shenandoah, and was primarily used as a commercial raider. The infamous last shot of the Civil War was fired by the Shenandoah across the bow of a merchant whaling vessel.

Example Question #1 : History From 1945 Present

The current mandate of the Secret Service is to _______________.

Possible Answers:

to provide oversight for other national security agencies

investigate financial crimes

ensure the safety of current and former U.S leaders

ensure the safety of current and former U.S leaders and to investigate financial crimes

Correct answer:

ensure the safety of current and former U.S leaders and to investigate financial crimes


Currently, the Secret Service has a specifically two-pronged mandate: to investigate financial crimes and to protect government leaders, both current and former. The Secret Service used to investigate all manner of federal crimes, but has had its scope limited by the introduction of other federal policing agencies like the FBI, ATF, and IRS.

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