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Example Questions
Example Question #4 : Contemporary Urban Issues
Counter urbanization is most likely to occur in __________.
rural communities
moderately developed regions
highly developed regions
highly undeveloped regions
None of these answers are correct.
highly developed regions
“Counter urbanization” refers to the process by which a significant portion of the population of an urban center starts to migrate away from the city to live in suburbs or rural areas. This of course cannot happen without large-scale urbanization and the acquisition of wealth so it is most likely to occur in highly developed regions.
Example Question #71 : Cities & Urban Land Use
The term __________ is applied to young people who move back into inner city areas and away from suburbs in search of close proximity to work and entertainment.
The term “yuppie” is a reasonably modern term that is derived from “young professional.” It is a term usually applied to young, reasonably affluent people who move from the suburbs into inner city areas in search of close proximity to work and entertainment.
Example Question #71 : Cities & Urban Land Use
An exurbanite is someone who __________.
migrates to different cities to find seasonal work
has left the inner city to live in the suburbs
lives in the suburbs, but works in the city
has left the suburbs to live in the inner city
lives in the city, but works in the suburbs
has left the inner city to live in the suburbs
An “exurbanite” is someone who has left the inner city to live in the suburbs. It may also describe people who used to live in the city in general who have moved to rural areas. Someone who works in the city and lives in the suburbs is called a "suburbanite."
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