AP Art History : Answering other questions about Ancient Grecian and Roman sculpture

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Example Questions

Example Question #1 : Answering Other Questions About Ancient Grecian And Roman Sculpture

Ancient Greek and Roman statuary was usually painted with __________.

Possible Answers:


black accents

muted tones

polychrome colors

Correct answer:

polychrome colors


Ancient Greek and Roman statues and architecture were, in their original form, painted in vivid polychrome colors. These bright colors, which decorated every aspect of 3D art in antiquity, largely faded by the time of a renewal in interest in classical art, during the eighteenth century. As such, many enlightenment-era figures wished to preserve the "pristine," but inauthentic, look of unpainted marble.

Example Question #2 : Answering Other Questions About Ancient Grecian And Roman Sculpture

Nike Adjusting Her Sandal, from the facade of the Temple of Athena Nike on the Athenian Acropolis, shows a woman, clearly outlined by realistic drapery, leaning to adjust her sandal.

The Nike came from which of the following artistic traditions?

Possible Answers:

Imperial Rome

Classical Greece

Hellenistic Greece

Medieval Britain 

Macedonian Empire

Correct answer:

Classical Greece


The piece Nike Adjusting Her Sandal is Classical Greek, as it comes from the temple of Athena Nike on the Athenian Acropolis, built in the fourth century. You can see the proportions of the figure clearly, as well, which is a hallmark of the period.

Example Question #1 : Sculpture

What was the principle material used by sculptors in the Classical period in Greece?

Possible Answers:






Correct answer:



The key feature of ancient Greek sculpture was the monumental size of most of their pieces, as well as the dramatic depiction of heroes and gods. The statues therefore needed to be made of an extremely sturdy and dependable material. Marble proved the most durable and popular material among ancient Greek sculptors not just for the mentioned reasons, but because of its abundance in Greek lands.

Example Question #674 : Ap Art History

During which period of Ancient Greek art did the Greeks begin carving in stone to make sculptures?

Possible Answers:

The Geometric period

The Protogeometric period

The Archaic period

The Hellenistic period

The Classical period

Correct answer:

The Archaic period


The Geometric and Protogeometric were periods of Ancient Greek pottery. Sculpture in Ancient Greece consisted of three periods: the Archaic, the Classical and the Hellenistic periods. The first period of Ancient Greek sculpture, the Archaic period, is known as the period in which the Ancient Greek first began to sculpt and carve in stone.

Example Question #2 : Answering Other Questions About Ancient Grecian And Roman Sculpture

It is often observed that ancient Roman sculpture and architecture was derivative or exactly copied from which ancient civilization's sculpture and architecture?

Possible Answers:

None of the other answers is correct.

Mesopotamian sculpture and architecture

Ancient Greek sculpture and architecture

Ancient Egyptian sculpture and architecture

Byzantine sculpture and architecture

Correct answer:

Ancient Greek sculpture and architecture


If you compare ancient Roman and ancient Greek sculpture and architecture, you will be able to observe that there are an overwhelming amount of similarities. Some scholars have even accused the ancient Romans of being narrow-minded and limited in imagination, due to their reliance on copying ancient Greek art. In fact, many exact copies of ancient Greek sculptures were crafted by the ancient Romans.

Example Question #3 : Answering Other Questions About Ancient Grecian And Roman Sculpture

Religious art was of extreme importance in ancient Roman society and culture. Every ancient Roman temple housed at least one __________, which was an important part of worship.

Possible Answers:


statue of a deity


bust or portraiture of a deity


Correct answer:

statue of a deity


Nearly every—if not every—ancient Roman temple housed at least one statue of a deity. Although Roman temples often had many similar characteristics, the divine statues were the most important attribute, as they were to be worshiped and revered. Divine statues were followed closely in importance only by the ancient Roman altar.

Example Question #677 : Ap Art History

Both the Anavysos kouros and the "Peplos" kore demonstrate which of the following?

Possible Answers:

The commemoration of a war hero/heroine

The prominent use of the archaic smile and stylized hairstyles

The dynamic addition of contrapposto

The representation of a god/goddess

The shift toward more lifelike rendering of the human body

Correct answer:

The shift toward more lifelike rendering of the human body


In comparison to earlier examples of kouroi and korai, the Anavysos kouros and the "Peplos" kore (both made c. 530 BCE) are much more naturalistic in their depictions of the human body, especially evident in the softer facial features and the more fleshy musculature.

Example Question #4 : Answering Other Questions About Ancient Grecian And Roman Sculpture

Statue augustus

The cuirass, or breastplate, of the Augustus of Prima Porta indicates that the subject __________________.

Possible Answers:

created artistic schools

pursued scholarly interests

led troops in battle

had divine properties

Correct answer:

led troops in battle


The breastplate on the Augustus of Prima Porta is a classic Roman cuirass, a specific type of highly decorated armor worn by generals. Augustus’ cuirass depicts a wide range of his military accomplishments, showing his strength as a commander and leader of troops. This more orderly and earthly element is intentionally placed with more divine attributes, such as the sculpture portraying Augustus barefoot.

Image accessed through Wikipedia Media Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Statue-Augustus.jpg

Example Question #8 : Answering Other Questions About Ancient Grecian And Roman Sculpture

Banditaccia sarcofago degli sposi

The work of art shown here was created to serve the purpose of ___________________.

Possible Answers:

decorating a temple

honoring a political leader

representing a deity

holding human remains

Correct answer:

holding human remains


The work shown here is a sarcophagus, an earthenware box built to contain human remains. The Sarcophagus of the Spouses was an Etruscan funerary monument, built to depict the married couple whose cremated remains were forever placed together in the work of art. The Etruscan sculptural tradition was highly influential on Roman sculpture, particularly portraits to honor the deceased.

Image accessed through Wikipedia Media Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Louvre-Lens_-_Les_Étrusques_et_la_Méditerranée_-_191_-_Paris,_musée_du_Louvre,_DAGER,_Cp_5194_(Sarcophage_des_Époux)_(A).JPG

Example Question #3 : Answering Other Questions About Ancient Grecian And Roman Sculpture

Sculptural portraits during the Republican period in Rome emphasized _______________ characteristics.

Possible Answers:

realistic individual

idealistic group

fantastical individual

fantastical group

Correct answer:

realistic individual


Roman sculptures were mainly realistic and individualistic during the Republican Time period. During this period, the Romans overthrew the previous Roman kingdom. The focus on individuals represented the changing focus away from the idea of a royal kingdom towards the focus of the real individuals in the kingdom fighting for freedom. The fantasy world of the royals was quickly replaced by a very real Republic filled with individuals concerned about their rights. Their art at the time reflected these feelings.

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