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Our free AP Microeconomics Practice Tests are each a selection of 10 to 12 questions, which will give you a cross-section of topics from the Microeconomics section of the official AP. You might think of them as little quizzes, which you can use to hone your skills.
Before Test Day
What is the AP Microeconomics exam?
In general, the AP program provides students who are academically well-prepared to engage in college-level studies while still in high school. Each course is modeled on a comparable college course. Successfully demonstrating your mastery of the coursework can earn you college credit, advanced placement, or both. The AP Microeconomics course aims to provide the student with a similar learning experience to a typical college introductory course in microeconomics. More detail regarding the content covered is below.
What topics or subject areas does the AP Microeconomics exam cover?
The following are the four major topic areas a student should learn in an AP Microeconomics course that will be tested on the exam. Next to the topic title is the approximate percentage of the multiple choice section of the exam devoted to each area.
Basic Economic Concepts (8-14%)
Including scarcity, opportunity cost, and different economic systems
The Nature and Function of Product Markets (55-70%)
Including supply and demand, consumer choice theory, and firm behavior
Factor Markets (10-18%)
Including decisions in the market for labor and capital
Market Failure and the Role of Government (12-18%)
Including externalities, public goods, and public policy
How is the AP Microeconomics exam structured?
Each exam includes a 70-minute, 60-question multiple choice section and a 60-minute free response section. The free response section will include two shorter essays and one longer one. The 60 minutes for the free response period begins with a 10 minute reading period. During this time students should read the questions, sketch graphs, makes notes, and plan answers.
The final score is weighted 2/3 to the multiple choice section and 1/3 to the free response.
How much does it cost to take the AP Microeconomics exam?
It currently costs $89 for each AP exam. There is a fee reduction available, the primary criteria for which is being enrolled in or eligible for the Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program. The details may vary by state and the amount of the fee reduction is still being finalized by the College Board for 2014.
When can I take the AP Microeconomics exam?
In 2014, the exam is offered on Thursday, May 15.
How should I study for the AP Microeconomics exam?
Don’t wait for the test date to be near to start preparing. Review the material from your AP course early on to reinforce what you are learning. Sample multiple choice and free response questions are available for practice. You should try to closely replicate test conditions, taking a practice exam in a timed, distraction-free setting at least once before you take the actual exam.
Begin your review by taking a free Full-Length AP Microeconomics Practice Test. Each complete test spans the entire range of topics you may encounter on the real exam. These longer form tests also gives you the chance to see how you pace yourself and get familiar with the test’s length and scope. Just like the one for the shorter practice tests, the results pages for the complete practice tests include extensive explanations and additional information relevant to each question. The free online practice tests for AP Microeconomics can also help you to fine-tune your review plan. They’ll show you which concepts you know, and those you’ll want to spend a little time on. You can take advantage of any of the other Learning Tools to review as you work toward test day, and check your progress by taking another Full-Length AP Microeconomics Practice Test.
Use these practice tests to get a sense of how you might do on the AP Microeconomics exam. Each test covers a variety of subjects found on the AP Microeconomics exam. You can use this tool to help identify specific subjects for review, allowing you to focus your studying and improve your understanding of AP Microeconomics. You can also use Varsity Tutors’ other free AP Microeconomics resources to help you study, such as free AP Microeconomics Diagnostic Tests, free AP Microeconomics Flashcards, and free AP Microeconomics Questions of the Day. Our free AP Microeconomics resources are written by teachers, professors, content specialists, and tutors. Explanations are given for each question, so if you miss a question, you can find out where you went wrong.
On Test Day
What should I bring to the AP Microeconomics exam?
A number 2 pencil is required for the multiple choice section. The free response section is required to be written in black or blue ink. Students should bring several pens and pencils. Students may also bring a watch in case they cannot easily see the clock in the room of the test.
Are calculators allowed on the AP Microeconomics exam?
No, calculators of any kind are not permitted.
Should I guess if I don’t know an answer on the AP Microeconomics exam?
Yes, points are not deducted for incorrect answers or given out for unanswered questions on the AP exam; however, as a general test-taking strategy, you should try to eliminate one or more answers you are confident are incorrect. Budget your time wisely, remembering you have a little more than one minute per multiple choice question. If you are stuck and cannot eliminate any wrong answers, feel free to guess and move onto other questions, coming back only if you have time.
How should I answer the free response questions on the AP Microeconomics exam?
Keep your answers clear and concise. Long paragraphs and even complete sentence responses are not always necessary. Pay close attention to the wording of the prompts. “Show” means use a diagram to illustrate your answer. “Explain” means to take the reader through all the steps in a line of economic reasoning. “Identify” means a specific answer that doesn’t require additional elaboration. “Calculate” means use math to end up at a specific numerical response, showing your steps along the way.
After Test Day
How soon after the AP Microeconomics exam can I see my score?
Scores will be available online in July, regardless of the date you took the exam. You must have an online College Board account to access scores. Students will no longer receive a paper copy of scores through the mail.
How do I send my AP Microeconomics exam score to colleges?
On exam day you can elect one college to send your score to for free. Sending your score to additional colleges can be done online through the College Board service or by sending a written request to AP Services. The fee is $15 for regular processing, $25 for rush.
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