1st Grade Science : Sound and Vibration

Study concepts, example questions & explanations for 1st Grade Science

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Sound And Vibration

Which investigation provides evidence relating to sound and vibrations?

Investigation 1: Jack hits a tuning fork on a desk and watches it move back and forth and hears a noise when he moves close. Jack observes a still tuning fork and hears nothing.

Investigation 2: Amber feels rumbling and hears growling in her stomach so she eats mac and cheese for lunch.

Possible Answers:

Investigation 2

Neither investigation

Investigation 1

Correct answer:

Investigation 1


Investigation 1 provides evidence that there is a relationship between sound and vibrations. The tuning fork is moving back and forth (vibrating) and a sound was made. Jack is able to see the vibrations and then hear a notice when he makes his observations. This shows a link between sound and vibration.

Example Question #1 : Provide Evidence Relating Sound And Vibrations

Which investigation does NOT provide evidence relating to sound and vibrations?

Investigation 1: Austin plays a song in the talent show with a guitar he's made. He put four rubber bands over the opening of an empty tissue box and plucks them. When they move it makes music.

Investigation 2: Kim treats her friends poorly and says mean things to them in the science lab. She was trying to hit them with the ruler and snap them with rubber bands. They asked her to stop.

Possible Answers:

Investigation 1

Neither investigation

Investigation 2

Correct answer:

Investigation 2


Investigation 2 does not provide evidence to sound and vibrations. There is a sound that takes place when the students ask Kim to stop or when she is saying mean things, but there is no evidence of vibrations that we can see. Investigation 1 includes information about the rubber bands moving when plucked and that this creates music. This investigation does provide proof of sound and vibrations being related.

Example Question #3 : Sound And Vibration

Mrs. Allen's science class took four different objects and hit them on a table. They observed the objects to see if they made a noise or moved when struck.

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Which object(s) would show evidence of vibrations and sound having a relationship?

Possible Answers:

The rubber ball and t-shirt

The pencil and t-shirt

The ruler and pencil

Correct answer:

The ruler and pencil


The ruler and pencil both show there is a relationship between sound and vibrations. Those two objects were the only to make a noise AND vibrate. As scientific thinkers, the students might connect that noises happen where there are vibrations, which is true.

Example Question #4 : Sound And Vibration

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Why did the ruler hanging off the table make a noise when struck?

Possible Answers:

No one can tell why it made a noise.

It was able to vibrate.

It was not able to vibrate.

Correct answer:

It was able to vibrate.


The ruler hanging off the table made a noise because it could vibrate when struck. There is a relationship between the two, vibrations cause sound and sound cause vibrations.

Example Question #5 : Sound And Vibration

What is evidence? Example: Mrs. Jacobs required us to write down the evidence we found to support our answer.

Possible Answers:

Evidence is used to support ideas, arguments, opinions, and thoughts.

Evidence is a way to record data in a fancy way.

Evidence is the scientist's opinion about what happened in an experiment.

Correct answer:

Evidence is used to support ideas, arguments, opinions, and thoughts.


In science, data and observations are collected and used as evidence to support or not support a hypothesis (what the scientist thought was going to happen). Evidence is used to support ideas, arguments, opinions, and thoughts. A scientist cannot make a claim without evidence to support it.

Example Question #6 : Sound And Vibration

Mr. Petersen covers a large bowl with plastic wrap. He puts rainbow sprinkles on top of the plastic. The class observes that the sprinkles are just sitting on the plastic. He leaned down and made a loud, humming sound right next to the sprinkles. The sprinkles started to jump around! He repeated the humming, and the class wrote down their observations.

Which two sentences provide evidence that relates sound and vibrations?

Possible Answers:

The class observes that the sprinkles are just sitting on the plastic. He leaned down and made a loud humming sound right next to the sprinkles.

He leaned down and made a loud humming sound right next to the sprinkles. The sprinkles started to jump around!

Mr. Petersen covers a large bowl with plastic wrap. He puts rainbow sprinkles on top of the plastic.

Correct answer:

He leaned down and made a loud humming sound right next to the sprinkles. The sprinkles started to jump around!


The two sentences that provide evidence that sound and vibrations are related are "He leaned down and made a loud humming sound right next to the sprinkles. They started to jump around!". These sentences show the teacher making a humming noise (sound) and the sprinkles moving around (vibrations). The vibrations and sound waves in the air from the humming move the sprinkles.

Example Question #7 : Sound And Vibration

What are vibrations? Example: The rubber band's vibrations caused a sound to be heard.

Possible Answers:

Vibrations are a better way to write things down.

Vibrations are small repeating movements.

Vibrations are large animals.

Correct answer:

Vibrations are small repeating movements.


Vibrations are rapid back-and-forth movements. They are small and repeat many times. In the example, the rubber band was vibrating. This would happen if stretched and then pulled. You could see the rubber band move back and forth.

Example Question #71 : Physical Science

Sadie and Allison have to plan a science investigation that will provide evidence of the relationship between sound and vibrations. Which plan would be the best choice?

Possible Answers:

Yell very loudly across a football field. Observe what happens.

Play the radio quietly, then turn it up loudly. Observe what happens.

Pluck a rubber band that is wrapped around an empty tissue box. Observe what happens.

Correct answer:

Pluck a rubber band that is wrapped around an empty tissue box. Observe what happens.


The best plan to show a relationship between sound and vibrations would be to pluck the rubber band wrapped around an empty tissue box. When plucked students can observe the movement of the rubber bad and hear the sound that is produced. This would be evidence that sound and vibrations are related.

Example Question #9 : Sound And Vibration

Sound and vibrations are separate and have no relationship.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



This statement is not true. Sound and vibrations are very much related, and they have a cause and effect relationship. Sound can cause vibrations, and vibrations can create sound.

Example Question #10 : Provide Evidence Relating Sound And Vibrations

Evidence from investigations can show the relationship between sound and vibrations.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



One of the main ways to show if something is supported or not is to gather evidence. When conducting an investigation, data is collected, and scientists can make conclusions about what happened. Planning and conducting an investigation is a great way to show the relationship between sound and vibrations.

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